Specialized Legal Language — Guided AI
For legal regulation of behavior of artificial intelligence (AI), it is proposed, based onthe structural similarity between the law and computer software, to make the legalprofession a mandatory party to the design and development of artificial intelligencesystems, with a special object-oriented legal language to be developed. In discussingthe core elements of such a language, it is underlined that AI should be able toindependently formulate and describe its purposes in the same object-orientedlanguage to ensure feedback between AI and developers/users. It is demonstratedon the example of regulations and state standards adopted in Russia for driverlessvehicles, that developing an AI-specific legal language is a complex task, includingsince contextual gradation is needed to formalize legal judgments. The emergenceof a family of object-oriented legal languages is predicted. The issue of creating anAI theory designed to explain the data and facts to be handled by strong AI is raised.It is suggested to adjust the AI definition in the approved guidelines and strategiesto describe AI as a system searching for solutions outside a preset algorithm but notexcluding the use of algorithms altogether. The importance of algorithms for AI isdemonstrated, with strong AI interpreted as systems guided by an object-orientedlanguage. The differences between strong AI and man are analyzed. With regard toAI capable of responsible behavior, the internal representation of the outside worldand itself is discussed for consistency of input data. It is concluded that inevitableconceptual, linguistic and practical problems to be faced by lawyers involved in thedevelopment of strong AI should not hold back the “juridification of AI design”.
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