Internet of Things: Issues Related to the Definition

  • Bogdan Dorofeev National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Internet, Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, Information Technology System, Remote Things Managing


It is well-known the Internet has become an important part of social life, social and interpersonal communication, a convenient form and a necessary condition for the successful functioning of the economy, the media, and civil society. At the same time, developing technologically and functionally, the Internet generates new technical solutions and new opportunities, leading to the formation of new concepts and terms based on the technological properties of the Internet. One of such new solutions is the emergence of the Internet of Things, a complex technological, technical and economic-legal phenomenon. While a comprehensive understanding of the essence of the Internet of Things is still largely being formed, there are already a number of controversial points and issues that require, among other things, scientific and legal discussions. This article is devoted to the concept of the Internet of Things, the analysis of its scope and content, the study of the meaning and purpose of the term “Internet of things”, its relationship with related concepts, and its role in law. Based on the study of the concepts of “Internet” and “things” included in the term “Internet of things”, considering the Internet of Things as a complex system, the author explores its elements, defining their definitions, goals, revealing the role in this system. According to the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the main content of the analyzed system is managing process carried out using Internet (as an information technology system) and special technical means. Based on this conclusion, based also on the analysis of the essence of the Internet, the term Internet of Things and the approaches presented earlier, the author proposes a generalized definition of the Internet of Things as a software and technological system for distant control of remote objects carried out in the interests of user using the Internet and the technical properties of managed objects that allow electronic data exchange.

Author Biography

Bogdan Dorofeev, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor


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How to Cite
DorofeevB. (2022). Internet of Things: Issues Related to the Definition. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 3(2), 4-48.