Approbation of Expanded Cultural Intelligence Scale in Russian
The paper presents the results of approbation of the Expanded Cultural Intelligence Scale in Russia. Due to the growing intercultural interaction in a modern global society, it becomes important to study personal characteristics that ensure success during intercultural communication. Cultural intelligence is the capability of an individual to act and communicate effectively in culturally diverse settings. According to the concept of C. Earley and S. Ang, cultural intelligence consists of four factors: metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioral. Differentiated structure of each factor of cultural intelligence, proposed later, enabled a more detailed study of this phenomenon. 1545 respondents completed the Russian version of the E-CQS. According to the results of our approbation, the E-CQS can be considered a reliable and valid psychodiagnostic tool in Russia. Research on a representative Russian sample revealed good consistency and test-retest reliability of the E-CQS. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a factor structure, which is generally consistent with the original English version. Results on convergent and discriminant validity are in line with published data about the correlation of the main scales of the E-CQS with personal traits measured by the Big Five. Also, new data were obtained on the relationship between cultural intelligence and intercultural sensitivity, tolerance and hardiness. The E-CQS can be used in studies of intercultural communication among Russian speakers.
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