Children and Internet: Cyber Threats Sorts and Ways of Protection

  • Rina Khisamova National Research State Civil Engineering University
Keywords: digitalization, children’s rights, Internet, protection, cyber threats, information society, risks content, contact risks, digital self-protection, knowledge society


Digital transformation of contemporary reality encompasses practically all spheres of human life including children. In the article the author studies the risks that digitalization creates for children, identifies the main types of cyber threats posing a risk to children’s normal development, and looks at the legal remedies available today to protect against such risks. The article begins with a study of the specific features of a child’s legal personality, the landmarks in the history of recognizing the child as a self-standing legal subject, and the child’s legal status characteristics. In particular, the article points to the principle of ‘evolving capacities of the child’ as the key feature of the child’s legal status that implies gradual expansion of the child’s legal capacity commensurate with the child’s coming of age. The author notes that since this principle has been adopted in other branches of law, it must be likewise implemented in the information law because the Internet space has an enormous influence on children’s development that must not remain unaddressed by the legislator or stay outside the regulatory environment. Applying general and special research methods, including the formal logic and the comparative analysis methods, the author gives a brief overview of current government, non-government and private means and methods of protecting children’s rights on the Internet, and notes that combination of all the available methods provides the best results. To ensure functioning of the mechanism for the protection of children’s rights in the Internet, the author suggests to take into consideration the special aspect of the child’s legal status: the child’s legal capacity gradually evolves, and the child receives legal capacity to independently exercise rights in the digital environment. The author recommends to seek ways and means to ensure a balance between the public and the private to protect children in conditions of a rapid growth of information and communication technologies.

Author Biography

Rina Khisamova, National Research State Civil Engineering University



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How to Cite
Khisamova R. (2023). Children and Internet: Cyber Threats Sorts and Ways of Protection. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 4(2), 122-141.