Features of Tax Regulation of the IT Industry in the Russian Federation and EAEU states

Keywords: IT-industry, IT-company, tax regulation, taxation, special economic zones, high technology park


The article discusses the features of the application by the Russian Federation and the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, mechanisms of tax incentives for the development of the domestic IT industry. Tax incentives, a simplified taxation system and the taxation regime in the territory of the Special Economic Zones (SEZ), High-Tech Park (HTP) are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the procedure for access and accreditation of companies for the opportunity to work in the territory of the SEZ or HTP with the use of a preferential tax regime. The article concludes that states as a whole apply all tax incentive mechanisms in a complex: tax incentives, a simplified taxation system, SEZ, HTP, however, there are differences in their use, which ultimately affects the level of stimulation of domestic IT industries. Russia uses a selective and differentiated approach, that is why most companies in the field are cut off from the preferential tax regime. The EAEU countries have developed more positive experience in this matter due to the simplification of the registration procedure required to enter the preferential zones, both for domestic and foreign IT companies and the admission to the HTP and SEZ of individuals specialists. The access of foreign companies from friendly countries as residents in the territory of the Russian SEZ will facilitate the introduction of new information technologies and the exchange of experience with domestic companies. The thesis is also substantiated that for a holistic and systematic stimulation of the development of the domestic IT industry, it seems inappropriate to differentiate companies into Software Company (companies specializing in high technologies) and companies not specializing in such technologies. Special attention is drawn to the need to expand the list of types of IT-activities that provide access to domestic companies to the mechanism of preferential taxation. The article notes that the experience of tax incentives for the IT industry in the EAEU countries shows that the approach used makes it possible to unite the majority of domestic companies and specialists — individuals in the territory of a separate free economic zone or HTP, that is beneficial both for the companies themselves and individuals from — for preferential taxation, and to the state, which keeps them records and records of their IT products and discoveries. In the Russian Federation IT companies, unless they are included in the SEZ, are fragmented and more difficult to control in this sense. In general, it is concluded that in Russia it is necessary to ensure the uniform application of tax incentives for the domestic IT industry throughout the territory, which will contribute to its development and growth of competitiveness in the international market.

Author Biographies

Maria Perepelitsa, Yeletsky Bunin State University

Doctor of Sciences (Law)


Victoria Mironchukovskaya, Yeletsky Bunin State University

Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy)


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How to Cite
PerepelitsaM., & MironchukovskayaV. (2023). Features of Tax Regulation of the IT Industry in the Russian Federation and EAEU states. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 4(2), 26-45. https://doi.org/10.17323/2713-2749.2023.2.26.45