• Vol 21 No 1 (2020)

    In this issue:

    Interview with John W. Meyer: If You Study Organizations You Should Not Believe in Them (interviewed by Elena Gudova)
    Emil Kamalov, Eduard Ponarin Subjective Well-being of Migrants in Russia: Effects of Regional Characteristics and Migration Legislation
    Philippe Van Parijs, Yannick Vanderborght Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy (excerpts)
    Andrey Zakharov, Kseniya Adamovich Regional Differences in Access to Educational Resources, Academic Results and Students’ Trajectories in Russia

  • Vol 20 No 5 (2019)

    In this issue

    An Interview with Joseph Vogl. Intellectual History and Political Economy of Modern Capitalism (interviewed by Ivan Boldyrev)
    Anna Ozhiganova Official (Biomedical) Obstetrics and Alternative (Home) Midwifery: Formalized and Informal Interaction Practices
    Michael C. Munger Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy (an excerpt)
    Alexander Rubinstein The Theatre, the Audience and the State: Twelve Economist’s Comments

  • Vol 20 No 4 (2019)

    In this issue:

    Katerina Guba To be the Flagship Journal of Russian Sociology: When the Mission Matters
    Alexander Chepurenko Flexible Organizational Structure and Typology of the Informal Small Entrepreneurship in Russia. Evidence of a Longitude (2013–2015)
    Colin Crouch Will the Gig Economy Prevail? (an excerpt)
    Natalya Veselkova, Mikhail Vandyshev, Elena Pryamikova, Anna Danilova Everyday Mobility of Youth in Small Ural Cities

  • Vol 20 No 3 (2019)

    In this issue:

    Interview with Alena Ledeneva: To Control a Level of Informality You Need the Targeted Therapy of Informal Practices
    Denis Strebkov, Andrey Shevchuk, Anastasia Lukina, Ekaterina Melianova, Alexey Tyulyupo Social Factors of Contractor Selection on Freelance Online Marketplace: Study of Contests Using “Big Data”
    Irina Mersianova, Dmitry Malakhov, Natalya Ivanova The Role of Family as a Channel of Intergenerational Transmission of Volunteer Traditions in Contemporary Russia
    Paul Fussell Class: A Guide Through the American Status System (an excerpt)
    Rostislav Kapeliushnikov A Rejoinder to a Contemporary Non-Economist: A Comment on a Comment

  • Vol 20 No 2 (2019)

    In this issue:

    Interview with Bruce G. Carruthers. Brexit, Bitcoin, Big data: How Historical Analysis Helps Shed Light on What the Future Holds
    Tatyana Cherkashina Personal Income of Spouses in Russian Families’ Budgets in the 1990–2010s
    Wolfgang Streeck Buying Time. The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism (excerpts)
    Andrei Vernikov Explicit Deposit Guarantee in Russia: Who Needed It and What For?

  • Vol 20 No 1 (2019)

    In this issue:

    Interview with Tatiana Karabchuk. International Comparisons, Social Impacts of Labor Instability, and the Secrets of Academic Happiness
    Ivan Zabaev A Nietzschean Take on a Hundred-Dollar Bill: Reading Weber’s “Protestant Ethic” in Connection with a Contemporary Economist’s Comments
    Nik Srnicek Platform Capitalism (excerpts)
    Ilya Ermolin Deliberate By-Catch of the Caspian Seal and the Development of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) in Dagestan, Russia: A Socio-Economic Approach

  • Vol 19 No 5 (2018)

    In this Issue:

    Vera Peshkova Entrepreneurial Activity of Foreign Labor Migrants in Russia: Оn the Example of Kyrgyz Migrants in Moscow and the Moscow Region
    Anthony Giddens, Philip W. Sutton Essential Concepts in Sociology (excerpts)
    Tatiana Khavenson, Tatiana Chirkina Effectively Maintained Inequality. The Choice of Postsecondary Educational Trajectory in Russia
    Liliia Zemnukhova Social Studies of Technology: Evolution and Interaction of Approaches


  • Vol 19 No 4 (2018)

    Rostislav I. Kapeliushnikov. Weber’s Hypnosis. Notes on “The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism”. Part II

    Ole Bjerg. Making Money: The Philosophy of Crisis Capitalism (excerpts)

    Katerina Guba. Resource Dependence Theory Applied to the Population of Academic Journals

    Ekaterina Ivanova. Child Support as Multiple Monies: Contribution, Duty, or Care? Research on Fathers’ Practices of Child Maintenance after Divorce

  • Vol 19 No 3 (2018)

    Kapelyushnikov R. Weber’s Hypnosis. Notes on “The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism”. Part I

    Bessonova O. Institutional Matrix of the Social State and Democracy in Russia

    Weber M. Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology. Law (an excerpt)

    Alimov A. How Hobby Becomes Occupation in Creative Economy

  • Vol 19 No 2 (2018)

    Iryna Chatsverykova Mobilization of Criminal Law by Business and State: Socio-Economic Status of Defendants and Pretrial Detention in Economic Cases

    Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction. The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy (an excerpt) 

    Roman Bumagin, Dmitry Rogozin Criticism of Interview Approach in Examining Similarity of Appearance of Products Belonging to the Same Product Category

    Andrey Korotayev, Alina Khokhlova, Sergey Tsirel Unemployment as a Predictor of Socio-Political Destabilization in Western and Eastern Europe 

  • Vol 19 No 1 (2018)

    Interview with Prof. Leon Kosals. The Police Acting in Russia Today are Consistent with Social, Economic and Political Conditions in the Country

    Anna Chernysh Institutionalization of the Rules in Russian Innovation Policy in the 2000s. On the Example of a Business Incubator in the Novosibirsk Region

    Sharon Zukin Naked City. The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places (excerpts)

    Sofia Villo Institutionalized Ignorance: Unresponsiveness of a Russian Oil Company to Environmental Safety


  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 18 No 5 (2017)

    Interview with Ashley Mears: “Things May Look Great and Glamorous on the Outside, but There is Much More Work behind This”

    Galina Monusova Redistributive Preferences and Indicators of Social Mobility

    Denis Tev Deputies of the State Duma of the VI Convocation: Social-Professional Sources of Recruitment

    Mikhail Sokolov, Alexander Kazantsev Survey Types, Sample Biases and the Effects of Demographic Quotas.
    The Results of an Experiment with a Three-Frame Survey in a Major Russian City

  • Journal of Economic Sociology
    Vol 18 No 4 (2017)

    Interview with Ashwini Deshpande: “Sticky Floors are Becoming Stickier for Women in the Indian Labor Market”

    Irina Sizova, Liudmila Leonova, Andrea Hense The Precariousness of Employment and Labor Incomes in Russia and Germany: Self-Perception of Wage Workers

    Svetlana Yaroshenko Surplus People, or About the Regime of Social Exclusion in Post-Soviet Russia

    Piere Bourdieu Homo Academicus

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 18 No 3 (2017)

    Interview with Matthew Hull: “It’s All about Real Bureaucracy, Control, and Stability”

    Anna Temkina “Economy of Trust” in Commercial Obstetric Care: Educated Urban Women as Consumers and Patients

    Wilfred Dolfsma Government Failure. Society, Markets and Rules (excerpts)

    Svetlana Tulaeva, Maria Tysiachniouk Between Oil and Reindeer. Benefit Sharing Agreements between Oil Companies and Indigenous People in Russian Arctic and Subarctic Regions

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 18 No 2 (2017)

    Interview with Peter Schweitzer: “If You No Longer Allow for the Possibility of Alterity, You are Limiting Your Options of Analyzing the World(s)”

    Andrei Semenov, Vsevolod Bederson Organizational Reactions of Russian NGOs to 2012 Legislative Changes

    Anthony B. Atkinson Inequality: What Can be Done?

    Polina Popova How to Explain Financial Disagreements in Families: A Review of Economic, Psychological and Sociological Theories

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 18 No 1 (2017)

    Max Weber Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology. Organized Groups

    Sergei Mokhov Handling the Ambiguity and Stigma: Ethnography of a Local Funeral Market

    Vladimir Zhdanov Post-Authoritarian Devolution: The Case of the First Italian Republic

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 17 No 5 (2016)

    Interview with Patrik Aspers: “Since There Are So Many Theories, We Should Focus on Really Good Empirical Research Instead”

    Max Weber Economy and Society: Essays on Interpretive Sociology (an excerpt)

    Johnson W. Allen, Timothy Earle The Evolution of Human Societies: From Foraging Group to Agrarian State (an excerpt)

    Yulia Krasheninnikova, Olga Makarova Direct Selling Organizations as Informal Healthcare Providers in Russia

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 17 No 4 (2016)

    Interview with Gabriel Abend “The Moral Background Makes the Play of Life Possible”

    Elena Berdysheva Varying Worth of Crimes in the Eyes of Policemen in Russia

    Mathijs de Vaan, Balazs Vedres, David Stark Game Changer: The Topology of Creativity

    Samuel Bowles The Moral Economy: Why Good Incentives Are No Substitute for Good Citizens (excerpts)

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 17 No 3 (2016)

    Interview with Ivana Pais «Digital Labor and the Sharing Economy»

    Yana Roshchina Health-Related Lifestyle: Does Social Inequality Matter?

    Frank Dobbin Comparative and Historical Perspectives in Economic Sociology

    Elena Tcyplakova Gamification — the Way of Motivation or Way of Control over the Labor Process?

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 17 No 2 (2016)

    Interview with David Woodruff: “Financial Market Governs by Panic”

    Tatiana Karabchuk, Ruslan Almukhametov Wages of Policemen in Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia

    Daniel Beunza, David Stark From Dissonance to Resonance: Cognitive Interdependence in Quantitative Finance

    Richard Wagner Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance. An Exploratory Essay

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 17 No 1 (2016)

    Interview with Thomas Piketty: “One can Push History Out but It Immediately Comes in through the Window”

    Vadim Radaev Relational Exchange and the Degree of Embeddedness: An Empirical Study of Supply Chains

    Daniel Shestakov On Inequality of Outcomes. Book Review: Piketty Т. (2015) Kapital v XXI veke [Capital in the Twenty-First Century], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Piketty T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

    Greg Yudin Debt Books and a Book on Debts Book Review: Graeber D. (2014) Dolg: pervye 5000 let istorii [Debt: First 5000 Years], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Graeber D. (2011) Debt: First 5000 Years. Brooklyn, New York: Melville House

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 16 No 5 (2015)

    Interview with Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier Market Mechanism and Consumer Choice

    Ivan Zabaev, Anna Zueva, Yuliya Koloshenko Humility and The Gift: The Elective Affinity of Institutions and Ethics in Orthodox Parishes

    Luigi Zingales A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity

    Katerina Guba Editing the Soviet Sociological Journal: The Problem of Legitimacy in Soviet Sociology

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 16 No 4 (2015)

    Interview with Katharina Bluhm Economic Actors and Liberal Dependent Capitalism

    Ivan Zabaev The Economic Ethics of Contemporary Russian Orthodox Christianity:
    A Weberian Perspective

    Dani Rodrik Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science

    Alexander Kondakov The Uncomfortable Law: Why the Civil Code of Russia is a Constraint for International Business

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 16 No 3 (2015)

    Conversation with Mark Mizruchi: “There is Very Little Organizational Theory Left in Sociology Departments”

    Interview with Gyorgy Lengyel: Sociology of Entrepreneurship and Beyond

    Оlga Gurova, Saara Ratilainen “Eastern Tourist”: A Review of Images of Russian Consumers in Finnish Media

    Kirill Rozhkov A Marketing Approach to the Study of Megacity: Necessity, Principles and Prospects

  • Economic Sociology
    Vol 16 No 2 (2015)

    Conversation with Mark Mizruchi: “There is Very Little Organizational Theory Left in Sociology Departments”

    Jagdish N. Sheth, Atul Parvatiyar, Mona Sinha The Conceptual Foundations of Relationship Marketing: Review and Synthesis

    Paul Collier Exodus: How Migration is Changing Our World

    Marina Spirina Organizational Specifics of the Volunteer Movement: Comparing the Experience of Russia and France


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