State Regulation and Deregulation: A Case of the Communication Industry

  • Ludmila Tereschenko Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: communication industry, telecommunications, state regulation, self-regulation, deregulation, gap, telecom operator


The paper is focused at the correlation of state regulation and deregulation in the communication industry. The regulation of major sectors such as the communication industry should be up to the challenges of today. In the current context of building a new digital economy and reducing administrative barriers, a special importance is attached to how state regulation and deregulation correlate in the communication industry. The paper provides an analysis of regulation in the industry to identify the sectors may be excluded from state regulation or may benefit from self-regulation or deregulation. It purports to identify (based on analytical findings) the existing trends in the way the public authorities use regulation and deregulation in the communication industry. With this purpose, the author studied possible vectors of deregulation and reviewed the sectors that were more deeply deregulated and those that could benefit from both regulation and deregulation. With the communication industry constantly progressing and the technologies improved, new social relationships not covered by regulation and not subject to deregulation emerge. Thus, the paper also deals with the problem of legal gaps. The methodology involved is a combination of academic research methods, with both general and special (including formal legal and technical) methods used. The research findings are summarized in the form of short conclusions.

Author Biography

Ludmila Tereschenko, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Honorary Lawyer of Russia, Senior Researcher,
Doctor of Sciences (Law).


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How to Cite
TereschenkoL. (2022). State Regulation and Deregulation: A Case of the Communication Industry. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 3(4), 52-66.