Understanding the Algorithm: Meaning, Socio-Legal Context and Concerns

  • Nabil Ahmad Afif Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Reeta Sony A.L. Jawaharlal Nehru University
Keywords: algorithms, technology, automated decision-making, algorithmic culture, bias, design


At present, algorithms are becoming the heart of society by taking control over the decision-making process as societies are increasingly getting digitalised. There is a consistent theme that an unaccountable, black box technology has taken over the stage and is now making decisions for us, with us, and about us. But the contention around public participation in making decisions in science and technology needs to advance to a stage where there is a more direct conversation between the public and those developing the technologies. With the above mentioned conception of moderating emerging technologies’ development, primarily digital technology due to its overreaching effects on humans and what humans interpret it to be. Firstly, the research through a literature survey is aimed to understand the meaning and nuances of the word algorithm. Then the analysis based on case study is focused on the algorithmic questions, such as bias, privacy, design, transparency, and accountability. In a larger context, concerns over jobs, ways of social interactions, etc., had been discussed, since these concerns are the result of the application of algorithms. The analysis of academic literature pointed out the vital facet of multiple understanding of the word algorithm. Further, the research also emphasizes the meaning of philosophy and politics in technology and its non-neutral nature.


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Author Biographies

Nabil Ahmad Afif, Jawaharlal Nehru University

PhD Scholar

Reeta Sony A.L., Jawaharlal Nehru University

Assistant Professor


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How to Cite
Nabil Ahmad Afif, & Reeta Sony A.L. (2021). Understanding the Algorithm: Meaning, Socio-Legal Context and Concerns. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 2(4), 70-97. https://doi.org/10.17323/2713-2749.2021.4.70.97