Digitizing Law-Making at Federal Executive Agencies
With digital technologies gaining ground in all spheres of life across the world, the digitization is becoming especially relevant, only to require in-depth technical and legal analysis. Current digital development of public administration in Russia calls for a change of approach to drafting and adoption of regulations. Today’s technologies are expected not only to make sure that regulation is timely and complete, but that it is as efficient as possible in view of an enormous and ever growing number of tasks, as well as non-controversial and comfortable for all those involved in the law-making process. Annually the Justice Ministry and its territorial offices receive about 1 million draft regulations for anti-corruption and legal review and state registration at the relevant level. It is exactly for this reason that this paper purports to conduct a comprehensive analysis of digitization processes affecting law-making at federal executive agencies using the example of the state information system “National shared environment for collaboration between the parties to the law-making process” (SIS Normotvorchestvo) and to identify operational problems. The study aims to explore the current operational status of the system, analyze issues and constraints related to digitization of law-making, identify potential advantages and benefits to be gained via digitization, and to discuss further prospects. The methodological basis of the research includes formal legal method of inquiry as well as logical method allowing to present findings and draw conclusions; methods of analysis and synthesis; comparative legal method.
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