Acceptance of Goods and Services under the Contractual System: Regulation and Digitization Issues

  • Larisa Pakhomova Higher School of Economics
Keywords: acceptance of goods, e-certification, digital contract execution, digital solutions: contractual system, block chain for e-certification


It is relatively recently that the way goods and services (GS) are accepted in the contractual system has become a focal point of research. It was prompted by the changes to the contractual system law introduced mandatory e-certification since 1 January 2022. However, while the process of e-certification as enshrined now in the law on contractual relationships was in the limelight, the concept of e-acceptance, definitions of actual and documentary acceptance and other issues were largely left out. A study of how acceptance is regulated under the national law shows a lack of systemic approach to the e-certification procedure in the law on contractual relationships, a need to put in place an acceptance procedure and to ensure public and municipal customers’ satisfaction with the quality of goods and services they purchase. The paper provides an overview of research on specific aspects of GS acceptance in the contractual system and identifies its place in the process of contractual performance. It is proposed to have a special terminology in the effective contractual relationships law for defining GS acceptance based on its purpose and identifying structural elements. A new approach to contract execution regulating actual and documentary acceptance as part of e-certification needs to be adopted. With regard to digital solutions required for e-certification, technological aspects are discussed with a view to possible regulation. It is equally proposed to formalize e-certification in the contractual system as a possible model for applying the block chain technology for the public (municipal) procurement system. An analysis of digital processes that support e-certification in the contractual system suggests a need to provide a link between technological and legal aspects of e-certification. The author also proposes a number of block chain related issues to be discussed with relation to the e-certification system. 


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Author Biography

Larisa Pakhomova, Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Business Law


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How to Cite
PakhomovaL. (2024). Acceptance of Goods and Services under the Contractual System: Regulation and Digitization Issues. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 5(1), 19-36.