The Law of a Technogenic Civilization to Face Technological Dehumanization Challenges

  • Valentina Lapaeva Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: law, technogenic civilization, NBIC-technologies, editing the human genome, artificial intelligence, dehumanization, human rights, solidarity, future generations


Law as a regulatory system based on the principle of formal equality in freedom is a social phenomenon immanently inherent in a technogenic civilization with its cultural matrix, in which “gene” of techne (skill based on knowledge) was rooted. The specifics of the current stage in the technogenic civilization development are determined by NBIK technologies, NBIK technologies, which contain not only tremendous opportunities to improve the quality of human life, but also no less large-scale dangers of dehumanization, due to their intentions on the posthuman perspectives. The need to resist the destructive potential of these technologies in order to keep the techno humanitarian balance, which still protects humanity from self-destruction, requires the mobilization of all socio-normative resources, the most important of which is law.
However, the problem is modern law, being primarily a system of human rights, is not able to prevent threats to future generations and humanity as a whole. This is especially clearly seen in the example of research and technologies for inherited editing of the human genome, which development cannot be channeled into the mainstream of global legal regulation. The international norms of “soft law” and the world academic community self-regulation can no longer restrain technological expansion into human nature. An attempt to solve the problem along the path of a post-secular turn in the hope that religious consciousness will become that saving spiritual resource, which help humanity to keep its technological power within the proper boundaries, is unlikely to be successful due to the differences in religious anthropologies inherent in different types of religious ideologies. Therefore the task is to develop such a new approach to law understanding that goes beyond the technogenic civilization’s spiritual matrix, which, on the one hand, would preserve the basic guarantees of individual freedom, and on the other, would integrate the idea of the rights of future generations.


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Author Biography

Valentina Lapaeva, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Chief Researcher


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How to Cite
LapaevaV. (2021). The Law of a Technogenic Civilization to Face Technological Dehumanization Challenges. Legal Issues in the Digital Age, 2(3), 3-32.