Keystroke Dynamics: Prospects for Comprehensive Law Regulation

Keywords: keystroke dynamics, digitalization of law, digital forensics, personal rights, biometric personal data, behavioral biometrics, state registration, computer forensics


The rapid digitalization of all spheres of society leads to the appearance of large volumes of typed texts, as well as the formation of the task of determining the performers of such texts. In this regard, it is necessary to develop applied research on keystroke dynamics, including through the prism of jurisprudence. Author of the article identifies sector of public relations related to ensuring the rights of citizens to personal and family secrets, the secrecy of correspondence; protection and processing of biometric personal data; state registration of persons based on their keystroke dynamics; disclosure and investigation of crimes in which typed texts are the subject of encroachment or the means of committing an illegal act; procedural proof of the involvement or non-involvement of a particular person with the creation of a typed text; as well as with the control of labor discipline and ensuring safety of production processes. In all these areas the beneficial fruits of processing keystroke dynamics is potentially high, that, however, is accompanied by significant risks of protecting information that is harmful to human persons. In this regard, author proposes models of regulatory regulation of all these areas in order to maintain a balance of public and private interests. The author's goal was to justify that the prompt resolution of the problematic issues raised would improve the effectiveness of law enforcement, protect the rights of citizens, and ensure the national security of the state. For this purpose, methods of logical definition of concepts, modeling, questioning, analysis and analogy, as well as systemic legal method were used. Conclusions were formulated about the prospects of both voluntary and mandatory state registration of users of computer devices and the Internet on the basis of their keystroke dynamics at the expense of the resources of the Center for Biometric Technologies. With the help of information from this database, as well as through investigative actions and operational search measures, it is possible to introduce keystroke dynamics into the field of forensic identification of the typist. To do this, it will be necessary to conduct a computer-technical examination, the results of that may be used as the basis for procedural evidence. Automated processing of information about keystroke dynamic can be used to monitor compliance with the work and rest regime by employees, independently fulfill their employer's orders, and prevent accidents at the workplace. Based on the totality of all the considered aspects, it is concluded there is a need for a deep understanding of keystroke dynamics in various fields of jurisprudence. It permits to form a regulatory system for the integrated regulation of public relations related to the processing of this phenomenon.

Author Biography

Anna Tsvetkova, Ural State Law University



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How to Cite
TsvetkovaA. (2024). Keystroke Dynamics: Prospects for Comprehensive Law Regulation. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 5(4), 46-72. Retrieved from
IT. Law. Human Rights