of Economic Sociology2025-03-01T12:02:14+03:00Котельникова Зоя Владиславовнаkotelnikova@hse.ruOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologiya = <strong>Journal of Economic Sociology </strong></em>was established in 2000 as one of the first academic e-journals in Russia. It is funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE; since 2007) and <a href="">Vadim Radaev</a> (Editor-in-Chief).</p> in the Сrisis Сontext: Literature Review2025-03-01T12:01:56+03:00Anna<p>Consumption is a focal element of modern society. Dynamic by nature, it reflects diverse societal changes facilitated by a variety of external factors, including crises. Consumption practices in times of crisis have drawn considerable scholarly attention and are reflected in the vast amount of research that requires systematization and generalization. Given the significance of this topic, the research primarily aims to identify the main types of crises that draw scholarly attention in relation to consumption and to provide an overview of the scholarly literature focused on consumption practices during these crises. To achieve this goal, the mixed literature review approach, consisting of bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review, is adopted within the framework of the present study. In total, 48 multidisciplinary empirical research articles published between 2007 and 2024 and compiled using the set selection criteria, underwent analysis. In the selected corpus of research, three predominant types of crises are identified: economic/financial, energy, and COVID-19. This analysis extends beyond insights into consumer behavior, delving into crisis stressors, consumer coping practices, approaches to their analysis, and further research perspectives. The findings demonstrate a number of similarities and highlight significant differences in crisis discourses. The study contributes to the range of literature devoted to the analysis of consumption behavior in the crisis domain. It summarizes existing approaches and draws attention to existing research gaps and further research perspectives.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Beautiful Girls’ Labor Becomes Leisure: The Relational Work of Elite Parties Participants2025-03-01T11:58:14+03:00Anna<p>The continuous increase in global income inequality has led to the public censure of big money to demonstrate social status. However, rich people can spend large amounts of money without moral hazard at elite parties. A book by Ashley Mears, a professor of sociology at Boston University and the University of Amsterdam, ‘Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit’ is an ethnography based on interviews and field observations at VIP parties. The author attended over one hundred parties in New York, Miami, the Hamptons, St Tropez and Cannes between 2011 and 2013. The book reveals the inner dynamics of VIP parties: their participants and the hierarchy between them, the meanings that actors invest in parties and in their relationships with other participants. It raises the issue of gender inequality and shows how in the context of this inequality actors find benefits for themselves, not always expressed in monetary terms. The review shows that the world of VIP parties is an aesthetic labor market. Here economic logic is deeply embedded in the social relations between actors. The concept of relational work is used to explain why the gender inequality between of male promoters and attractive girls is acceptable to actors. The process of relational work may be interesting for economic sociologists, along with the processes of accretion and conversion of various forms of capital. By applying these approaches, it is possible to offer an alternative to Ashley Mears’ critical discourse of relative gender inequality in the world of VIP. The conclusion speculates on what the world of VIP parties might look like in the Russian context.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Practice of Reproducing Solidarity among Truckers, Couriers and Taxi Drivers2025-03-01T11:53:56+03:00Georgii<p>The continuous increase in global income inequality has led to the public censure of big money to demonstrate social status. However, rich people can spend large amounts of money without moral hazard at elite parties. A book by Ashley Mears, a professor of sociology at Boston University and the University of Amsterdam, ‘Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit’ is an ethnography based on interviews and field observations at VIP parties. The author attended over one hundred parties in New York, Miami, the Hamptons, St Tropez and Cannes between 2011 and 2013. The book reveals the inner dynamics of VIP parties: their participants and the hierarchy between them, the meanings that actors invest in parties and in their relationships with other participants. It raises the issue of gender inequality and shows how in the context of this inequality actors find benefits for themselves, not always expressed in monetary terms. The review shows that the world of VIP parties is an aesthetic labor market. Here economic logic is deeply embedded in the social relations between actors. The concept of relational work is used to explain why the gender inequality between of male promoters and attractive girls is acceptable to actors. The process of relational work may be interesting for economic sociologists, along with the processes of accretion and conversion of various forms of capital. By applying these approaches, it is possible to offer an alternative to Ashley Mears’ critical discourse of relative gender inequality in the world of VIP.<br>The conclusion speculates on what the world of VIP parties might look like in the Russian context.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Guardian Council of Iran (1980-2022): Social and Professional Recruitment Factors2025-03-01T11:49:11+03:00Ilya<p>The article analyzes the socio-demographic composition of the secular jurists and faqihs of the Iranian Guardian Council. The Guardian Council is a hybrid institution that performs the functions of an upper chamber of parliament, a constitutional court, and an electoral committee. The research employs a structural-demographic method. The research dataset consists of seven Guardian Councils, from 1980 to 2022, with 51 members and 123 appointments. The results of the study show that there are structural differences between secular jurists and fuqaha. Secular jurists are, on average, younger than fuqaha in terms of both minimum and maximum age. Fuqaha primarily study in seminaries, while secular lawyers attend universities and also receive degrees in France and Britain. Secular lawyers are not professionally homogeneous; among them are former employees of the courts, the prosecutor’s office, the state civil service, lawyers, and academics. The regional origins of secular jurists and fuqaha also differ significantly; they share only one unifying province, Isfahan, which may be due to the significant role of patrimonial ties in the recruitment of elites. Overall, this difference indicates the presence of two legal cultures: secular and Islamic, which are reflected in different socio-demographic patterns in recruiting members of the Guardian Council. The professionalization and socialization of these groups greatly influence their decision-making in various forms of social life, including the legislative branch to which the Guardian Council belongs. However, this study is limited to the secular jurists and fuqaha of the Council.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Economic Inequality on the Probability of Revolutionary Events: The World Experience from 1995 to 20212025-03-01T10:27:20+03:00Vadim Ustyuzhaninvvustiuzhanin@hse.ruEgor Fainefayn@hse.ruAndrey<p>The article tests several hypotheses about the impact of wealth and income inequality, as well as inequality in human capital, on the risks of armed and unarmed revolutions. Using the revolutionary destabilization database from the Center for Stability and Risk Analysis (CSRA) at HSE University, along with data collected by Mark Beissinger, the study analyzes most countries worldwide from 1995 to 2021 and tests several hypotheses. The study has shown that income inequality—particularly wealth inequality— has a curvilinear inverted U-shaped relationship with the likelihood of both unarmed and armed revolutionary uprisings. The likelihood of revolutionary uprisings increases as income inequality (especially wealth inequality) rises, but only up to a certain level; further increases in such inequality lead to the elite concentrating a disproportionately high share of resources, enabling them to maintain power by using these resources to suppress opposition and/or coopt part of it. In the case of unarmed revolutions, this dependence is observed only for wealth inequality, while income inequality does not demonstrate a significant correlation with the probability of unarmed revolutionary uprisings. Conversely, for armed revolutions, the described relationship is evident for both wealth and income inequality. When considering inequality in access to education and healthcare—critical components of human capital growth—the risks of revolutionary destabilization for elites, driven by the hyperconcentration of consumption of these services in their hands, continue to grow with increasing inequality, regardless of how high it reaches. However, the benefits of this hyperconcentration are not straightforward, as it does not allow for co-optation and suppression of discontented individuals in the same manner as the concentration of wealth or income does. Consequently, any increase in inequality in access to education and healthcare—regardless of its magnitude—has a destabilizing effect, raising the likelihood of both armed and unarmed revolutionary uprisings.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) in Germany. A History (excerpt) 2025-03-01T09:21:44+03:00Stephan<p>The book presented by Professor Moebius is dedicated to the history of sociology in Germany from the late 19th century to the present day. It reflects on the era of the German Empire, the processes of institutionalization during the Weimar Republic, and the profound rupture caused by National Socialism; however, the author primarily focuses on the period after 1945. The book examines intellectual, institutional, and conflictual directions and trends in the history of German sociology within economic, political, social, and cultural contexts. Since the mid-1990s, theories and research projects aimed at studying social alienation, temporary or precarious employment, and xenophobia have gained prominence in sociological thought. Additionally, there has been a significant increase in gender studies and various fields of cultural studies. The landscape of sociological theories in Germany has evolved: whereas grand theories once dominated, there is now a trend toward rapidly changing sociological diagnoses of contemporary society. Professor Moebius raises questions about how these contemporary trends relate to the history of sociology. What is the purpose of this discipline? According to his perspective, the history of sociology is significant because it reflects society and analyzes its professional self-descriptions. Sociology is essential as it examines social effects and their consequences, as well as related ideological perspectives, struggles, and antagonistic power relations within the sociological field. The sociological analysis of sociology’s history reveals the dynamics of social phenomena within the science of society, thereby enhancing orderliness, self-reflection, and clarity within this discipline. The “Journal of Economic Sociology” publishes a brief excerpt titled “(Contemporary Trends and Discussions” from the book.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of the Financial Behaviour of Russians under the Influence of External Shocks in Recent Years2025-03-01T09:14:18+03:00Natalia<p>The article describes the specifics of savings, credit, and debt behavior among representatives of the mass strata of the country’s population, as well as the dynamics of these changes from 2003 to 2023. It shows that this behavior is an important indicator reflecting not only the dynamics of Russians’ material wellbeing and their expectations for the future but also their perception of current events. New trends in the financial behavior of the mass strata, formed under the influence of recent external shocks, are revealed, including an increase in savings activity due to growing uncertainty about the future and a decrease in the share of individuals burdened by credit and debt, despite an increase in the volume of this burden among those who are tolerant of it. Additionally, it is shown that several provisions of classical concepts regarding the financial behavior of the population “work” in Russia with certain peculiarities. For example, while income levels affect the amount saved, they have little influence on saving activity itself. Savings, including substantial savings, are most common among older age groups (65+), rather than those nearing retirement age. Furthermore, savings are primarily accumulated not for specific expenditures but “for a rainy day.” Regarding factors influencing financial behavior, a decisive role among macro-level factors is played by feelings of uncertainty about personal and national futures. Consequently, even during periods of low income, in the presence of this uncertainty, individuals prefer to preserve their savings and reduce credit burdens. At the micro level, key determinants of savings behavior include planning horizons, subjective feelings of social and economic well-being, and approaching retirement age. In terms of credit and debt behavior, planning horizon is less significant, with general tolerance for debt coming to the fore.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2025-03-01T09:04:44+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, let us introduce of a new journal issue.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Ecosystem: Comparative Analysis of Petrozavodsk and Pskov2024-12-09T00:54:38+03:00Valeriya<p>The development of entrepreneurship is a crucial tool for achieving economic growth and enhancing the investment appeal of regions. Many small and medium-sized Russian cities display varied tendencies in economic development, which can be explained by both objective differences in their entrepreneurial ecosystems and how these ecosystems are portrayed in media narratives. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the media representation of entrepreneurial ecosystems in two Russian cities, Petrozavodsk and Pskov. It examines the manifestation and interaction of different types of entrepreneurial ecosystem attributes within these media narratives. The choice of cities for analysis aligns with the objectives of the research project by the ICSER “Leontief Centre”: “Genius Loci and Zeitgeist,” under which this study was conducted. Using corpus-assisted discourse analysis and thematic modeling with LDA, this research examines word frequencies and modeled topics—both common and unique to each locality—and analyzes topic co-occurrence in each city’s discourse. The findings highlight differences and similarities in the media representation of entrepreneurial ecosystems, noting the prevalence of material attributes in both discourses, while also identifying unique interactions among different types of attributes in Petrozavodsk and Pskov. These insights offer a foundation for understanding factors that shape entrepreneurial activities in these regions and suggest directions for future research to empirically examine the relationship between these attributes and local entrepreneurial activity indicators.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) We Talk about This? Reflections on Angela Jones’s Book ‘Camming: Money, Power, and Pleasure in the Sex Work Industry2024-12-09T00:48:41+03:00Elena<p>This review introduces economic sociologists to Camming: Money, Power, and Pleasure in the Sex Work Industry by Angela Jones, the first comprehensive study of the virtual market for sexual services. Jones’s book delves into the social impacts of the digital transformation within the sex industry, where online platforms create new employment opportunities for students, homemakers, individuals with health limitations, and other workers, often displaced from traditional labor markets. The review emphasizes three key aspects of Jones’s analysis that are particularly relevant for economic sociologists. The first is the normalization of sex work’s commercialization. The labor market crisis has rendered sex work a viable and socially inclusive form of employment, enabling participants to overcome alienation and find meaning in their work, where pleasure itself becomes a driving motivation. Jones’s work highlights the role of pleasure not only in the realm of sexuality but also as a factor in occupational and social spheres. The second focus is the transformation of norms and pathologies within sexuality, influenced by economic, social, and political dynamics. Jones argues that platform and emotional capitalism not only meet repressed physical and emotional needs but also actively shape new social expectations, reshaping the prevailing model of subjectivity in society. The third aspect is biopolitics and bodily autonomy. Digital platforms increasingly regulate intimate areas of life, extending their influence over personal autonomy and individual agency. The review underscores the provocative insights and empirical findings of Jones’s study, encouraging readers to engage with the book. Such engagement allows one to view the work not only as a distinctive contribution to contemporary American sociology but also as an opportunity to consider political, social, and cultural frameworks used to legitimize previously tabooed spheres through market forces.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Complaints, Institutional Anomalies, and Red Tape: New Aspects of an Old Debate2024-12-09T00:43:48+03:00Denis<p>The article develops a discussion about the dysfunctionality of the institution of complaints in the housing and communal services sector in Russia, which began in 2022–2023 with a series of articles by D. B. Litvintsev and O. E. Bessonova, published in the “Journal of Economic Sociology.” This work is mainly based on a discussion of the speech of A. D. Abdulaev with a thematic report at a seminar of the Higher School of Economics in March 2024. The article touches on such issues as the need to expand a strictly institutional approach to an integrative one, the limitations of quantitative methods in the study of the institution of complaints, the problem of institutional anomalies in the functioning of the institution of complaints, and also discusses the phenomenon of red tape. Particular attention is paid to the problem of analyzing electronic complaints filed through various Internet portals and the inability to fully get rid of institutional abuses through formalization and moderation of complaints filed. As a new aspect of the discussion, it is proposed to consider housing complaints as a special type of complaint (by analogy with housing activism as a special type of social activism). To do this, the author of this article turns to the extensive experience of the UK, which has a centralized channel for filing housing complaints—the Housing Ombudsman Service, which operates in accordance with the Complaint Handling Code and conducts annual public reporting on its activities, publishing results and ratings in the public domain on its official website. In conclusion, the need to develop a positive culture of complaints in the housing and communal services sector in Russia is noted, which requires further research and the development of appropriate recommendations.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of the Past: The Potential of Organizational Theory in Collective Memory Studies2024-12-09T00:39:40+03:00Anna<p>The article is devoted to the potential of organizational theory in memory studies. The existing approaches to the study of themes at the intersection of historical memory and organizations are noted. Firstly, this is the institutional approach in memory studies, which is characterized by a thorough description of individual cases but a lack of comparison, as well as a narrow understanding of what can be considered an institution of memory. Secondly, there are organizational memory studies (OMS), which are aimed primarily at studying the formation and reproduction of the history of specific organizations and which lack attention to the theoretical findings of memory studies. The main weakness of the described methodological solutions is their weak theoretical and disciplinary permeability, which leads to parallel research work in areas that are little interested in each other. An alternative methodological move may be the application of the sociology of organizations to studies of museums, archives, educational institutions, and other mnemonic actors. The article examines three key areas of organizational sociology: new institutionalism (focusing on isomorphism, decoupling, and organizational discretion), resource dependence theory, and organizational ecology. The approaches described are illustrated by examples from empirical studies on collective memory, as well as cases relevant to social and historical research. It is noted that organizational theory can be used to analyze commemorative practices, (re)production of identity, and relations with the state. It helps explain variations in practices across institutions, links established organizational traditions with their actions in the present, and typologizes organizations on new grounds.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c), Calling, and Equality: The Perception of Religious Socio-Economic Concepts among Baptists and Orthodox Christians2024-12-09T00:36:14+03:00Alexander Khlevovhlevov@mail.ruAlina Ivakinalina.ivakina.02@mail.ruDmitry Mayevskydmitr.maev@yandex.ruAlexander<p>This article attempts a comparative analysis of the socio-economic attitudes of the Orthodox and Protestants of the city of Sevastopol. The problem of the study is the difficulty in understanding how, in modern socio-economic conditions, the patterns of behavior prescribed by the church are fulfilled in practice. The main purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the attitude of believers toward socio-economic attitudes (such as attitudes towards wealth, vocation, and equality) dictated by the concepts of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Christian Baptist movement. The research is based on the formal sociology of G. Simmel, as well as on modern sociological and religious studies. Evangelical Christian Baptist communities were chosen as the most widespread denomination of Protestantism in the city of Sevastopol. 33 structured interviews were conducted with representatives of two faiths: Orthodox and Protestants (Evangelical Christians-Baptists). The study identified the main socio-economic attitudes of Orthodox and Baptists, which were correlated with the cultural characteristics of Russian society and with the socioeconomic concepts of both churches. The facts in the history of Orthodoxy and the Baptist branch of Protestantism that influenced the adoption of certain doctrinal and socio-theological positions were also described. In addition, the analysis of materials concerning the specifics of the modern life of Evangelical Christians-Baptists and Orthodox Christians has been carried out.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Orientations and Job Search Strategies of St. Petersburg Residents in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis2024-12-09T00:29:08+03:00Anastasia Alexandrovaa.a.aleksandrova@spbu.ruMaya Rusakovam.rusakova@spbu.ruSergey<p>The article examines the relationship between value orientations and job search strategies of the unemployed in St. Petersburg. The authors rely on the existential understanding of attitudes as constructed by people’s actions, pushing them to form certain value orientations. Orientations influence people’s vision of the state of the labor market and their chances in it. The empirical database included questionnaires from 1,857 people registered as unemployed with the St. Petersburg Employment Service. The main tool of analysis was cluster analysis using the K-means method. The resulting clusters were assessed using the silhouette measure and the DavisBaldwin index. The statistical significance of differences between clusters was determined using the KruskalWallis test. Three stable clusters were identified: pessimists with a predominant orientation of reliance on others (29.2% of respondents), optimists with a predominant reliance on themselves (29.7% of respondents), and optimists with moderate orientationsrelying on themselves and others (41% of respondents). It is shown that the prevalence of value orientations of optimism (the first cluster), as well as value orientations of pessimism (the second cluster), makes people less active in using support measures in the labor market and also reduces their willingness to undergo retraining. The prevalence of value attitudes of optimism in combination with reliance on themselves, at the same time, contributes to greater cooperation with employment centers. Also, respondents are more interested in assistance in employment than in professional retraining. The results obtained make a significant contribution to the discussion about the prospects of the existential approach in labor market research, and the conclusions can form the basis for individualized programs to help job seekers that take into account the value orientations of citizens.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation (excerpt)2024-12-09T00:23:40+03:00Elton<p>His forthcoming work, “Social Problems of Industrial Civilization,” published by the Gaidar Institute, includes a section dedicated to political challenges. During his tenure as a professor of industrial studies at Harvard University while working on “Social Problems of Industrial Civilization,” Mayo’s contributions to industrial sociology significantly influenced the development of this field. The book interprets critical issues of the industrial era through Mayo’s perspectives on the role of social sciences in addressing these challenges. A central theme is the facilitation of group cooperation within key industrial sectors. The author synthesizes insights gained from industrial research and proposes preliminary conclusions regarding the crucial role of interpersonal relationships in industry. The Journal of Economic Sociology features the first chapter titled “The Dark Side of Progress,” wherein Professor Mayo critically examines the imbalance present in systemic research. This imbalance is characterized by an overemphasis on technical and material aspects, neglecting the human and social dimensions in favor of unsystematic evaluations.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2024-12-09T00:19:51+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, let us introduce of a new journal issue.</p>2024-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Problem of the Digital Ruble Adoption Among Russian Small Entrepreneurs: Choice, Enforcement, and Social Networks in the Social Construction of Trust2024-11-01T22:32:18+03:00Egor Makarovrfh9jy@virginia.eduDmitry<p>This paper explores the adoption process of the digital ruble among Russian entrepreneurs. The digital ruble, as a new currency, will be a direct liability of the Central Bank of Russia and will be technologically and informationally centralized around it. One of its significant features is its potential to diminish the role of private banks in the Russian financial system while increasing transaction transparency. To identify the mechanisms and incentives for adopting the digital ruble, we conducted twelve semi-structured interviews with small business owners in Russia who have experience with various payment systems. Our empirical findings reveal three main adoption mechanisms: choice, enforcement, and social network effects. The choice mechanism involves voluntary adoption based on the digital ruble’s perceived advantages, such as lower transaction costs and greater convenience compared to other payment systems. The enforcement mechanism reflects the influence of direct incentives or mandates from monetary authorities, such as legal requirements or wage policies. Social network effects describe the impact of a critical mass of users, which indirectly encourages entrepreneurs who might otherwise be hesitant to adopt the digital ruble. We contribute to the sociological literature by identifying and structuring these adoption mechanisms, bridging gaps between different theoretical perspectives. From a policy-making standpoint, we analyze the positive and negative aspects of the digital ruble and discuss its potential role in the Russian economy. We conclude by considering how digital monetary advancements, including central bank digital currencies like the digital ruble and cryptocurrencies, could influence trust in money and monetary concepts, posing new challenges for the social sciences.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) is the Secret to the Success of the US Economy?2024-11-01T22:26:58+03:00Daniil<p>In his book Pavel Usanov argues that the U.S. economy became the world’s largest because the ideas and institutions of Americans were libertarian. However, the government expansions during crises are never fully retracted, leading to a gradual increase in state involvement. The author contends that this growth in government size presents American society with a critical choice: either fundamentally restructure its political system or slide into an all-powerful government and socialism. This review examines the roles of free markets and economic policy in U.S. economic development, drawing on two centuries of macroeconomic history and new economic-historical data. Contrary to the author’s conclusions, I demonstrate that the significant expansion of the public sector in the US did not hinder economic dynamism. In fact, technological progress was most rapid during the “statist” period of 1928-1950. The high average growth rates during this time largely account for the GDP gap between the U.S. and other advanced economies.<br>The review critically assesses the proposed explanations of key events in U.S. economic history, including pre-Civil War financial crises, the economic factors behind the Civil War, the Southern slave economy, late 19th-century protectionism, the causes of the Great Depression, and assessments of Americans’ welfare during World War II. I propose an alternative framework for a libertarian economic history of the US as a history of individual and collective rationality in markets and politics.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) in IT Corporation: How and When Institutional Changes are Possible?2024-11-01T22:23:15+03:00Anita<p>Today, the work of highly qualified professionals, once considered “good,” is becoming more intense and less safe. White-collar workers are forced to work more and remain constantly connected. Such an overload has a number of negative consequences for both workers (deterioration of health, subjective well-being, burnout, and a desire to quit mixed with the fear of losing a job) and for companies (high staff turnover, decay of the atmosphere in teams, decreased creative potential of employees, and diminished competitiveness of the company).<br>The book written by Professor of Management E. Kelly and Professor of Sociology P. Moen, titled Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do About It, describes the results of a five-year experiment on the implementation of the STAR program (Support. Transform. Achieve. Results) in one large American IT corporation. STAR focused on implementing new organizational principles aimed at increasing flexibility in work schedules and granting freedom in deciding task priorities, locations, and methods of accomplishment. According to the results of the experiment, objective indicators of corporate competitiveness did not change due to organizational innovations, and the time spent on completing work tasks remained approximately the same. At the same time, employees became more engaged, focused, and sociable while reporting higher levels of productivity. This was true for both women and men. However, despite all the positive results from the STAR project’s implementation for developers, managers, and the corporation as a whole, the researchers' book ends pessimistically: the experiment did not last long. After the merger of the IT corporation with another, more conservative Ann, the STAR program was curtailed. Why did this happen? What explanations do managers and sociologists offer regarding the merged IT corporation's refusal to follow scientifically proven positive practices for creating conditions that allow flexible work organization for their employees? Were the changes truly beneficial? As is often said, all good things must come to an end eventually. Or did the STAR project have shortcomings? This book review is partly devoted to an attempt to answer these questions.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) in Contemporary China: A Case Study of Labor Management in the Greater Bay Area2024-11-01T22:16:19+03:00Polina<p>Highly qualified personnel are the most important resource for modem economic development. This paper offers an interpretation of the term “talentism” in the context of the state's attitude towards talented specialists in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Using examples of personnel policy in the cities of the Greater Bay Area of South China, the article examines areas and examples of working with outstanding personnel, namely mechanisms for attracting and retaining talented employees in the region. It studies the practical implementation of personnel management theory with Chinese characteristics. An analysis of scientific literature, government plans, and reports from 2004 to 2024 has enabled the systematization of accumulated experiences regarding labor force support measures, particularly in the context of integration processes occurring in the region. In particular, the following directions of talentism, which foster positive trends in working with talents in the Greater Bay Area, have been identified: development and implementation of local programs based on three- to five-year financing plans; creation of platforms for cooperation among personnel from the three administrative parts of the area, promoting active educational integration; increased mobility; expansion of social support measures for talents and their family members, including tax relief and optimization of financial incentive programs; internationalization of personnel, evaluation of specialists' quality and their participation in project assessments, standardization, and mutual recognition of qualifications; creation of a favorable environment for further socio-economic development, along with systematic legalization of these processes. The results obtained also indicate negative aspects in working with talents in the Greater Bay Area. These include insufficient coordination between local structures in implementing abstract goals, an overly formal approach, insufficient specification of tasks, and a focus on short-term benefits without integrating talents into teamwork for the long term. Considering China's experience will aid in organizing work with outstanding personnel in Russia to realize their potential in various regions.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Youth Deviant Behavior Considering the Socio-Economic Development of Russian Regions2024-11-01T22:13:11+03:00Olesia Bubnovskaiabubnovskaia.ov@dvfu.ruKonstantin<p>The article explores the factors influencing youth involvement in deviant behavior, taking into account the socio-economic development of various regions. The tendency towards deviant behaviors remains significant for societal development, causing harm to quality of life and well-being, while suppressing social and economic opportunities. Understanding the interdisciplinary and regional context may enhance the effectiveness of government programs aimed at scientifically based prevention and correction of youth deviant behavior. The study materials include research articles on deviance, official crime statistics, and socio-demographic issues from 2018 to 2023, as well as indicators of socio-economic development in Russian regions. These indicators encompass income levels, population statistics, economic inequality, quality of life, and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Descriptive statistics, text analysis, structural equation modeling, correlation analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis methods were employed for data processing and analysis. The research results revealed the complex economic causality of youth deviant behavior, which may arise from neglecting social and regional factors. While poverty is a significant contributor to deviance, its negative impact can be mitigated through involvement in social institutions and support networks. Conversely, crime as a form of deviance—particularly prevalent in regions with high economic prosperity— correlates with other forms of deviant behavior such as alcohol use. Notably, drug-related youth crimes are also high in these economically prosperous areas. In contrast, extremist and terrorist crimes are more common in regions with low socio-economic development where alcohol and smoking consumption is less prevalent. Overall, factors such as population size, quality of life, and commitment to a healthy lifestyle demonstrate higher statistical significance than economic inequality and income level as direct causes of deviant behavior among Russian youth.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) are Citizens Proud of Their Country?2024-11-01T22:06:26+03:00Ruslan<p>National pride is recognized as a crucial factor in shaping individual behaviors that align with governmental expectations. This study investigates the question: why do some citizens exhibit greater pride in their country than others? Are the sources of national pride distinct among different groups? To explore these questions, the author analyzed data from the seventh wave of the World Values Survey. The article emphasizes the influence of news content and perceptions of war threats on overall national pride.The author draws upon concepts such as the authoritarian public sphere, the “rally around the flag” phenomenon, and social dominance theory. Through regression analysis, it was determined that viewing television news positively correlates with increased levels of patriotism. The study posits that citizens' concerns about external threats amplify their sense of national pride. However, it is noted that content from social media platforms had a statistically insignificant impact on this relationship.The research highlights several statistically significant determinants at a 10% level: 1) accessing news content online is associated with a decrease in national pride; 2) older citizens tend to express higher levels of patriotism. The findings reveal that the general level of national pride among ethnic minorities in Russia surpasses that of ethnic Russians.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Crisis of the Tax State (excerpt)2024-11-01T22:02:34+03:00Joseph<p>At the beginning of his article “The Crisis of the Tax State”, published in 1918, Joseph Schumpeter poses an important question: will the economic structure of Western states withstand the burden of war, or does it need to be transformed so that something new can emerge? According to the author, this question is typically discussed from the perspective of three future alternatives: the collapse of the capitalist system, the expansion of economic freedoms, and the emergence of an administrative economy. However, Schumpeter believes that the First World War exposed a more fundamental crisis in modern societies rather than being its cause, at the heart of which lies the failure of the tax state. For a true understanding of this crisis, a sociological perspective is necessary—namely, fiscal sociology—which considers financial history as an integral part of a people's history. Finances serve as one of the starting points for studying the social mechanism. In this context, the author suggests seeking answers to the following questions: What does “the failure of the tax state” mean? What is its essence? How did it arise? What social processes underlie the superficial facts expressed by budget figures?</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2024-11-01T21:55:44+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, We are pleased to introduce a new issue of our journal.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Future We Live In2024-11-01T21:02:36+03:00Anna<p>The book “The Future of Consumption” offers the readers to take a look at the trends in the modem retail industry and their impact on the future of consumption. The editors, Kristina Backstrom, Carys Egan-Wyer, and Emma Samsioe, present the material in a deductive manner by first outlining the general topic of each part that provides the reader with the general idea. They guide the reader through technological, sustainable, wellbeing, and customer experience factors, all of which are closely interlinked and shape consumption practices. They further divide parts into smaller elements, with each reflecting on the crucial tendencies within the modern consumption practices, which are to determine the future of consumption. In each chapter, the authors unpack the integral elements of modern consumption discourse that by the end of the book helps the reader assemble the jigsaw puzzle and get a complete understanding of the future of consumption. Even though the book presents a purely marketing standpoint and manifests itself as a guide for market researchers and practitioners, the reader can find a lot of evidence that the factors described have a much deeper societal nature beyond just consumption patterns. Modern consumption is no longer only about obtaining and utilizing goods and services. It is about self-identity and self-definition, when through consumption people tell who they are, what social stand they represent, and what values and beliefs they reflect. The role of the retailer is also undergoing certain transformations. Modern retailers and brands are seen as the transmitters of social and political ideas, those who are able to shape public opinion and significantly alter consumption behavior. All the players of modern retail are interconnected and affect one another.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Subsidized Rice and Conditional Cash Transfer Programs Affect Poor Households’ Food Consumption Expenditures? A Difference-in- Differences Approach2024-11-01T21:00:04+03:00Adrianus<p>Raskin (Subsidized Rice) and PKH (Conditional Cash Transfers for Low-Income Families) are social protection programs aimed at mitigating poverty in Indonesia. Using the difference-in-differences method, this study scrutinizes the impacts of Raskin and PKH on poor Indonesian households’ food consumption expenditures. The analysis utilized data from the 2007 and 2014 Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). The findings show that the implementation of the Raskin programme has a significant impact on the consumption expenditure of poor households. This is because most poor households receive Raskin as their main food to fulfil their household consumption needs, especially during periods of crisis, climate change or crop failure. Other factors that also influence the amount of food consumption expenditure of poor households include the age of the household head, the number of household members and the location of the household. On the other hand, PKH does not have a significant impact on consumption expenditure due to the lack of valid data of target recipients as its implementation requires behavioural compliance related to children’s school attendance and antenatal health check-up. It is therefore, programme improvements for both Raskin and PKH are carried out by always updating the target data of poor households so that the assistance provided can be received by the right target. In addition, it is very important to promote understanding and raise awareness in order to encourage children to attend school and pregnant women to use health services with intensive socialization and assistance especially for poor households.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Rumors and Their Debunking: Howto Deal with Misinformation?2024-11-01T20:55:56+03:00Daria<p>“Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It” is the result of Adam Berinsky's long-term research, which analyses different aspects of rumors as a form of inaccurate information. It examines how rumors spread and persist in media space due to their virality, repetition and social transmission. Factors related to the belief in misinformation are highlighted, among them the tendency to conspiracy thinking and dogmatism, as well as political<br>non-involvement. Combining psychological and political science approaches, the author focuses on the peculiarities of perception of rumors and their refutations. Although the effect is short-term, a productive strategy is to correct rumors that resonate with an individual's political orientation. Through a series of experiments, the book proves the propensity of people to confirm their beliefs, whereby sources whose party identity matches the person's perceptions have greater credibility. In contrast, in the case of refutations, information broadcast by sources that benefit from the rumor, respectively, come into opposition with one's political attitudes and partisanship. The book offers a new way of considering the possibilities of unmasking rumors by employing psychological and heuristic mechanisms of information perception and shifting attention from neutral sources of debunking to those with distinct political biases.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Structure of Consumer Sentiments: The Role of Social Embeddedness in Variability of Consumer Expectations2024-11-01T20:52:34+03:00Stanislav<p>The review is devoted to the discussion around research on consumer expectations, with a focus on the methodological aspects and current problems of measuring the Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) from a sociological perspective. The need to discuss the role of non-economic factors in the formation of consumer expectations is substantiated by sociological (socio-demographic) foundations, the influence of social environment (institutions), and the entrenched role of mass media. This approach allows us to explain “anomalies” that emerge in time series models, especially during periods of economic turbulence. As part of the study, the history of psychological economics (the theoretical basis of PPI) is provided, and key approaches, theses and studies are considered. Most studies of consumer sentiment before the 1990s were descriptive in nature, based on economic data without deep reflection. Since the 1990s, new directions and studies have emerged, aiming to find meaningful explanation for changes in the index during periods of economic change. However, the findings are often disjointed and fail to establish systematic connections between consumer expectations, social factors and macroeconomics. One option for developing a “middle-range theory” involves constructing a conceptual framework based on the concept of embeddedness proposed by S. Zukin and P. DiMaggio. It has been shown that some forms of embeddedness make it possible to explain deviations and stable trends in the analysis of time series at a meaningful level. In this case, mass media can not only methodically complement the analysis of the CSI, but also plays a role in the rootedness of economic action. An important result of the work is the development of an updated conceptual framework that includes embeddedness as a significant variable in the construction of econometric models, indicating the specifics and possible limitations of this approach. The article contributes to the expansion of the utilization of CSI in sociological longitudinal studies, including the incorporation of mass media as an additional variable.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) and Everyday Life in the Economic Field2024-11-01T20:48:49+03:00Valeria<p>Much of the discussion surrounding Max Weber's category of charisma focuses on the processes of routinization and objectification, which result in depersonalization and the loss of revolutionary character in the originally personal quality. However, there are examples where personal and routinized types overlap. In such cases, the proclaimed ideas are extraordinary and innovative, but are limited to an isolated sphere of influence and do not claim the status of comprehensive revolutionary principles. On the other hand, the personal character is preserved, avoiding the depersonalization typical of routinized forms. A number of questions arise: Is there a place for charisma in such cases? Is it appropriate to speak of an everyday version of the phenomenon while avoiding a “benevolent” character? In order to distinguish those cases when, in contrast to the fabricated character, the use of the category is permissible and appropriate, it is necessary to turn to the genesis of everyday charisma. For this purpose, the central argument of the article is grounded in the modified classical content of the term proposed by K. Kremer in the context of market constellations analysis. As a consequence, based on the proposed approach in combination with the works of N. Biggart, W. Bachmann, R. Sennett, S. N. Eisenstadt, P. Bourdieu, S. Turner, A. Bienfais and E. Horn, the paper systematizes the idea of the process in constructing everyday charisma, the mechanism of imitation and subordination and the ways of strengthening the legitimacy of everyday charisma. The examples of K. Kremer's “economic actor” and retail strategies of luxury brands demonstrate the possibilities of applying the category of charisma to the cases when the blending of economic and social foundations leads to a shift away from rational motivations of economic actors to maximize their utility.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Corruption in the Irkutsk Region: A Sociological Approach2024-11-01T20:44:38+03:00Dmitry Fedotovfdy@inbox.ruSvetlana Inkizhinovakiciom2014@yandex.ruDenis<p>The article examines the problems of corruption in the Irkutsk region, an industrial area located in Siberia. The Irkutsk region was chosen as the object of the study. The objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing the level of cormption in the Irkutsk region. As a hypothesis of the study, the assumption is put forward that the institutionalization of corruption processes within Russian society is currently taking place. To measure the level of cormption in the Irkutsk region, a methodology of sociological research of the level and characteristics of cormption in the region has been developed and applied. The study employed a survey method on an online panel. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of domestic cormption in the Irkutsk region, measured at 13.0% in 2022, is slightly lower compared to other Russian regions. Most often, the population faces domestic cormption when receiving free medical care and due to the need for additional payments in secondary schools. During the study, risk groups were identified among respondents with a higher probability of getting into a cormpt situation. Also, a number of characteristics were identified that increase the propensity to engage in cormpt actions, including: being male, older (55-64 years) or of retirement age (65 years +), having a high financial status, and working as an individual entrepreneur, farmer or manager. It was found that the amount of business conuption in the Irkutsk region was 21.4% among the respondents representing business. The study reveals the purposes behind cormption actions committed by business representatives. It shows that cormption in the Irkutsk region is deeply entrenched in the form of a social institution, characterized by institutional components such as informal norms and mechanisms of coercion that compel adherence to cormpt practices. The obtained scientific results can be used to inform the implementation of the state anti-cormption policies.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Capitalism and Distributive Forces (excerpt)2024-11-01T20:36:34+03:00Sabine<p>In her book Digital Capitalism and Distributive Forces, sociology professor Sabina Pfeiffer questions the idea that digitalization is a technology that replaces human labor. In her analysis of the novelties brought by digitalization and digital capitalism, the author introduces the concept of distributive powers by analogy with Marx’s concept of productive power. Pfeiffer shows that digital capitalism is aimed not so much at the efficient production of value, but rather at its rapid, risk-free and permanently guaranteed implementation in the markets. Studying this dynamic and its consequences also leads to the question of how destructive the distributional forces of digital capitalism can be. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes an Introduction where Pfeiffer formulates the main assumption, which she develops on a theoretical and empirical level in the presented book. The hypothesis is related to the problem of modern capitalism, where economic value is provided only by successful sales. Additionally, Pfeiffer discusses what constitutes the novelty of digital capitalism and what its immanent diagnoses are. Finally, the author provides a detailed overview of the book’s structure and its main ideas.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) There a Relationship Between Household Saving Behavior, Trust in Financial Institutions and Saving Attitudes in Contemporary Russia?2024-11-01T20:33:13+03:00Olga Kuzinakuzina@hse.ruDaria<p>The paper examines household savings as one of the indicators of household financial fragility/resilience in Russia. The main goal is to reveal the relationship between people’s trust in financial institutions, their saving behavior and their savings attitudes. The study of financial fragility/resilience is important for the development of economic and social policies, especially in relation to those conditions upon which state can work. The study contributes to the existing literature by using Russian micro data and the inclusion of trust in institutions and savings attitudes among the covariates of household savings. The empirical basis of the study is cross-sectional data from all-Russian population surveys collected in 2009-2023. The financial resilience is low due to the fact that only about one third of Russians have savings which amount is rather small. The data also show high levels of distrust towards most socio-political and financial institutions. Based on the principal components method, two latent factors of trust were identified. The first one was related to trust in socio-political institutions, Sberbank and Bank of Russia, Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) and state-owned banks, the second one included trust in all non-state financial institutions. Regression analysis showed that saving attitudes and both components of trust are positively correlated with savings. Associative rule learning method showed that even in presence of the positive attitude towards savings the most common non-random combinations of answers were lack of savings, distrust towards banks (with the exception of Sberbank), distrust to the Deposit Insurance Agency. Thus, distrust of socio-political and financial institutions is an obstacle to the increase in the amount of savings and financial resilience of Russian households.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Semantics of the Class Concept in Academic Literature: The Experience of Quantitative Analysis2024-11-01T20:27:50+03:00Sergei<p>The paper is devoted to the quantitative analysis of semantic changes in the meaning of a concept of “class” in the sociological texts from the second third of the twentieth century to the present. The relevance of the study is conditioned by the lack of clarity and multiple meanings of the concept in question. This ambiguity has led to numerous fruitless discussions about definitions, exemplified by the famous debate on the “death of class”. In contrast to existing works on the history of “class” concept based on close engagement with a limited number of specialized sources, the focus of this paper is to explicate the term's common usage across a wide range of topics in sociological publications. The analysis is based on a corpus of abstracts from the leading sociological journals using quantitative methods. A key question is to what extent the well-known discussions of experts on class analysis have influenced the widespread use of the concept by sociologists. A number of additional questions aimed at identifying the factors determining the dynamics of the term's use were also considered: to what extent the word “class” has retained the conflict connotations derived from Marxism; and whether there is a connection between this concept and terminology denoting statistical methods. Proceeding from the fact that the concept can be expressed by different words in different periods of time in different texts, we examined the semantic field which included, in addition to “class”, a number of related terms such as “stratification” and “mobility”. According to the analysis, most of the examined terms have remained relatively stable in their semantics. Nevertheless, a few changes of the class definition, known from the core literature, have affected its practical usage. However, as one can assume, the general “disciplining” effect of numerous publications by major authors is fading, which allows us to formulate the hypothesis that “class” is losing its conceptual content, turning into a metaphor, and its use in sociological texts is getting closer to non-academic.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2024-11-01T20:22:27+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, let us introduce a new journal issue.</p>2024-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Socio-Demographic Portrait and Values of Russian Investment Apps Users2024-11-01T19:50:47+03:00Ivan<p>The past decade saw a rapid increase in the number of retail investors. The number of people holding brokerage accounts in Russia increased from 1 million in 2012 up to 23 million in 2022. This was mostly due to the lower market entry barriers and the widespread adoption of mobile investment apps. This paper examines the factors that influence the use of mobile investment apps, which have become the main tool for mass retail investors in the Russian stock market. This study employs data from the Monitoring Study of Society’s Digital Transformation conducted by ISSEK HSE in 2022. The sample was comprised of 9452 respondents aged 18 and above. The data suggests that despite a rapid increase in number of people with brokerage accounts, only about 4% of adult Russians engage in investment activities using mobile apps. Next, the associations between the use of investment apps and several groups of factors— socio-demographic characteristics, human capital, technological proficiency, and basic human values— were tested. It was demonstrated that investment apps users are typically young, affluent men with higher levels of human capital. They have higher education and engage in additional education and self-education activities. They also show strong innovativeness and low levels of technological discomfort. Their value orientations are characterized by autonomy, power, and universalism, while they do not value conformism and tradition.</p>2024-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Is the Wrong Metric: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism (excerpt)2024-11-01T19:24:52+03:00Amitai<p>In his Happiness is the Wrong Measure: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism, Amitai Etzioni assigns a central place to the issues of ethics, which is considered in an applied way and in various aspects, taking into account the current global and local challenges of specific societies. This book provides a liberal communitarian response to the rise of populism occurring in many democracies. It highlights the role of communities next to that of the state and the market.<br>The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the second chapter, which provides a brief overview of diverse perspectives on human nature in various social sciences (economics, sociology, anthropology, and psychology). The author believes that the main problem of the social sciences is that they ignore the idea of a moral fighter. The idea of a moral fighter presupposes an approach according to which a person is involved in an irreconcilable conflict between the search for happiness and the desire to live in accordance with their moral values, which generates a sense of self-affirmation in a person. According to Etzioni, much of the dynamics of human behavior reflects this conflict between the desire for pleasure and the desire for self-affirmation. In this regard, the author believes that the inclusion in social sciences of the idea of a moral fighter, which is present in key religions, would help to advance scientific understanding of what makes people better in society.</p> <p>Source: Etzioni A. (2018) Happiness Is the Wrong Metric: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism, New York: Springer. 304 p.</p>2024-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Items, Waste Issue and Solidarity Practices among Russian Consumers2024-11-01T19:19:15+03:00Marina<p>Drawing on the results of three all-Russia representative surveys (2017, 2020, and December 2022, N = 2000 in each case), this study for the first time reveals the data on the level, dynamics and factors related to how Russians engage in various practices of handling underutilized items that have not lost their consumer properties, but no longer needed by their owners. Special emphasis is made on solidarity practices, such as free transfer of such items to strangers and acquaintances (with the exception of relatives) as compared to market practices (sales through Internet platforms, second-hand shops, etc.) and disposing of items in the landfill. The results demonstrate that Russians with different values, socio-demographic and status characteristics exhibit different probability to engage in these practices. Young people (18-34) are a problematic group since they tend to throw items away and engage in market practices rather than in charitable giving. It has been shown that donors’ resource potential (willingness to transfer unwanted items in good condition to other people for free) has substantially declined in 2022 as compared to 2020. However, the donors’ potential has not been fully realized and it still remains fairly significant. Recommendations are made for measures to enhance the role of civil society and productive practices, while reducing the destructive ones in this sphere. The conclusion is made that the practices of discarding unnecessary items are increasingly becoming a tool for manifesting civic responsibility and expanding the boundaries of civil society in Russia.</p>2024-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2024-11-01T19:14:21+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, Let me introduce a new journal issue.</p>2024-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Scientific Conference “Nature-Based Solutions: What Russia Can Offer to the World?”, November 16, 2023, Moscow, Russia 2024-02-11T22:05:13+03:00Ivan Naumovinaumov@eu.spb.ruMarina<p>On 16 November 2023, European University at St. Petersburg, with the support of the Andrey Melnichenko Foundation, organised a scientific conference entitled "Nature-Based Solutions: What Russia Can Offer to the World?" More than twenty leading Russian and foreign climate change experts from natural and social science shared their views on the potential of using nature-based solutions (NBS) as a means of countering the negative effects of global warming. The conference outlined the main areas in which NBS can be realised. The focus was on scientific research on present and past ecosystems, as well as models that offer scenarios of future climate development. Russian NBS initiatives, both current and potential, were discussed through the prism of historical experience and international practices. The conference consisted of five thematic panels and ended with a general discussion involving young scientists and graduate students specialising on various components of the Earth system. The first panel was devoted to discussing the role of climate science in building climate policy, as well as the place of the NBS among other measures to deal with global warming. In the second panel, participants discussed the existing tools needed for successful implementation of NBS. The third panel focused on the presentation and discussion of NBS already being implemented in Russia: Pleistocene Park and the Carboniferous polygon network. Finally, the fourth and fifth panels were devoted to discussing potential mitigation and adaptation of NBS that could be implemented in Russia in the near future.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)“Performative Decisions in Conditions of Systemic Uncertainty”: How the US Federal Reserve Solved the Crisis During the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-20082024-02-11T21:58:44+03:00Stanislav<p class="text">Mitchell Abolafia's book offers an in-depth analysis of the famous Global Financial Crisis of 20072008. The book examines how the critical decisions made by officials of the US Federal Reserve System affected the operation of markets, the understanding of its participants of the full depth of the crisis, and the search for a way out of the current problem. The book delves into the history of the meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and the US Federal Reserve, at which its permanent representatives tried to anticipate the conditions of the impending financial crisis and find a favorable solution. A systematic analysis of the ethnographic materials collected by Abolafia allows the reader to trace how the “managed” exit from the crisis was carried out by “market managers”, and how this process ultimately turned out to be deeply political, social and cultural. The book places a significant emphasis on the process of “searching for solutions,” which is defined by M. Abolafia as “sensemaking.” It is this, coupled with the mechanisms for creating and reproducing performative conclusions and decisions, that characterizes how the FOMC had from the very beginning to find new solutions to a situation that at first was considered as typical, based on the experience of past financial crises. The book pays special attention to mechanisms for coping with uncertainty, formulated in terms of “improvisation,” something that becomes uncharacteristic of the FOMC. In general, the book focuses on the logic of understanding of the market situation, the role of “signals” and “effects,” and the development of a system of argumentation by officials when making decisions. The main conclusion of the book is that the technocratic control that was traced in the work of the FOMC, over a number of events and “behind-the-scenes” actions, was largely ambivalent in nature, since the FOMC experts did not have a factual understanding of the financial crisis. The book argues that stable cultural patterns served as interpretations of economic changes, which in turn slowed down the process of rapid response. Thus, the successful navigation of the crisis and the implementation of positive policy measures were possible thanks to the overcoming by the members of the FOMC and the Federal Reserve of their entrenched ideas about the economy, as well as their willingness to respond to market expectations.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Balances in the Migration Theories 2024-02-11T21:54:09+03:00Pavel Lisitsynfox_sociology@mail.ruAndrey Rezaevrezaev@hotmail.comAlexander<p>The paper aims to explore how the principles of the neoclassical approach, transformed into meta-theoretical foundations, have changed migration studies. The authors aim to evaluate the extent to which these changes have influenced the theory and practice of migration studies. Focusing its analysis on the works of authors often characterized as representatives of the “economic”/ “neoclassical” approaches, the paper aims to test the thesis that migration theories are characterized by fragmentation and inconsistency. In particular, turning to the analysis of the neoclassical theory, the authors will consider whether the transition from the classical approach in migration studies really laid the foundation for insurmountable contradictions between migration studies and theories of the distant past (late XIX - early XX century), the recent past (mid - late XX century), and the present (XXI century). The current analysis includes the works of A. Lewis, D. Harris and M. Todaro, V. Zelinsky, M. Piore, O. Stark and D. Bloom. The key questions of the analysis will be: Is there a connection between the works of these authors and their predecessors? What contribution have the analyzed studies made to the modern perception of migration? What was the engine of migration studies of this period, often hailed as a breakthrough by most critics (and is it truly a breakthrough)? The authors will be interested in whether something distinguishes the so-called "economic stage of migration research" (the works of representatives of which are presented in the analysis) from other historical stages of migration research? In addition, this analysis offers an assessment of the relevance of the results of migration studies at the end of the XX century for today’s research.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Reassembling Economic Sociology: Methodological Traces of Actor-Network Theory 2024-02-11T21:46:23+03:00Vera<p class="text">Actor-network theory (ANT), originating as a methodology within Science and Technology Studies (STS), has provided a new theoretical impetus to other fields of social sciences in the 21st century. It has significantly influenced contemporary economic sociology, as well as urban studies, sociology of art and culture. In the first part of the article, the author traces the genesis of the ideas of actor-network theory developed by the French sociologist Bruno Latour as described in his book ‘Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory’. In contrast to conventional critical sociology which adjusts social interactions under overarching theory, the sociology of associations closely examines actors’ autonomous contributions to organising human and non-human assemblages. Following the structure of the book, the author describes the uncertainties faced by the sociologist and the subsequent steps to overcome them which altogether form the methodological approach of actor-network theory. The second part of the article provides an overview of contemporary works in the field of economic sociology that incorporate the theoretical insights of ANT’s. It includes Michel Callon’s perspective on the performative effect of economics as well as his heuristic concept of ‘market devices’. Consequently, the article discusses ANT’s impact on the research of markets material conditions developed by economic sociologists Donald MacKenzie, Fabian Muniesa and others within the emerging domains of Social Studies of Finance and Sociology of Valuation.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Regional Differences in the Access of Russian School Students to Distance Learning in 2016-2022 2024-02-11T21:41:58+03:00Alexandra Getmanav.getman@hse.ruKseniia<p>Distance learning is one of the most discussed educational technologies in the world. While some researchers suggest that distance education contributes to reducing socio-economic inequality, other works show its consequences in the form of increased segregation. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition to this form of education turned out to be an alternative to traditional education, despite all the disputes about its effectiveness and consequences.<br>The aim of this study is to analyze the regional differences in students’ access to distance learning in 20162022, carried out in the paradigm of N. Hillman’s Geography of Opportunities. Using the quasi-experimental method of interrupted time series, the dynamics of differences in the coverage of students with distance learning in 20162022 were estimated on the basis of regional statistical reporting forms. Then, using the Pearson correlation method, the relationship of students' access to distance learning with socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the regions was analyzed. Further, the fixed effects of the pandemic period on students’ access to distance learning in schools in different regions were evaluated. The obtained results allow us to apply the concept of the geography of opportunities to the Russian context and confirm N. Hillman’s thesis about the existence of educational «deserts», where the educational opportunities of students are largely explained by a less prosperous context. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for the growth of existing differences. At the time of the lockdown in 2020, the readiness of schools to switch to distance learning varied greatly depending on the subject of the Russian Federation. In the most advantageous position were the regions described as educational «oases», where the growth of students’ access to distance learning was maximal during the pandemic. At the same time, some growth of this indicator in the regions that we describe as educational «deserts» was insufficient to reduce inequality. Thus, the application of the concept of the geography of opportunities to the Russian context highlights the potential of a decentralized system to reduce social inequality.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenge (excerpt)2024-02-11T21:33:56+03:00Bernd<p>Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Options for Addressing Ethical Challenges is based on the work that Prof. B. C. Stahl, Prof. D. Schroeder and R. Rodrigues were engaged in within the framework in a number of different projects. The main project that brought the authors together and demonstrated the need for case studies addressing ethical AI problems and ways to solve them was the EU-funded Shaping the Ethical Dimensions of Smart Information System (SHERPA; 2018–2021). This book provides real-life examples of ethical issues, along with discussions and coping strategies. The book is based on the case study method. Case studies are one of the best ways to learn about ethical dilemmas and gain insights into the various complexities and perspectives of stakeholders. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter of the book “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction”, where the authors present their problem statement and outline the structure of their book.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Compulsive Shopping with Anxiety and Depression in Russia2024-02-11T21:23:50+03:00Alexander MaksimenkoMaximenko.Al@gmail.comOlga Deynekaosdeyneka@yadex.ruDarya Yurinovayurinova.dasha@yandex.ruElena Charushinavasilisa97@rambler.ruKonstantin<p class="text">The article is devoted to compulsive behavior among Russians during the period of economic sanctions. It argues that, unlike impulsive, compulsive purchases include not only and not so much purchases from the category of goods from the "checkout zone" of supermarkets, but also various manifestations of obsessive and auto-therapeutic consumption. The aim of the study was to search for correlations between the propensity to compulsive purchases with the severity of depression and the level of anxiety. 524 individuals (men 47%, women 53%, the average age of the respondents, M = 45 years) took part in an online research using the services and The following methods were used: "The scale of compulsive purchases" (E. Edwards), the Russian version of the "New scale of monetary behavior" by A. Furnham and S. Grover (adapted by T. A. Nestik, M. A. Gagarina), "The scale of depression, anxiety and stress" (DASS-21) and "The scale of sensitivity to anxiety" (ASI-3), and demographic indicators are also taken into account. The results of the survey showed that the tendency to compulsive purchases was associated with the age and gender of the respondents, as well as with their level of income and degree of religiosity. An analysis of the links between compulsive purchases, depression, anxiety and stress showed that people tend to engage in "binge" shopping when they are upset, feel irrational fear, panic, and a sense of emptiness and meaninglessness in life. The propensity for impulsive shopping therapy was found to be closely related to a person's sensitivity to anxiety (somatic, cognitive and social). The methodological problem of adopting the "Scale of compulsive purchases" to the Russian sample has been solved.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Stops Drinking Alcohol in Russia?2024-02-11T21:03:02+03:00Yana Roschinayroshchina@hse.ruYulia<p class="text">This paper, based on a longitudinal study, examines the factors of the transition to abstinence in Russia in the period from 2006 to 2020. The study draws on the database of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, a series of representative surveys conducted by the Higher School of Economics for 20062020. Based on the results of binary logistic regression, several groups of factors were identified that influence the transition of Russians to abstinence in the year T + 1: older age, female gender, belonging to “Muslim ethnic groups”, living in cities of regional subordination and rural areas, pregnancy and childbirth by women, a decrease in per capita income for women, loss of employment status, self-assessment of health as deteriorating if the initial health assessment was as poor and very poor, self-assessment of health as improving compared to the initial health assessment as average, the presence of teetotalers in the family. Higher alcohol prices, other things being equal, increase the likelihood of men becoming abstainers more than twice. The most important factors for refusing to drink alcohol are natural - age and poor health. The presence of non-drinking family members contributes to the rejection of alcohol consumption, while excessive drinkers can have the opposite effect. An increase in the proportion of non-drinkers in the family and in society can set patterns for a sober lifestyle as a social norm. Promoting the value of health in society will help reduce alcohol consumption in the future.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2024-02-11T20:55:01+03:00Vadim<p style="-qt-block-indent: 0; text-indent: 0px; margin: 0px;">Dear colleagues, We find ourselves at the edge of a new leap year (the seventh leap year for our journal). Normally, people expect something unexpected from it. Let us hope that this year will not bring any new troubles to us.</p>2024-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Are We Being Rational? Economics Perspectives on Sacred Natural Sites Commodification 2023-12-11T23:27:33+03:00Amrita MARYUNANIaryunani200216@yahoo.comSri Mahardika Adi<p>Socio-economic and cultural changes due to massive tourism development have presented a new paradigm for the existence and the decision to use water. This study explores the embeddedness and expectation of actors depicted in the socio-economic dynamics of economic development and management choices for Bali’s Sacred Natural Sites (SNS) commodification. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study design. From the findings, social networking can be classified into relational and structural embeddedness. The commodification of specific locations in rural areas is strongly related to spiritual values assigned to traditional sacred sites, associated with a specific religious tenet, belief, or place of worship in rural areas. Furthermore, the commercialization of holy water resources can be seen as a decision-making process, driven as it is by the anticipation of future economic benefits such as higher profits or the creation of jobs, as well as future cultural and social benefits such as the wish to advance tourism or protect cultural assets. Belief in the future value of economic benefit is constituted through the narratives actors use to make sense of a monetary situation and the everyday experience of using money. There may also be concerns about the environmental effects of commodification and ownership of it. Based on these results, future research must abandon static models that try to explain social order stability or social stratification reproduction. Although the past cannot predict decisions, past experiences affect actors’ capacity. Projective thinking is essential for generating viable options and choosing a course of action.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Sociology of the Financial Crisis: Banks, Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Modern Financial System2023-12-11T23:27:11+03:00Egor<p>This review considers the main ideas of the last Professor Fligstein’s book The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis. The book aims to analyze the financial crisis of 2008 unfolded in the mortgage securitization market in the US and its spread worldwide. The main question of the book is how the business model of mortgage securitization has been developed in the United States of America. The focus is on the structure of the banking sphere and their actions which eventually led to the financial crises. Fligstein applies a historical approach in order to analyze the business model of securitization formed in the mortgage credit market, which ultimately led to the global financial disaster. He underlines the vitality of the financial system for the economy as a whole and points out intrinsic ties between them. Within his sociological framework, the author of the book proves two major ideas. The first is that markets and the state are mutually interrelated and constitute one another. This means that the financial market is actually embedded in the sociopolitical context and shaped by the government’s actions. The second idea is that in order to understand the nature of the financial market it is crucial to analyze the business model emerged in the market. It may help forecast potential consequences of some particular economic activities and processes. The conclusion of the book is (following the title of the book) that the banks did it, although under the developing framework of mortgage securitization which roots are traced back to the crisis of the loans and savings banking model. Not only is the fundamental empirical analysis presented in the book, but also the solid economic sociology framework is successfully applied to the understanding of the financial crisis. This book is highly recommended to specialists in social sciences, as well as to the general public interested in financial crises and systems.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Role of the Institution of Complaints in the Formation of a New Reality in Russia2023-12-11T21:15:26+03:00Olga<p>The article continues the discussion initiated by D. Litvintsev about the role of the institution of complaints in Russian economic practice, in particular, in housing and communal services. Previously, O. Bessonova’s articles defended the position of the institution of complaints as an important and effective feedback signal that can be traced throughout the historical development of the distribution economy in Russia and the only legal channel for protecting citizens' rights in the field of service provision at the present time. D. Litvintsev refuted this statement and gave a classification of complaints, on which he based his argument. O. Bessonova’s attempt to show the inconsistency of both the classification of complaints itself and the argumentation built on its basis led D. Litvintsev to strengthen his denial of the importance of the institution of complaints and shift the focus of the discussion to the abuses and dysfunctions of this institution. This article analyzes the opponent’s methodology for constructing a classification of complaints and the vicious logical circle to which it leads. The fact is that the structure of complaints according to D. Litvintsev initially contains subjective and negative evaluations (erroneous complaints, impulsive complaints, denunciations) and on this basis a conclusion is drawn about abuses. At the same time, no statistics, no interviews with management companies, or examples of different types of complaints were given. To move to the semantic level of the discussion, the problematization formulated by E. Bogdanova was used: why administrative complaints were not completely replaced by lawsuits during the construction of the legal system and market economy, but on the contrary, were not only preserved but also expanded the range of their action in modern Russia? The answer to this key question, which forms the essence of this discussion, can only be found within the framework of the theory of distribution economy. Based on this theory, a forecast is made about the role of civil complaints in the transformation of the institutional system of Russia.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c), Resources, and Isomorphism: Corruption from Organizational Sociology Perspective2023-12-11T23:26:48+03:00Julia<p>Since the 1990s, corruption has been an object of study in economics, management, law, psychology and sociology. However, many empirical studies on corruption oftentimes ignore the normalization of corruption and its embeddedness in organizations. In this paper, we would like to draw attention to an alternative way of looking at corruption. We highlight three perspectives on corruption: social network analysis, resource dependence theory and neoinstitutionalism, which are the leading perspectives in organizational sociology. We argue that each perspective has a great potential for deepening our understanding of corruption thanks to their focus on organizations which are seen as a basic unit of corruption. Social network analysis explores interpersonal links between corrupted subjects and mediators and their role in corrupted networks. It also puts forward a number of predictors of corruption. Neoinstitutionalism focuses on environmental factors and explores the institutional conditions which encourage or discourage corruption, such as the level of competition, the quality of law and law enforcement, and other firms' behaviour. Resource dependence theory draws our attention to the resources available to organizations and individuals. It helps explore the relationship between power and resources on the one hand, and the field of available corruption activity on the other. Organizational sociology allows us to consider the positional, organizational and environmental factors of corruption. In doing so, it highlights the social embeddedness of corruption and its systematic and routinized nature. To illustrate our point, we review in detail several studies which represent different perspectives and methodologies. In conclusion, we compare the three perspectives, point at their respective advantages and disadvantages, and propose possible directions for future research.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of the Russian North: Exclusion Without Rights to Resources2023-12-11T23:26:24+03:00Tatyana Lytkinatlytkina@yandex.ruTatyana Lytkinatlytkina@yandex.ruSvetlana<p>Based on the materials of the sociological research carried out within the framework of qualitative methodology, the analysis of nature use practices and attitudes to them of the Russian citizens in general and the local community in particular is offered. The developed concept of expulsion assumes the systemic reproduction of the periphery within nation-states and is characterised by the low potential of local communities to influence the formation of development strategies in a region characterised by rich natural resources, as well as limited opportunities for its inhabitants to engage in meaningful activities and manage their personal life situations in a harsh climate and expensive living conditions. It is argued that modern practices of nature management represent consumer and quasitraditional strategies of development of the North. They do not contribute to the formation of sustainable strategies for the development of territories, despite the growing critical attitude of the region’s residents to the current situation and awareness of the deprivation of their right to own and dispose of land and natural resources. Expulsion is the result of the institutionalisation of prolonged and multiple practices of social exclusion. Institutionalisation is triggered by environmental management policies that ignore the interests of indigenous people and, as a consequence, make it difficult to defend the common interest of Northerners. It is characterised by an awareness of the injustice of this situation, reinforced by individual defence strategies and supported by five mechanisms: the mythologisation of the well-being of the North, the exploitative way of developing natural resources, the transfer of the costs of their extraction to the inhabitants of the region, the neglect of the interests of local communities, the promotion of migratory attitudes and the identity of temporary workers. The rule of access to benefits through the workplace, which has been preserved since late Soviet times, is not coping with the new challenges. As a result, resources are extracted in some regions and profits are channelled to other, usually more developed, regions. In the northern regions, where natural resources are extracted in this way, different types of dependencies are formed and impoverishment occurs.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) and Private Life of Women: Qualitative Changes in the Remote Working Environment2023-12-11T23:26:02+03:00Natalia<p>The article problematizes the relevance of identifying the relationships between modern remote employment opportunities for women and potential changes in their lives including reproductive plans. The hypothesis of the study is that remote employment conditions, due to their flexibility in the workplace and working time, allow most women to improve their work-life balance as well as plan their future family life. The 1 purpose of the study is to assess women’s opinions about expected or real changes in their work, family, parenthood, and personal spheres of lives in connection with possible or actual participation in remote forms of employment. The article summarizes the results of three Russian women’ surveys containing a monitoring question about the remote working conditions impact on the state of the main spheres of life (2018, N = 1922; 2019, N = 601; 2022, N = 589). Data merging was carried out using the VORTEX-10 program (N = 3112). The array is divided into three groups: (1) women with voluntary remote work experience before the pandemic; (2) women with forced remote work experience during the pandemic; (3) women without remote work experience. Women’ subgroups were additionally identified by age and the presence/absence of children under 15. The results were processed by translating the answers into a unified index system. The findings show the predominance of positive assessments of the remote employment conditions influence on the main respondents’ spheres of life: work, family, parental and personal. Respondents from different subgroups were unanimous noting the positive remote work impact on improving home life (“at home it will become more comfortable”), the health of loved ones, more time to communicate with children, as well as time for personal life, the latter manifested in the emergence of “time for myself” and “for cultural life.” At the same time, women who have voluntary remote work experience are two times more likely to evaluate its benefits for themselves than women who were forced to work remotely. Women with children under 15, compared to other respondents, more often rate the remote employment experience as positive (the difference is 25%). There is no significant connection between the ability to work remotely and plans to have children.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) in a World Economy (excerpt)2023-12-11T23:25:41+03:00Saskia<p>Economic globalization, accompanied by the emergence of a global culture, has profoundly changed the social, economic and political reality of national states, transnational regions and cities that make up the focus of Cities in a World Economy by Prof. S. Sassen. The presented book shows how some cities—New York, Tokyo, London, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong, Toronto, Miami and Sydney — have turned into transnational “spaces”. These cities began to have more in common with each other than with the regional centers of their national states, many of which have lost their significance. Moreover, the impact of global processes radically transforms the social structure of cities themselves—changing the organization of labor, income distribution, consumption structure, all that, in turn, creates new patterns of urban social inequality. Understanding how global processes are localized in national territories requires, according to Prof. Saskia Sassen, new concepts and research strategies. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter “Place and Production in the Global Economy”, in which the author raises questions about the content of the concept of globalization and the diversity of its types. The author reveals why she chooses the city as a place for empirical research on economic, political and cultural globalization.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Digital Platforms: A Conceptual Framework for the Gig Economy2023-12-11T23:25:19+03:00Andrey<p>Contemporary sociology of work pays increasing attention to the study of the work experiences of individuals engaged in digital labour platforms. However, for a deeper understanding of the gig economy, this approach needs to be complemented by an analysis of the digital platforms as organizational structures and social actors. This article proposes a conceptual framework for such analysis, drawing on theoretical insights from economic sociology, institutionalism, and political economy. The role of digital platforms is problematized through the five key categories (organizational innovation, mediator, market infrastructure, private regulator, institutional entrepreneur), which are systematically integrated into the analysis. Digital platforms represent a radical organizational innovation built on technologies capable of effectively coordinating the activities of dispersed agents without requiring their spatial, temporal, or organizational co-presence. This facilitates the growth of businesses benefiting from the mediation of external workers and resources. The communication means facilitated by platforms gradually transform into systemic infrastructure, shaping the fundamental conditions for market functioning. With the ability to unilaterally establish “rules of the game” and exercise algorithmic control, platforms evolve into private market regulators, competing with the state. To strengthen and legitimize their power, platforms actively engage in the political process with the aim of social market reorganization and overall institutional restructuring. At this stage, the conceptual framework loops back to the idea that platforms represent an innovation, the diffusion of which must address the most acute social contradictions related to the role of platforms as mediators, infrastructures, private regulators, and institutional entrepreneurs. The article demonstrates how the proposed categories can be applied to the analysis of various gig economy issues.</p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2023-12-11T23:24:59+03:00Vadim<p><span id="page83R_mcid335" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*126.52px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.987259);" role="presentation">Dear colleagues,</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid336" class="markedContent"><br role="presentation"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*154.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.996185);" role="presentation">Recently, on November 14, 2023, the results of the Third Grushin’s Book Award were announced. A festive</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid337" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*169.04px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.970668);" role="presentation">ceremony praising the winners took place at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka).</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid338" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*183.22px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.984775);" role="presentation">We are proud to inform you that a major award went to the book</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid339" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*348.78px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*183.22px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.979335);" role="presentation">What Do We Know About Freelancers? The</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid340" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*197.39px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.962416);" role="presentation">Sociology of Free Employment</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid341" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*186.19px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*197.39px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.985458);" role="presentation">(Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2022) written by our colleagues doing eco</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid343" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*211.56px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.00076);" role="presentation">nomic sociology Denis Strebkov and Andrey Shevchuk (both from the LSES, HSE University). Our sincere</span></span><span id="page83R_mcid344" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*36.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*225.74px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.98263);" role="presentation">congratulations to the win!</span></span></p>2023-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Similarities, Not Differences: Five Eco-Social Relationship Archetypes2023-10-25T21:15:53+03:00Daria<p>In the United States, the ongoing political divisions encompass a variety of issues, including environmental concerns. Environmental protection and efforts to address climate change have become central topics in political polarization. “Eco-Types: Five Ways of Caring about the Environment” by Emily Huddart Kennedy, an Associate Professor of Sociology at The University of British Columbia, aims to rectify misconceptions about people's relationships with the environment. Rather than focusing on why some individuals engage with environmental issues, Kennedy explores the place of the environment in people's lives, revealing that there is more than one way to care for the environment. She outlines a spectrum of eco-social relationships, resulting from a mixed methods research approach of the study that included two phases: qualitative interviews followed by a representative survey of the US population which was based on the insights obtained through the interviews. The empirical data allow Kennedy to describe the cultural ideal of the environmentalist and identify five archetypes of eco-social relationships: (1) Eco-Engaged; (2) The Self-Effacing; (3) The Optimists; (4) The Fatalists; (5) The Indifferent. Kennedy concludes that the challenge of environmental protection exacerbates political polarization in American society and hinders collective progress in addressing environmental issues. She emphasizes that to protect the planet and mitigate the ecological crisis, it is essential to recognize that not everyone cares about the environment in the same way, not should we be similar in our care for the environment; yet a shared concern for the environment should unite rather than separate us.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Concept of Touching Animals or Market?2023-10-25T21:15:34+03:00Irina<p>For some time, pets remained relatively invisible in social sciences, despite their significant social functions. However, in recent decades, there has been a phenomenon known as the “animal turn,” marked by the development of anthrozoology. Research focusing on this subject has begun to emerge in Russia as well. The book under review aligns well with this trend. As is indicated by the title, the book has a clear economic focus. K. Krylova aims to analyze the function of pets, their work practices, and consumption patterns associated with animals within the family context. The researcher categorizes small-sized animals that require minimal time and effort for care as “convenience pets.” The market for such pets is steadily growing, with high demand. K. Krylova essentially views them as precarious workers who provide their human companions with a unique emotional environment. However, it is worth noting that the book lacks an economic analysis. The author classifies modern Russian society as a neoliberal culture that individuals must adapt to. She emphasizes the impact of stress resulting from the nature of relationships and employment in societies and economies of this type. Specifically, she highlights a group of professionals with unpredictable work hours who delay marriage or having children and are vulnerable to various psychological issues, such as insomnia, depression, and nervous breakdown. Many of them turn to pets as substitutes for family. The author takes the concept of animals as “living anti-depressants” to its logical conclusion. She also delves into the effects of fantasy monsters found in books, movies, videogames, and microformat pets and neototems. While her analysis seems plausible, there are some limitations to consider: she primarily focuses on young professionals in creative fields and exclusively on micro-animals. It's worth noting that larger dogs, for example, can serve similar functions.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Capital2023-10-25T20:46:12+03:00Alexander<p>Academic research on sexuality spans various disciplines, including sexology, sex research, critical sexuality studies, representations of sexuality in the media, gender studies, and sexual identity studies, among others. When it comes to the sociological study of sexuality, sociologists typically either engage in anthropological or narrowly sociological studies of social communities and spaces or conduct macroanalyses, as exemplified by Anthony Giddens in The Transformation of Intimacy (1992). In the 21st century, building on the sociological theory of Pierre Bourdieu, some sociologists have begun to develop the concept of “sexual capital,” viewing sex and sexuality as integral aspects of collective social life. This paper identifies and describes three sociological theories of sexual capital: “erotic capital” (Catherine Hakim); the theory of sexual fields (Adam Isaiah Green and others), in which sexual capital operates alongside other elements such as erotic habitus and practice; and “neoliberal sexual capital” (Eva Illouz and Dana Kaplan). Particular emphasis is placed on the latter theory, as it was introduced relatively recently. In the era of neoliberalism, where the precariat is constantly searching for opportunities in a highly competitive labor market, to feel masterfully becomes crucial . “Neoliberal sexual capital” facilitates this for several reasons: firstly, it boosts self-esteem; secondly, it implies dominance; thirdly, it can serve as a means to demonstrate social competence, and fourthly, it contributes to greater job satisfaction. Recognizing that discussions about sexual capital have only recently started to gain momentum, the author of this review paper presents these theories as competitors within the academic field of sociology.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)Жалоб много, но прибыль есть: злоупотребление сигнальнымиинститутами в российском ЖКХ2023-10-25T21:14:39+03:00Denis<p>In 2022, a correspondence discussion on the challenges related to the functioning of the complaints institute within the housing and communal services sector in Russia was initiated within the pages of this journal. The discussion involved the author of this article and Olga Bessonova, a representative of the Novosibirsk School of Economics and Sociology. In response to the article titled “Complaints are not Gifts: Dysfunctionality of the Institution of Complaints in the Field of Housing and Communal Services ш Russia” (vol. 23, по 4, pp. 110—121), which critiques the effectiveness of the complaints institution from an interdisciplinary perspective, Prof. Bessonova published a response article titled “Ге Institutional Nature of Complaints in Market and Distributional Environments” (vol. 23, no 5, pp. 133—144). The aim of the present article 1$ to continue the debate and broaden it to encompass a discussion of the issues related to the functioning of both signaling institutions (complaints and profit) in the context of the apartment building management market. The author provides a detailed commentary on the specifics of the methodology used to study problems in the housing sector, and conducts an analysis of several indicators from open sources that point to the existence of false complaints and, consequently, institutional abuses by apartment building owners. Concerning the institution of profit, the author presents common socio-economic practices related to profit manipulation by management companies, including strict budgeting, fictitious employment, and affiliations with contractors. These practices lead to the dysfunction of the profit institution. The primary conclusion of this article is that the institutional environment itself, along with legal and regulatory institutions, contribute to the dysfunction of signaling institutions. They do so by promoting and effectively endorsing abuses by all market participants in the absence of genuine competition, which is essential for the complaints system to function as feedback, in line with the approach of Janelle Barlow and Claus Moller.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Informal Intermediaries Influence the Inclusion of Cross-Border Migrants in the Shadow Labor Market2023-10-25T21:16:09+03:00Dmitry Timoshkindmtrtim@gmail.comAndrey<p>This article examines non-formal intermediaries providing migrant workers from North Korea and Central Asia with jobs in the construction sector of Siberia. It delves into the interactions between these intermediaries and cross-border migrant workers, Russian authorities, and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, it discusses their role in migration flows and the integration of migrants into the shadow labor market of Siberian cities. Based оп 13 semistructured interviews with non-formal intermediaries and representatives from the construction industry, we have highlighted the social characteristics of these intermediaries, their position within the horizontal networks used for servicing, employing, and exploiting migrant labor. It has been established that non-formal intermediaries support the development of crossborder migration flows of migrants employed in the shadow segment of the labor market. Upon their arrival in Russia, these migrants often take on “3d” jobs (dirty, dangerous and difficult), and their well-being and security depend significantly on the social capital of the intermediary who brought them to the country. These intermediaries exchange the social capital they have acquired over years of staying in Russia, especially their contacts with local officials and security forces, for a portion of the income earned by a labor migrant. In return, they facilitate interaction between migrants and the Russian state and business. The demand for non-formal intermediaries can be easily explained by the fact that many migrants from rural areas of Central Asia have limited knowledge of the Russian language and lack familiarity with the realities of life in large cities. While they are interested in working in Russia, they often lack the information and resources that an intermediary can provide in exchange for a portion of their future income. Another factor is the complexity of Russian migration legislation, which significantly increases the costs associated with integration. Intermediaries have connections within Russian state institutions, enabling them to reduce these costs for migrants, but again, in exchange for a portion of the migrant's earnings. Meanwhile, attracting migrants to the shadow segment of the labor market turns out to be beneficial for local “municipal political regimes” and provides them with various ways to collect fees for specific administrative or law enforcement services. Therefore, the complexity of legislation and the informal employment of migrants benefit all participants in the construction sector. Intermediaries and “municipal regimes” have the opportunity to earn income from this arrangement, while migrants have the chance to reduce the costs of legality, the cost of integration, and the overall level of uncertainty in the host country.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Great Reversal. How America Gave Up on Free Markets (excerpt)2023-10-25T21:14:00+03:00Toma<p>The book “The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets” offers a fresh perspective on competition in the USA in the first decades of the 21st century. Based on the latest research findings and international comparisons, the author demonstrates that competition has been declining in the US domestic markets. The lack of competition is attributed to political choices resulting from the lobbying and financing of political campaigns by large corporations.<br>These choices have led to the growth of market entry barriers and regulations that protect major market players, weaken antimonopoly regulation, and hinder the growth of small and medium-sized firms. The absence of competition also results in reduced wages, investments, and economic growth rates, along with increased inequality. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter titled “Why Economists Adore Competition... and Why We Must Also Embrace It,” in which the author discusses the arguments in favor of competition that exist in economic theory. Additionally, the author reviews the potential positive and negative consequences of increasing competition. This book is intended for students, lecturers, economists, and anyone interested in economic issues encountered by certain markets and antimonopoly regulation.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Socialization of Children and Adolescents in the Context of the Digital Society2023-10-25T21:13:29+03:00Anna Feiginaanna.feigina97@gmail.comElizaveta Aguzarovaliza.aguzarova@icloud.comAnastasia Korovinaankorovina02@yandex.ruMaia<p><br>This article showcases the results of a study on the formation of consumer behavior in children and adolescents within the context of digital society. The research problem lies in the lack of information about the specificities of forming consumer behavior in the context of the digital society. The research objective is to identify the nature and extent of the influence of agents of consumer socialization on the formation of consumer behavior in children and adolescents within the digital space. Bloggers are highlighted as specific agents of consumer socialization in the digital society. The theoretical foundations of the study include social learning theory and role theory of socialization. The concept of “consumer socialization” central to the study is thoroughly examined. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 80 children and adolescents aged 12 to 16 from 27 regions of the Russian Federation. Interviews took place in cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Samara, Kazan, Perm, Sochi, Surgut, Rostov-on-Don, and others. Data analysis was conducted using one of the thematic analysis techniques—Template Analysis, which allows structuring large data sets into hierarchically organized groups. The research revealed that parents, siblings, and peers actively participate in selecting and making online purchases of various gadgets for children. Parents often impose spending limits in the digital environment. Recipients of donations are often not bloggers themselves but friends or peers trying their hand at blogging. Bloggers currently hold authority among children and adolescents: the higher the authority, the more trust there is in advertisements within blogs. The data obtained from the research is planned to be used in future studies of consumer socialization and the development of specialized scales for surveys.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)Перспективы развития теории социального капитала2023-10-25T21:13:07+03:00Dmitry<p>The aim of this article is to re-evaluate the significance and relevance of the conceptualization of social bonds. The next steps involve altering operational definitions and questionnaire design, which first requires a critical examination of theoretical knowledge, an attempt to construct a conceptual framework, and an understanding of research perspectives. There are five primary tasks within the article. First, it is necessary to provide a brief review of the works of four classic authors in this field: Pierre Bourdieu, Robert Putnam, James Coleman, and Mark Granovetter. This selection is based on the personal preferences of the author and does not claim to be exhaustive. The second task is to the predominance of the economic aspect of social capital in the existing social research. The third task involves highlighting the development of the concept of social capital in Russia. Despite the absence of Russian authors among the classics, it is unreasonable to only discuss the replication of theoretical approaches. The reception of the concept in Russia is both interesting and heuristic. The fourth task is to propose a dominant social conceptualization that moves beyond economic interpretations of social bonds, focusing not just on resource exchange and the symbolic dictate of reciprocal relations. Finally, the fifth task involves presenting an alternative conceptualization scheme in which the idea of the public good takes precedence over individual schemes aimed at optimizing personal social status. This scheme emphasizes the primary role of the public good in the development and growth of social capital.</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2023-10-25T21:12:22+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, The journals “Sociological Review” and “Journal of Economic Sociology” have announced the results of the competition named after Max Weber. The winners are Elena Charnyaeva (Laboratory for the Psychology of<br>Social Inequality, HSE University) and Alexandra Shulkurlyaeva (Center for Socio-Cultural Studies, HSE University) for their paper titled “Witch as a Calling and Profession: An Analysis of Legitimation Strategies for Occult Services.” This paper will be published in the “Sociological Review.” The winners will receive an invitation to the Weber Conference at HSE University on September 22–23, 2023. Valeria Kalinina from Lipetsk State University secured the second place with her paper titled “Risk-Oriented Rethinking of Charisma.” This paper will be published in our Journal. Congratulations to the winners!</p>2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) in Rural India2023-10-25T21:09:37+03:00Alexandr<p>This review presents Sudhir Kumar Suthar's book addressing the issue of farmer suicides in India. The problem of farmer suicides in India is widely recognized by agrarian and rural scholars for several decades. However, the author disputes the proposed explanations of farmer suicides, which tend to primarily focus on economic factors. S. Suthar suggests his own explanation, somewhat Durkheimian in nature, which points to the deterioration of the social structure of traditional rural India. This decay results in the social structure's inability to support and safeguard rural community member, preventing them from committing suicides. The author provides a detailed analysis of the specific aspects that have deteriorated and how these changes have impacted suicides. He underscores the importance of public spaces and extensively describes how they are losing their function of strengthening social solidarity. He explores the decline of the traditional collective actions within rural communities and the erosion of family relations. The main catalysts of transformation, and also destruction, of traditional rural India are the market and the state, which are tearing apart its social fabric from different angles. The author thoroughly considers how market capitalist relations, as well as the state policies promoting rural modernization, displace and substitute traditional social bonds in rural India.</p> <p> </p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) the Linked Associations Methodology: A Case Study on Assessing Patron Satisfaction in the “Bar” Segment. Analysis of Method Effectiveness and Results Obtained2023-10-25T21:09:23+03:00Galina<p>The article presents a research study on the catering segment known as the bar utilizing the author's constrained association method. This method, compared to other qualitative research approaches, offers simplicity in usage, minimizes the potential for misinterpretation, and allows for swift data processing after collection. It does not necessitate specialized equipment or extensive training, as it can be conducted using common communication platforms like Zoom, Skype, or similar alternatives. Furthermore, this method reduces the risk of distorting respondents' judgments regarding behavioral determinants. It yields detailed data that can be analyzed in various ways, such as association frequency, bond strength, and bond direction. A notable advantage of this method lies in its capacity to identify multiple types of associations with the stimulus word. These encompass semantic associations (between words or concepts), affective associations (between emotions and stimuli), and implicit associations that are not consciously recognized.<br>By employing the associative method, it becomes feasible to construct both an associative core and an associative network linked to the stimulus word. The utilization of this method has made possible the identification of key attributes that significantly impact customer satisfaction within the Bar segment. These attributes encompass a focus on alcohol; the atmosphere including elements such as music, interior design, and public ambiance; socialization and entertainment options for both active and passive recreation; pricing; and the establishment's opening hours. Furthermore, this method has enabled the identification of various motivations for visiting a Bar, including socializing, celebrating special occasions, networking, dating, seeking entertainment, indulging in gastronomic pleasure by trying new alcoholic beverages, relaxation, watching sports events, and temporarily escaping from personal difficulties. Moreover, it has shed light on interpersonal challenges that arise within Bar settings, as well as the primary risks associated with visiting such establishments and the factors contributing to aggressive behavior among patrons.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Live with a Pine Wood or To Live in a Pine Wood: Gathering Practices and Space Appropriation (The Case of Karakansky Pine Wood)2023-10-25T21:09:00+03:00Лаврусевич<p>The study focuses on informal gathering practices employed by different groups of nature management agents on the territory of Karakansky pine wood. Karakansky pine wood is a large forest area located within the borders of the Novosibirsk Region and Altai Territory. The practices, observed among social agents with varying degrees of connection to the pine wood (local residents, summer residents and city dwellers-tourists), offer insights into the mechanisms employed to solve the problem of general access to nature resources—a case akin to the tragedy of commons. The research draws upon observational materials and interviews with pine wood residents collected during sociological expeditions conducted in July–September of 2021 and July 2022. At the core of the appropriation practices lies the concept of “living with the pine wood,” which semantically encompasses both economic and ecological aspects. It highlights the inseparability of resource appropriation and contemplation of their present state and well-being, deterring a predatory mentality of “even the flood if after us” (posle nas khot’ potop, meaning “take everything as far as we are not dealing with consequences.”) Presently, the sustenance of the majority of pine wood inhabitants no longer rely significantly on wild mushrooms and berries. However, symbolically, the availability of forest gifts remains important, emphasizing the perception of nature resources as communal. The professionalization of gathering has been observed, with a distinct group of rural residents standing out as gatherers who sell forest products, collected in the vicinity of the points of sale, to urban dwellers visiting the forest for recreation. As the pine wood space is mastered, a network of transitive property relations emerges, manifesting in the concept of “own places” for foragers within the forest. These “own places” serve as individually mastered and appropriated sections of the forest, situated between private and communal property, and can be characterized as individualized common resources. Functioning as a set of norms and rules for nature management, these “own places” serve to maintain social and ecological balances in the pine wood, i.e. provide conflict-free access to a common resource while ensuring their sustainable utilization by curbing excessive personal consumption.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) New Localism2023-10-25T21:08:35+03:00Bruce Katzbruce.katz@thenewlocalism.comJeremy<p>The New Localism is a book about cooperation among the state, business and civil society, whose joint efforts, according to the authors, create the genetic code of social change today. The book provides an analysis of the development trajectories of three cities: Pittsburgh and Indianapolis in the United States, and Copenhagen in Europe. Through an exploration of the histories of these cities, Bruce Katz and Jeremy Novak illustrate the work of the new models of development, governance and financing. In addition to examining the historical context of the emergence of new localism, the authors endeavor to predict its future based on its successes and challenges. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter of the book, “Reimagined Power”, where the authors consider the evolving dynamic of power. They observe a shift from the vertically organized commandadministrative system towards a web of horizontal relations that connect diverse sectors of society—state (public), commercial (private) and noncommercial—within local communities. The authors contend that power in the future will rest with problem solvers, thus challenging the conventional notion of power as the ability to coerce or effectively influence individuals’ behavior and decisions.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Beyond Means as Reflected in Old Russian Proverbs2023-10-25T21:08:02+03:00Andrei Vernikovvernikov@inecon.ruAnna<p>This paper has its focus on the popular discourse of Russian people regarding living on credit and consumer debt. Proverbs and sayings serve as empirical material containing the institutions that shape economic culture of a certain historical period. We studied the relevant sections of the collection “Proverbs of the Russian People” published by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl in 1862. The identified elements of discourse are combined into three groups: (1) living within one’s means and what impedes it; (2) borrowing by households; and (3) private lending. The main empirical result is that popular discourse, which prevailed until mid-19th century at least, was blatantly critical of debt bond and the phenomena that led to it by undermining the financial viability of a household. These are, primarily, overconsumption, consumerism, and excessive impulsive spending. Some of the value commandments encourage financial prudence and self-reliance based on self-restraint in consumption and spending. Other value commandments attack the properties which erode the foundation for self-reliance and financial prudence. The principles of self-restraint and self-reliance resonate with the contemporary ideas of sustainable development. We argue that further research in the direction that we earmark might change the sign of the existing judgments regarding Russian traditional economic culture, which seems to be a topical and relevant matter nowadays.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Choice: On Some Limitations of Rational Choice Theory and a Strategy for Overcoming Them2023-10-25T21:07:28+03:00Dmitry Kurakindukurakin@hse.ruIlias<p>This article aims to revise and refine the concept of choice in sociology, primarily in the context of inequality studies. Despite the criticisms and known limitations of rational choice theories, alternative theoretical perspectives on choice often remain marginalized, especially in empirical studies. Recent advances in sociological theory and the sociology of culture and cognition allow problematizing this influential approach, and building a strategy to overcome its limitations. First, traditional approaches to decision-making presume a deficit, whereas excess often dominates within contemporary social life. Second, in addition to rationality and the actions of individuals themselves, choice is often associated with a certain amount of luck. In the studies of inequality, luck emerges as one of the key factors of choice, since the privileged and the unprivileged differ greatly in their ability to overcome or minimize the consequences of setbacks, and conversely to enjoy the fortunate events. A third argument for reconsidering the problem of choice arises from advancements in neuro-cognitive sciences. Numerous studies conducted in recent decades have shown that most of our decisions defy the principles of rational choice theory. The previously dominant computational theory of cognition has been replaced by distributive models that extend cognitive processes beyond the confines of the brain. Finally, contemporary sociological studies of culture and inequality turn their attention to the cultural processes that shape choice and their emotional dimension. The authors conclude with a strategy of going beyond atomic acts of choice to encompass the entire “ecosystems” of choice.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2023-10-25T21:06:59+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues,<br>Below is a brief introduction of the Journal’s latest issue.</p>2023-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Paths from Middle Class: Evaluation of the Poverty Risks for the Russian Middle Class2023-04-12T11:21:23+03:00Alina Pishnyakapishniak@hse.ruNatalia Khalinankhalina@hse.ruElena<p>The middle class is usually perceived as a main supporter of innovations, source of political stability, and core consumer of goods and services. As a result, its members are traditionally supposed to have high human potential and make a significant contribution to economic growth both in certain country and all over the world, which permanently generates great interest in the issues concerning middle class. However, the main research questions have changed significantly over the last years. The experts both in Russia and abroad highlight the factors that negatively influence the position of the middle class. These are changes in labor market, price growth that outruns the growth of income, increase of tax burden and problems with access to public goods. During COVID-19 pandemic the income has fallen, the risks of unemployment have increased, and the costs of healthcare also have grown. The scholars in different countries underline similar tendencies: middle-class members, who already had to live in an ambiguous world, faced the risks of falling into poverty during the corona crisis. Using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitor Survey, we evaluate the tracks of middle-class families during 2014-2020 and demonstrate that the problem of poverty affects a part of this social stratum every year. But the share of middleclass members with the income below the poverty line is relatively low and remains largely unaffected by the current corona crisis.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Сapital of Organized Crime2023-04-12T11:15:28+03:00Viktor<p>This review is dedicated to the analysis of the Russian translation (2019) of Mark Galeotti’s book The Vory’s. Russia’s Super Mafia (2018). The book addresses the historical background and current development of organized crime in Russia. Galeotti rejects to subject his material to any specific sociological theory and uses instead the descriptive language of economics. This review seeks to find a relevant theoretical context for Galeotti’s study of crime and criminality in Russia. The review consists of four parts. The first part provides general overview of the book. The second part explores the concept of criminality in its opposition to the state as an agent of legal violence. According to Galeotti’s, Russian criminals have lost the competition but have not ceased to exist. The third and the fourth parts discuss several hypotheses why criminality persist in Russia. In the third part the persistence of criminality is explained with the wide range of resources which include not only violence but social capital resulted from fitting structural holes. Having essentially lost an opportunity to convert violence into income, organized crime had to switch to the role of a mediator between demand and supply for illegal goods and services. In the fourth part of the review the persistence of criminality is explained by decentralization. The network closure around a leader can be seen as a factor of an effective concentration of resources. However, in the context of the competition between violent entrepreneurs, centralization becomes problematic since it hinders the diversification of syndicate’s resources, including its social capital, and makes it harder to act covertly.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Process Theory: From Taylorism to Algorithmic Management2023-04-12T11:09:14+03:00Ilya<p>This article provides an overview of the conceptual development of Labor Process Theory, from Braverman’s classic work to contemporary research dedicated to platform work. The article examines the theory’s conceptual framework: the concept of labor and its indeterminacy, the fundamental structural contradiction of the antagonism between capital and labor, and technology as an expression of this contradiction. The article discusses the four main branches of the labor process theory: the control/resistance paradigm, the theory of consent and hegemony, a postmodern approach, and paleo-Marxism. By doing so, it maps the development of the theory and its concepts. In addition to providing a general overview, this article offers an original interpretation of the labor process theory, which emphasizes the significance of knowledge in the labour process. This interpretation clarifies why the theory has become relevant again in the analysis of platform work and why it is potentially the most adequate framework for such analysis. The article argues that control over labor in the labour process theory can be understood in two ways: as control over specific technical work operations or as control over knowledge within the production process and access to the totality of production. The article looks at studies of platform work that use labour process theory and focus on information asymmetry as a way of control. It demonstrates that the relationship between classic labor process theory and platform economy research could be based on this second interpretation. We argue that the labor process theory can become the foundation that conceptually unites research of various types of platform work and allows for the description of elements of platform work outside the framework of platform employment.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Labor Practices at Kuzbass Coal Enterprises: The Experience of Sociological Analysis Within the Historical Context2023-04-12T11:02:25+03:00Olga<p>Kuzbass is the largest coal mining region in Russia. Ensuring safety and labor protection is a priority area in the activities of coal enterprises and the regional government. Safety problems are significantly subjective. The accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine in November 2021 revealed safety problems in violation of regulatory requirements in everyday work. The purpose of the article is to assess the scale and causes of labor practices that violate the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved in labor relations to ensure safe work and health protection in coal mining processes. The concept of non-jural labor practices coined by T. Zaslavskaya and M. Shabanova provided a conceptual basis for the understanding of labor relations as a set of labor practices at regional coal enterprises viewed from a historical perspective. Drawing on the evidence from the scientific literature and the media, the data from sociological investigations, the state and departmental statistics, the author analyzes the non-jural labor practices at Kuzbass coal enterprises from the beginning of the restructurings in the coal industry until now. The article argues that breaking the rules and ignoring socio-cultural norms that prioritize human life and health values have been institutionalized as a set of non-jural labor practices since the early 1990s and are well established nowadays. The recommended standards of labor relations are contradicted by the everyday management and existing labor practices. It is clear that the institutionalization of non-jural labor practices is caused by the management and employees. The key factors are focused on motivating owners and management to increase coal production and profit. Improper labor practices, deteriorating the quality of human capital, create institutional obstacles to the current and future objectives of innovative development of the coal industry and the purposes of the Kuzbass–2035 regional strategy. The main directions to overcome the effects of non-jural labor practices are outlined.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Power of Place2023-04-12T10:56:56+03:00Рфкь de<p>Numerous books and articles published in recent years argue that the human world today is so mobile, so interconnected, and so integrative that it is, in one prominent and much-repeated assessment, “flat.” Ancient and durable obstacles are no more, interaction is global, free trade rules the globe, migration is ubiquitous, and the flow of ideas (and money and jobs) is so pervasive that geography, in the perspective of more than one observer, “is history.” The notion that place continues to play a key role in shaping humanity’s still-variegated mosaic is seen as obsolete. This book ranges over natural as well as cultural landscapes to assess the role of place in enabling as well as obstructing the world’s march toward integration, mobility, and interconnection. For all the liberating changes that have already occurred, place of birth still has a powerful influence over the destinies of billions. For all our heralded mobility, the overwhelming majority of us will die relatively close to the place where we were born. For all the “flattening” perceived and relished by globals, the world still is dauntingly rough terrain for many more locals. From personal safety to public health, from compulsory religion to coercive authority, the world remains a mosaic of places presenting widely varying combinations of challenges to their inhabitants. What makes this power of place and how it can be mitigated are the interlocked themes of the discussion that follows. Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter “Globals, Locals, and Mobals,” in which the author considers the opposition of “locals” and “globals”, explains the motivation of “mobals,” and also argues why geography and “place” are still important concepts for understanding the modern world.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Value of Work for Russian University Students: The Logic of Justifying the Choice in Favor of Personal Gain or Social Utility2023-04-12T10:52:29+03:00Anita<p>This article is aimed at theoretical interpretation of the value concept in economy, reconsideration of the traditional dichotomy of work values as well as at providing the empirical evidence of this new approach validity. It is common to distinguish between internal work values, which are mainly described as an interest in the content of tasks and the autonomy of their performance, and external ones, associated with the desire to get high salaries and achieve other benefits, exogenous to the work itself. However, a broad theoretical analysis of the value concept in the labor sphere, supported by the overview of the monographs by economists D. Throsby, M. Mazzucato, anthropologist D. Graeber and the works of economic sociologists, appeals to focus on the dichotomy of opportunities for obtaining high earnings or social utility by the employee involvement in work as well as the problem of reverse causality between these characteristics of work under the conditions of modern capitalist economy. The data was collected in December 2021 and included 38 interviews with students and graduates of Russian universities aged 18–24 years. The empirical part begins with an analysis of the value conflict that arises while making choice between individually beneficial and socially useful areas of employment. The desire to pursue purely personal interests in the sphere of paid employment matches with the market logic of choosing a future profession, analysis of supply and demand in specific areas of employment, clear ideas about the desired level of income as well as expansive self-development strategies based on expert advice and including multiple employment, frequent change of employers and firms, desire to devote time to individual “operational activities” as a means to develop hard skills. Orientation towards social utility includes a setting for long-term and gradual self-development within the professional sphere, its conscious choice as a “vocation”, a nonpossessive attitude towards money received for work, an active desire to achieve higher levels of professional knowledge and skills as well as plans to acquire socially recognized status in the future. It was also revealed that the orientation towards social utility is justified by domestic logic, rooted in the system of parental or own family relations, and has a gender specificity. It was reflected in the author`s concept of the anchors of utilityoriented approach to work.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)’s Foreword2023-04-12T10:45:43+03:00Vadim<p>.</p>2023-04-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Educational Activities for Preschoolers in Russian Cities with Over a Million People: The Interrelation between Income Level and Parental Investment2023-02-24T00:16:05+03:00Yulia<p>In many Russian families, the educational differences between preschoolers are mainly formed outside of the municipal kindergartens through participation in paid classes, which have become increasingly popular in recent years. This created a new problem of increasing inequality in early childhood education (ECE), as not all parents can afford to pay for extra educational activities. This study investigates the effect of income level on parental investment in ECE by examining the relationship between family income and the educational strategies chosen by parents. The study involved 260 families with children aged 3 to 7 years old, living in fifteen Russian cities with populations over one million people. The families were divided into three income brackets. To identify the correlation between the family socio-economic situation (SES) and expenditure, the study assessed the money spent on the children's preschool education, including kindergarten and for extra educational activities. The study also examined the types of extra educational activities for preschoolers, and identified the motives for parental decisions. The families with the lowest income invest significantly fewer financial resources in ECE than the families with low and middle incomes. However, the analysis of the parental preferences and motives in ECE did not confirm that children from poor families are less involved in centrebased classes. Financial constraints lead poorer parents to find other options to provide competitive education. They mostly seek help from family members in conducting ECE, and conduct more ECE activities at home. Furthermore, disadvantaged families try to find the most affordable activities, i.e. cheaper classes at kindergartens or municipal cultural centres.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Main Ideas of the Economic and Sociological Concept of Emotions by Eva Illouz. Reply to Nina Lyubinarskaya’s Review2023-02-24T00:00:51+03:00Pyotr<p>This work is a commentary on the review of N. Lyubinarskaya [Lyubinarskaya 2022] on the Russian translation of the book by E. Illouz Why Love Hurts? [Illouz 2020]. In her review, N. Lyubinarskaya highlights important and interesting aspects of the book under review. However, due to the fact that the sociology of emotions is a relatively new discipline, it is likely that most readers are not familiar with other works by Eva Illouz. In this note, we overview the general logic of her concept of the constitutive relationship of capitalism and emotions. According to Illouz, economic systems (or “modes of production”) form cultural and historical matrices (for example, traditional society or capitalism in its various historical forms) that shape models of relations between individuals within social groups , as well as the relationships of individuals to themselves in the sense of self-identification. These social models of relations in the processes of socialization are internalized and become “internal”, “their own” emotional-existential factors of the psyche. Each cultural matrix constitutes its own unique conditions for the realization of feelings and emotional relationships (the ecology of emotions), making the content of emotions specific to a historical and even biographical (the architecture of emotional choice) context. Illouz’s research highlights the radical difference between emotions, particularly love and related positive and negative experiences, between traditional, early capitalist, and modern capitalist societies. She especially reviews the effects of the latter in the context of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the surge of feminism in the 1970s. She pays special attention to the analysis of the destruction of traditional identification systems as a background to the commodification of emotions (turning them into ‘emodities’). Finally, she discussed that the formation of emotional capitalism in which “positive psychology” establishes a sort of a market dictatorship of happiness (‘happycracy’).</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Book on Economics for Sociological Reading2023-02-24T00:14:45+03:00Irina<p>The book under review was first published in 2019 and could not help but draw attention from the academic community as a form of the intra- and interdisciplinary “self-reflection” for the two world “star” economists who received the Nobel Prize in 2019. Russian researchers had mixed reactions to the book, noting the development of tools to increase the efficiency of foreign aid to poor countries (see, e. g.: [Banerjee, Duflo 2007; 2009; Banerjee, Duflo, Glennerster, Kinnan 2015]); an issue topical in light of the number of the developing countries’ debts “forgotten” by the Russian state (see, e. g.: [Voronov 2020]). However, the book received positive reviews from both international and Russian readers. The former appreciated its accessible style, and the focus on applied solutions for the urgent socialeconomic global problems aimed at creating a more humane world. They, however, also, noted a lack of critical assessment of the ‘capitalist worldview’, ignorance of certain issues (for instance, shadow economy), overly bold comparisons and generalizations, and vague practical recommendations (see, e. g.: [Crabtree 2019; Ball 2020; Kumar 2020; Oommen 2020; Srivastava 2020]). Russian readers agreed with these remarks, but also noticed the regrettable mismatch between the scale and the regional coverage of the book, its reliance on facts and the fight against stereotypes, and the authors’ ignorance of the Russian “case” and political-economic generalizations, and also questioned the authors’ estimates and forecasts under and after the pandemic (see, e. g.: [Meshcheryakova 2020; Kushnarev 2021]). For the sociological reader interested in the current Russian realities, the review summarizes the main themes of the book as the status of economics and economy, types of social polarization, myths and facts about migration, opportunities and limitations of free trade, socialpsychological mechanisms of economic processes, uncertainty of economic growth, and ways to mitigate poverty. However, it is noted that it seems that one cannot speak of a victory over or even a tense struggle against poverty today due to the actualization of the militaristic-geopolitical agenda.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Valuation of Online APE Courses: The Case of Online Consumer Reviews on the Educational Platform2023-02-24T00:13:44+03:00Darya DubininaDdaryam2000@gmail.comEllina Manukyanmanukyanellina21@gmail.comAnastasia Marchenkoaanastasia.marchenko@yandex.ruEkaterina<p>and the concept of lifelong learning has become increasingly popular in society. At the same time, the use platforms as a new economic organization is growing. It leads to a contradiction between the services’ standardization and the platform’s aim to retain consumers. This has raised the issue of determining the value of online courses as singular goods in terms of quality criteria. The goal of this research is to determine the value of online APE courses for students. A mixed methods research strategy was used, including content analysis of online consumer reviews (N = 300) on the Skillbox website and semi-structured interviews with learners (N = 16). The research found that, in terms of standardization, the singularity of the product is not in its functional utility (core area), but in the additional services (peripheral area) provided by the platform, according to J.-J. Lambin's multi-attribute product model. As a result, three groups of consumers were identified: promiscuous learners; selective learners focused on additional services (peripheral area) provided by the platform; and selective learners focused on the functional utility (core area) of the educational product. The findings can be applied to the development of digital products on the e-learning market and provide a classification of consumers based on both course selection logics and the top-priority criterion of the product in a platform economy.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Well-being of Rural Dwellers in Russia: Factors and Their Significance2023-02-24T00:13:11+03:00Valeriy Saraykinvsaraykin@hse.ruYulia Nikulinaynikulina@hse.ruRenata<p>The traditional policy of rural development in Russia has focused on bridging the gap between urban and rural areas by improving infrastructure and settlements in rural areas, but has not taken into account the perspectives and priorities of rural dwellers regarding their lives. Using data from The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey from 2012 to 2019, this study seeks to understand rural residents’ priorities for rural development by analyzing their assessments of their own wellbeing and the factors that influence it. The study uses data discrimination form factor analysis to obtain multicomponent regressors; a logit model is constructed to determine the significance of selected factors. The study finds that factors such as health, education, person's economic condition, and availability of utilities in the house have a significant positive impact on rural residents’ life satisfaction. However, the most dominant factor is “job satisfaction”, which includes the attitude of rural residents to (1) pay and working conditions and (2) opportunities for professional growth. The study also finds, unexpectedly, a nonlinear impact of economic condition on life satisfaction in rural areas, and a decrease in income returns. Additionally, the study identifies a group of rural residents who despite having minimal material goods, evaluate their lives as quite satisfactory. The study concludes by suggesting adjustments to the funding structure of the State Program “Integrated Rural Development” by increasing funding for measures to promote rural employment and expanding the focus to the non-agricultural sector of the rural economy.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Right to the City (excerpt)2023-02-24T00:12:29+03:00Henri<p>The Right to the City is an idea and a slogan first proposed by French philosopher Henri Lefebvre in his 1968 book, Le Droit à la ville. In this book, Lefebvre critically analyzes thoughts and activities related to urbanism and calls for action to reclaim the city as a ‘to-created space’—a place for life detached from the growing and negative effects, evident in the last two centuries, of commodification and capitalism on social interaction and the rise of spatial inequalities in cities worldwide. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter “Industrialisation et urbanisation” (“Industrialization and Urbanization”). It traces the reasons for the crisis of the city—competitive capitalism and industrialization—in their theoretical and practical dimensions. Lefebvre also distinguishes three periods of the destruction of the city, and discusses the trends that lead to the renewal of the city in the managed society of consumption. He predicts serious dangers and raises the issue of the city society as a political one.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Consumption as a Sphere of Russian Civil Society: Factors and the Development Potential of Market Practices2023-02-24T00:11:42+03:00Marina<p>The paper explores the concept of “voting for a better world with your wallet,” which refers to the idea of using consumer choices to effect change. The study conducts a synthesis and systematic review of existing scholarship on this topic and develops hypotheses promoting a holistic model of ethical consumer choice. The model takes into account consumer characteristics, product characteristics, and the environment, as well as two facets of ethical consumer identity: civic (concern for the common good) and consumer (focus on personal benefit). The study uses representative survey data from 2014, 2017, and November 2020, the year of the pandemic (N = 2000 in each case), to understand the dynamics and characteristics of different types of consumers who hold different positions on ethical purchasing (‘actual’, ‘potential’, and ‘indifferent’). Using regression analysis, we examine the relationship between specific factors and a consumer’s likelihood of of being included in various types of ethical consumers. Special attention has been paid to identifying a comparative role of proenvironmental (prosocial) and individualistic aspirations. We found that the concern for the common good has the strongest relationship with the likelihood of actually making ethical purchases, although the relationship with personal benefit is also significant. The engagement in ethical consumption practices is positively related to the diversity of Russians’ traditional prosocial activities outside of the consumption sphere. It has been shown, however, that by “voting with your wallet,” Russian civil society undergoes in-depth development, and also grows by attracting new participants as a result of easy access to practices. The number of ethical consumer is growing and their quality is changing, with the key change associated with the younger generation coming onto the scene. The paper substantiates the conclusion that the development of independent activity exercised by ethically-minded consumers signals the transformation of civil society, its tools, and spheres of influence. However, the realization of the consumer potential of citizens as agents of change is highly dependent on the available possibilities related to the activity of other stakeholders (businesses, NGOs, and authorities).</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)’s Foreword2023-02-24T00:09:30+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, as we begin the new year of 2023, we hope that this year will be less demanding for us than the past.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, April 4–14, 20232023-02-23T23:55:34+03:00.<p>.</p>2023-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Do Women Still Quit Their Jobs? Women’s Employment Transitions in the European Context2022-12-11T11:41:39+03:00Alexandra<p>Vast amounts of research are devoted to the ‘motherhood penalty’: discrimination in hiring, salary, and leadership opportunities for working mothers relative to childless women. For a significant number of women, ‘employed’ is not a continuous uninterrupted status but rather a type of activity that can be paused for an indefinite period in order to pursue other life goals, such as raising a family. A large proportion of women do not return to the labour market after giving birth, and others switch to part-time or stay out of work for a long time before returning. Using data from the first and the second waves of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) for Austria, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Hungary, and Russia, I explore which factors influence the probability that women employed fulltime will go part-time or withdraw from paid work (i. e., become inactive). I analyse the sample of 1446 childless women employed full-time during the first wave of the study. This paper focuses on women’s individual characteristics and their employment as well as contextual factors. The results show that, apart from the transition to motherhood, the factors that influence women’s participation in the labour market are traditional gender ideology and lack of state support.</p> <p> </p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)’s Foreword (Vadim Radaev)2022-12-11T10:57:14+03:00Vadim<p align="justify"><span style="font-size: medium;">Dear colleagues, This issue of the Journal of Economic Sociology is published on the day of the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Economics (HSE University). It may not be the best time for celebrations. However, we would not like to miss this important date. Our sincere congratulations to all our colleagues who worked at the HSE in previous years and stay with the HSE at present! Now we proceed to a new issue of our journal.</span></p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Management in the IT and Creative Sector: Decentralized Capitalism?2022-12-11T11:07:42+03:00David<p>The article presents the results of the study of the non-material labor organization modes in Russian companies in the IT and creative industries. The paper explores the connection between the flexible structure and the actual form of labor management, and the process of implementation of flexible development methodology (Agile) in the organization of knowledge-intensive firms. The author problematizes the validity of the statement, common in the theoretical and empirical literature, about the relationship between the Agile organizational designs and decentralized forms of management, expressed in the autonomy of labor and reducing the degree of managerial control. The study aims to empirically test the thesis using data from 30 interviews with middle management of companies that combine organizational flexibility and flexible management approaches. The purpose and the research question are based on the analysis of the current literature in the field of organizational research, management, and labor process theory. The description of the research results is divided into two blocks—the analysis of management practices at the “periphery” of the flexible firm, and the management processes in its “core” (following the terminology proposed by John Atkinson). According to the study, Agile management methods form a symmetrical response to the flexibilization of the organizational structure, allowing to improve the quality of management, the degree of transparency, and the predictability of production processes. Implementation of the Agile-methodology is accompanied by standardization and intensification of labor process; the increased role of centralized planning and control; and better accounting of working operations. A deeper division of labor due to the decomposition of operations significantly changes the functionality of management and redefines the balance of power and authority in the firm. The theoretical conclusions of the study indicate that further development of management methods in the described direction can have a negative impact on the quality of professional communication and functioning of horizontally organized professional communities within the firm, and can also decrease productivity in knowledge-intensive industries.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Economic Theory of Woman’s Dress2022-12-11T11:11:02+03:00Веблен<p>This is a Russian translation of an essay that Thorstein Veblen wrote in 1894. The essay describes ironically the social practices around the acquisition and wearing of the woman’s dress. Many references are made to this interesting source, but we have not been able to identify its accurate translation into Russian and decided to fill the gap. “The Economic Theory of Woman’s Dress” was written for Popular Science Monthly. Like some other papers of Veblen, this one got published in a magazine carrying popular science content to the general reader, which does not preclude its academic significance. The essay has subsequently been republished in reputable volumes. Duke University Press generously granted the rights for a Russian language translation for the Journal of Economic Sociology from a book released in 2000. Veblen hasn’t attached an abstract to his original essay, perhaps in line with the policy of the magazine. This foreword from the translators does not intend to cover all the original author’s ideas and messages. “The Economic Theory of Woman’s Dress”, just like the classical “The Theory of the Leisure Class” from the same author, describes the customs of a particular social strata, including the custom to spend wastefully and conspicuously in order to signal pecuniary strength within a given social environment. The conspicuous expensiveness and novelty of the woman’s dress and the related adornments serve precisely that purpose. Veblen shows the line of progress from the primitive efforts of the savage to beautify himself with gaudy additions to his person to a complex dress of a contemporary woman of upper classes. The three cardinal principles of the theory of woman’s dress, nevertheless, remain relevant. Without a sophisticated wording typical of many armchair scholars, Veblen uses clear and forceful language to explain the woman’s dress as an economic fact and the drivers of aggressive wasteful spending that dress implies.</p> <p> </p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms2022-12-11T11:19:31+03:00Irina Sizovasizovai@mail.ruMaya Rusakkovam.rusakova@spbu.ruAnastasia<p>The article examines the state of the labor market of job seekers and frictions that prevent effective search behavior on modern online platforms. Matching is increasingly beginning to depend on the specifics of human capital and modern digital technologies. In general, job search on the Internet includes both a traditional set of problems (segmentation and marginalization of the labor force) and produces new ones, which, first of all, include information and communication interference and distractions, united in the literature by the term search frictions. In the theoretical part of the article, based on a review of existing literature, the problems that complicate the job search are analyzed. Unresolved problems contribute to the formation of a “spot” labor market, which accelerates the inflation of education, wages and the struggle for talent. At the same time, the (online) labor market is growing. While not in crisis, its condition can be characterized as “sluggish”, which means that a long job search and selection of personnel are coupled with a large number of fictitious and unsuitable offers from both sides. The second part of the article contains the results of the author's sociological study of the features of the functioning of the Russian online labor market for job seekers (by the method of statistical research of a structured array of cv data provided by the state service “Jobs in Russia”). The analysis showed that relying solely on the significant scale of the online job search site does not guarantee citizens assistance in finding a job. The low quality of the platform, the pronounced regionalization of the market, the existence of discriminatory practices (gender-based job search strategies, high wage dispersion), and the lack of a job search culture, on the one hand, are consistent with the labor market development tendencies in Western countries. On the other hand, a lot of friction narrows the chances of successful employment for job seekers and leads to a general stagnation of the market. The studied state platform, despite the presence of young and highly educated candidates, fully meets all the signs of a “sluggish” and weak labor market, in which “imperfect” categories of candidates dominate with a focus on “simple” signals to the employer, and as a result, on a non-optimal job search result.</p> <p> </p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Thin Ice: Alcohol Promotion by Sport Resources2022-12-11T11:31:31+03:00Yuliya<p>Commercialization and the subsequent transformation of sports into an industry contributed to the increasingly conspicuous introduction of alcohol into the daily routine of athletes and fans. Under the current conditions, the partnership of sports organizations with the alcohol industry has become a legitimate phenomenon and has firmly rooted in the life of society, increasing social risks. At the same time, in public consciousness and scientific opinion, sport is still associated with health and constructive social behavior, but this value is increasingly being questioned. The authors of the peer-reviewed book Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (research in the sociology of sport) criticize the current situation and speak out against legislative easing for alcohol in sports to keep its true value. The monograph is an example of a sociological analysis of modern contradictions in the field of the promotion of alcoholic products by means of sports (at various levels of the sports hierarchy in an explicit or latent form). The authors demonstrate the clash of economic, political, and cultural aspects of the interaction between the state, the alcohol industry, fan groups, sports communities, and public health advocates based on protecting certain interests. The text presents vivid examples of the introduction of alcohol into the sphere of organizing sports (including big sports). The book covers a wide geography, representing a collection of cases on the “alcoholization of sports” in the United States, Brazil, Australia, France, Sweden, New Zealand and Japan.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Money2022-12-11T11:35:23+03:00Daria Moiseevadmoiseeva@hse.ruOlga<p>In his book The Social Life of Money, Nigel Dodd, a professor at the LSE, presents the results of his research on money. The main purpose of the book is to reconsider the nature of money, especially its social nature. The author explores the possibilities to change society by rethinking the existing economic, sociological, philosophical, psychological, anthropological, linguistic and other social science approaches to understanding money. Referring to the history of the origin of money, Dodd showed how the theories of the invention of money proposed by K. Menger, B. Laum, G. Simmel, M. Mauss, F. de Saussure, M. Agliette, and A. Orléan, shape our ideas about money and the ways of its social construction. Based on classical economic theories, the author challenges the role of money in the reproduction of social conflicts and inequality, as well as the relationship of money with credit and debt. Dodd describes how the transition from the perception of debt as a moral obligation to debt as a monetary obligation took place and the consequences of this transition. Writing about various aspects of the functioning of money, Dodd notes that for the completeness of the analysis it is important to understand how people solve the problem of managing an overabundance of money and how this determines the cultural aspects of the existence of money. He explains his sociological view on money and applies it to the analysis of the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and its consequences. The author discusses the sources of the crisis, describes theoretical perspectives that underpin the previous and existing financial systems, and suggests ways to possible positive transformation of money in the future by explaining several monetary utopias. The Social Life of Money is an example of thorough analytical and methodological accuracy and profound research on money in sociology. This book can be of high value both for experts whose research is focused on money and for anyone interested in the development of social theory today.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Institutional Nature of Complaints in Market and Distributional Environments2022-12-11T11:38:28+03:00Olga<p>This paper is based on the polemics with the author of the article “Complaints are not Gifts. Dysfunctionality of the Institution of Complaints in the Field of Housing and Communal Services in Russia.” The main focus of polemics is the conceptualization of the subject of research. The main thesis of “Complaints are not gifts” follows the widely accepted view that as a feedback mechanism, the institution of complaints is ineffective. The common mistake in the study of complaints is narrowing the consideration of complaints to their socio-psychological aspects, appealing to behavioral characteristics and the concept of ‘Russian mentality,’ and ignoring the very institutional nature of complaints as the most important element of the hierarchical system of management. The “Complaints are not gifts” fails to eschew this blunder. In the present article, I will reveal the essential characteristics of the institution of complaints, and explain why this institution has been rationalized and supported by the authorities throughout the historical development of the Russian socio-economic system. I will also review the complaints that formed the empirical data for the “Complaints are not gifts” article. These complaints are used by the Russian housing and utilities management companies as a template if they choose a competitive market strategy of complaining against their clients. Finally, I will review the prospects for the institution of complaints in Russia. Apart from the general expansion of the institution of complaints, we can expect its digitalization and the creation of state portals in the regions for receiving complaints. These will not, however, change the institutional nature of complaints. The institutional environment in Russia is gradually moving away from the market forms of governance to the system of “razdatok”, or central distribution system characteristic of the USSR period. Considering this, and also the fact that the state segment makes up to eighty percent of the entire Russian economy today, private utility service companies will have to adapt more actively to the experience of using customer complaints to survive in this environment.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Russians’ Pathways to Marriage: The Role of Networks2022-12-11T11:28:34+03:00Polina<p>How do young Russians get married? With the second demographic transition and the "great transformation", individualization and marketization of romantic relationships, the pathway to marriage seems to be reminiscent of a job search. The latter, according to Granovetter, is characterized by "the strength of weak ties". But if the labor market implies mobility and career building, marriage logic denies them—scarcely do people get married in order to get divorced and build "marriage careers". This controversy makes Granovetter's theory ambivalent in the marriage search field. So, this paper aims at uncovering the role weak and strong ties play in young Russians' marriage trajectories. 16 biographic interviews were conducted and concentric sector method and thematic coding were used. Although weak ties, especially those on Internet, showed their importance at the first meeting stage, yet further pathway to marriage required kinship network overlap and moving from weak to strong ties. Kinship ties were also a source of social capital, giving information about the future spouse. Network overlap, however, could be complicated by negative relationships one had in their parental family. This implies “path dependency”: if strong ties had not been built in one’s parental family, it would be difficult to build them in a new affinity network. As for the marriage celebration stage, once again kinship networks and bonding social capital played an important role with the latter having been converted into financial resources. So, having begun the analysis with Granovetter's theory, we then moved to network analysis in an anthropological manner, paying specific attention to the strong tie formation process and kinship networks.Keywords: networks; embeddedness; pathways to marriage; network approach; weak ties; strong ties; social capital; marriage market.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Ontological Disunity of Money in Sociological Theory2022-10-17T14:26:07+03:00Ahmet<p>This article examines the ontological question concerning the mode of existence of money in its various conceptualisations in sociology, namely in the theories of Marx, Simmel, Moss and Zelizer. It is argued that money is considered in sociological theory at three ontological levels, namely, (1) Determinate being of money, or concrete money stuff, which is immediately experienced and singularly represented, (2) the representation of money on which the perception of money stuff as money is grounded and (3) the objectivity of money, that is, the objective reality, either material or sui generis, which stands behind money as such. The first level, represented by Zelizer’s theory of monies, contains objects to which a subjective meaning is attached according to the concrete social relations. The second level takes money regardless of its substance and treats the essence of money not as the subjective meaning attached to things but as the idea of money, i.e., the universal form of representing things. The third level points at the reality that mediates the first two as subjective conditions of ultimate reality. It is shown that in all these theories the consistent account of money seems to be possible only due to the negation of the other ontological planes of money and that creates ontological disunity within all these theories.</p> <p> </p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Reasons for Financial Disagreements in Married or Cohabiting Couples in Russia: Relational Sociology Approach2022-10-17T14:03:46+03:00Polina<p>At present, research on financial disagreements is extensive but general. There are no studies of financial conflicts in Russian families. Taking into consideration the values of partners in dyadic relationships by utilizing relational sociology framework, the study explores five types of financial disagreements: (i) value conflict, (ii) conflict over price, (iii) conflict over necessity, (iv) goal conflict, and (v) conflict over income, in order to detail the structure and the various reasons behind conflicts about money in Russian families; and aims to understand the determinants behind each type. The analysis was built on the 2018 wave of the Survey of Consumer Finance that presents dyadic data for 3,503 Russian couples. Regression models were calculated for men and women separately to identify gender effects. All the considered reasons for financial disagreements are caused in part by partners’ different attitudes towards money. In addition, the increase in women’s share of family income increases the likelihood of conflict over price; traditionalist attitudes correlate with an increase in goal conflict; and conflict over income is connected with dissatisfaction with the decision-making process. The study shows the significance of considering partners’ values for the analysis of a family’s financial situation.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) are not Gifts. Dysfunctionality of the Institution of Complaints in the Field of Housing and Communal Services in Russia2022-10-17T14:00:18+03:00Denis<p>Complaints, their forms, and their functions, as well as their institutionalization in various sectors of the economy, attract increasing interest among scientists around the world. According to O. S. Sukharev, ideas about the socio-psychological nature of complaints suggest a certain dysfunction of the relevant institution, which reduces its effectiveness but does not lead to its collapse. This article reflects the result of correspondence with a representative of the Novosibirsk economic and sociological school Prof. O. E. Bessonova, the author of a series of articles on the benefits of complaints as a signaling institution of a non-market type. The discussion concerned the controversy regarding the effectiveness and functionality of complaints in the field of housing and communal services in Russia. The author’s position is that the institution under consideration is not fully effective due to various circumstances. The dysfunctionality of complaints is demonstrated in various cases of institutional abuse, with one of the results being the mimicry of the institution as defined by E. V. Balatsky (a complaint as a denunciation). Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of vacuous, perfunctory bureaucratic replies to complaints, considered an institutional trap by V. M. Polterovich. The problem of false signals of complaints and their consequences is analyzed. The advantages of a personal appeal as an informal way of solving a problem are compared to a formal written complaint. At the same time, the role of transaction costs in the choice of one or another method of filing a complaint is noted. In conclusion, a forecast is given about the decrease in the functionality of the institution of complaints in modern Russian conditions in relation to the housing and communal services.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) vs Feelling: Appearance of New Ecology of Choice in the Romantic Sphere of the Individual2022-10-17T13:55:33+03:00Nina<p>The book review considers ideas and contemporary trends related to the sensual sphere of the individual and romantic relationships. In this book, Illouz writes about the consequences of modernism and the social conditioning of love, which is reflected in the romantic sphere. Her idea is that the institutions of modernism have led to the dominance of ideology of individualism, self-realization, political emancipation, independence, and free choice, and have changed personal ideas about what love should be and what romantic relationships can be. New forms of life have given rise to a “new ecology of choice” where choices are made based on culture and the sexualized discourse rather than personal preferences. In addition to using the works of well-known sociologists, Illouz’s argumentation is also based on empirical material. She analyses English novels of the XVIII-XIX centuries and modern novels about love and relationships, as well as self-help books and dating sites, soap operas, Internet blogs, and data coming from 70 interviews with men and women, aged 25 to 67, all of them with post-secondary degrees and living in three metropolitan areas in Europe, USA, and Israel. The sample included single people divided by three parameters: never married; married, but now divorced and currently single; and married people. Comparing these worlds, she tries to reconstruct the image of romantic relationships from the point of view of traditional culture and modernity. The purpose of the author is to show how the attitude of modern society to love, marriage, “love suffering”, and the relationship in general, have changed. Illouz problematizes the idea of marriage markets by Gary Becker, and writes about the crisis of family relations and the changing nature of marital obligations caused by the deinstitutionalization of marriage and the proliferation of individualized lifestyles.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Instruments of Urban Planning from the Sociological Institutionalism Perspective2022-10-17T13:51:08+03:00Andrey Semenovandreysemenov@comparativestudies.ruAlena<p>In this paper, we study the role of urban development instruments in structuring the interactions among the key urban politics actors: citizens, developers, public authorities, and experts. Using the sociological institutionalism approach, we collected 39 interviews with relevant stakeholders in four large Russian cities (Tyumen, Perm, Ekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk) intending to uncover the “logic of appropriateness” behind the interpretation of the major formal planning instruments: general plans, land use, development rules, and public hearings. We show that following the formal rules of the planning process is based on their legally binding nature rather than on their embeddedness in normative-value orders. Consequently, the variability of the planning rules is determined by both the power asymmetry between the stakeholders of urban politics, and also by the absence of a general consensus regarding the value of these rules. We also demonstrate that while the informants almost universally critique general plans, they see some potential in the land use and development rules and the public hearings as instruments to build a local consensus. In other words, the problem of rule-following in urban planning has a distinct sociological dimension: the lack of a common value base in planning opens up a field of opportunities for rent-seeking behavior.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Innovation Complex: Cities, Tech, and the New Economy (excerpt)2022-10-17T13:31:50+03:00Sharon<p>The Innovation Complex presents a broad history of changes occurring worldwide. Focusing on New York City, Sharon Zukin shows a development of a new innovative economy. Each chapter is a study of the production of a particular space with its own embodied cultural forms and economic norms. In these processes, the whole innovation complex, including buildings, districts, and the city acquires scale, form, and sense. To show the scale of the innovation complex and how it works at different levels, the chapters in the book progress from describing smaller spaces to larger ones. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the seventh chapter devoted to how educative channels aim to develop the principles of technical and financial meritocracy. The chapter starts at several private elite universities of New York—Cornell, Columbia, and New York University, which use their place within the innovation complex for promoting the institutional agenda of academic capitalism. Then, it considers "Channel for technical talents," the project for creating more inclusive technical labor force, which may involve lower qualified citizens of New York City, including graduates from the New York City University. The last channel covers commercial program schools, such as the General Assembly and Flatiron School, where students pay large fees for 12-week intensive courses to be prepared for work in the technological industry. At the end of the chapter, the author discusses whether the combination of talent, meritocracy and academic capitalism will increase social inequality in the city.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Practices of the Economic Behavior of Russian Women during Maternity Leave]2022-10-17T13:26:44+03:00Anastasia Shvetsovashvetsovaav@mail.ruIrina Sorokinaluboe05@mail.ruАлена Obolenskayaluboe05@mail.ruMarina<p>The article analyzes the increasing importance of visual media content in the daily life of Russian women with children under the age of 3 and suggests methods for studying visual social networks, both graphic and intertextual content. Based on the theory of social construction of gender, the authors introduce the concept of “non-maternal practices of young mothers”, defining it as a set of actions performed by women during maternity leave and aimed at meeting their social, economic, psychological needs that arise from the disappearance of the usual rhythm of life. A significant part of these practices is implemented in the online space, which makes it possible to resolve the problem of their social isolation during this period. We analyzed 720 social media accounts to understand what the thematic field of the modern mother community is and what types of economic activity are implemented in it. The results of the study represent a classification of online practices of young mothers implemented in social networks and aimed at obtaining an economic effect. The classification is based on the principle of dominant agency: real or virtual. A feature of the first group is the choice of practices aimed at creating a product or providing services in direct interaction with the consumer (food production, clothing manufacturing, hairdressing and cosmetology services, education, and creative crafts), and the social network acts aimed at promoting a product or service. The second group focuses on the direct use of the digital environment as an economic resource (blogging, online consultations, network marketing). Most practices spring from women’s desire for communication, self-realization, and earnings, which is understandable in terms of gender analysis and economic realities. However, some actions may have problematic sociocultural consequences. The riskiness of the digital environment is associated with psychological consequences, including the formation of Internet addiction, as well as negative economic effects (the vulnerability of young mothers to Internet fraud, the discrepancy between time and labor costs, and the profit received). The main conclusion of the article is that the study of women’s online economic practices during maternity leave with a focus on non-maternity practices is a promising and strategically important area of research in the landscape of modern motherhood.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2022-10-17T13:16:21+03:00Vadim<p>It is with great sadness that we share the news that Professor Nigel Dodd passed away in August 2022. Nigel Dodd was a Professor of Sociology at the LSE. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1991 with Anthony Giddens as Supervisor, and lectured at the University of Liverpool before joining the LSE in 1995. Nigel’s main interests were in the sociology of money, economic sociology, and classical and<br>contemporary social thought. He was the author of The Sociology of Money and Social Theory and Modernity (both published by Polity Press). His most recent book, The Social Life of Money, was published by Princeton University Press in 2014. Nigel Dodd was also co-editor (with Patrik Aspers) of Re-Imagining Economic Sociology, published by Oxford University Press in 2015. Professor Dodd was editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Sociology from 2014 until 2022. He made major contributions to the sociology of money. He was a wonderful and pleasant person we have known for many years.</p>2022-09-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) and Sociocultural Aspects of Transnational Migration to Russia2022-10-17T12:58:07+03:00Irina<p>This compendium presents the transnational approach to migration in action. The book contains articles on the movements of migrants, predominantly from Central Asian countries to Russia and back. Therefore, there is a compilation of data to support the heuristic potential of the concept of transnationalism, taking into account both homelands and host societies. The authors of the publications rely primarily on qualitative research, which is not very common, and it allows a reader to ‘hear’ the voices of the migrants. Simultaneously, some statistics are also given. The book deals with a wide range of objects and topics - transnational models of existence of migrants, the role and the movement of goods in the migration context (exchange of gifts, presents and souvenirs; the migrant car), the role of remittances, migration infrastructure, the use of mobile communications, etc. The apparent focus of the book is on how social and cultural factors impact transnationalism in addition to economic factors. Most of the articles in one way or another deal with the analysis of the interaction of these factors. The authors introduced references to some economic-sociological and economic-anthropological concepts for a better contextualization of the transnational migration processes. The major critical remarks in the review touch upon the issue of duplication of some provisions of the theory of transnationalism, ignoring links with other concepts of migration, and unwillingness to take into account the discussion on the topic previously developed in Russian academia. Also, although the issue of racism and discrimination is mentioned in passing, it would be desirable for future research to explain how transnationalism influences the (non)spread of racism. This collection may be of interest to both specialists and researchers of migration processes, and a wide range of readers.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) from the Point of View of Geneticists: Practices, and Prospectsof Personalized and Predictive Molecular Genetic Testing in Russia2022-10-17T12:57:37+03:00Vitaliy Lekhtsierlekhtsiervitaly@mail.ruJulia<p>The article offers the results of a qualitative empirical sociological analysis of medical geneticists on their assessment of the problems, opportunities, and prospects of predictive genetic testing in Russia as a relatively new branch of healthcare. The gradual introduction of a new genetic biopredictive technology into everyday life is regarded in the article as a phenomenon of geneticization or genomization. The analysis takes into account three main categories of medical geneticists: physician geneticists (who deal with patients), laboratory geneticists, and academic geneticists working in medical universities. The analysis revealed, firstly, those positions within the professional community of medical geneticists that can be called consensual. For example, concerning the problematic nature of the methodology for calculating risks associated with the development of multifactorial diseases, or with regard to the high cost of testing now and its inevitable reduction with biotechnological progress; about the reluctance of people in Russia to take preventive care of their health, and about the special prospects and demand for the oncology and pharmacogenetics industries. Other points of consensus include the clinical benefit of the results of predisposition testing for multifactorial diseases, the prospects for the development of the industry as a whole, etc. Between the poles of consensus and dissensus lie different views of professionals on the possibilities and prospects of predictive genetic testing practices. The results of the empirical research presented in the article are grounded in a historical and theoretical review of the scientific literature on the problem of the article. Initial conclusions are drawn as part of the study of social science (mostly Western) geneticization and its social consequences. The relevance of the conducted research is especially evident in the background of a large deficit of empirical studies of geneticization practices in Russia.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Assisted Reproductive Technologies to the Reproductionof the Russian Population and Social Aspects of their Application2022-10-17T12:57:10+03:00Leila Natsunleyla.natsun@yandex.ruOlga<p>Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are perceived in modern society as one of the ways to increase the birth rate of the population. Despite the fact that they do demonstrate a noticeable increase in the effectiveness of increasing the share of successful cycles leading to pregnancy and childbirth, their contribution to the total number of births in Russia remains modest — only 2% (as of 2018). The role of ART is determined to a greater extent by their social significance: the development of this area provides an opportunity for the birth of children to those married couples who have problems with reproductive health. The present study shows what factors hinder the population's access to ART, and provides an assessment of the proportion of families that make up the potential for expanding the scale of coverage of the population with these services. The key factor determining the willingness to turn to assisted reproductive technologies is the presence of unrealized reproductive plans in the family. Based on the data of a representative sociological survey, it was found that respondents who demonstrated a willingness to resort to ART for the birth of children had a significant gap between the planned and actual number of children in the family. Such families were mostly prosperous, and showed a willingness to take risks associated with ART (for example, associated with a higher probability of having twins). In the final part of the work, conclusions are formulated regarding the prospects for expanding the use of ART in the regions of Russia. It is shown that the most significant barriers that limit this growth are the relatively cautious perception on the part of the population and payment for some concomitant procedure by the patients.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) and the Future of Work (excerpt)2022-10-17T12:56:25+03:00Aaron Benanavaaron.benanav@hu-berlin.eduNikolai<p>Thinking over what people will do in the automized future, researchers come to the conclusion: we will meet mass technologically-based unemployment, and we will be able to cope with it only by accepting universal basic income as major social groups will lose an opportunity to earn enough money for living. In this book the author critiques the new automation discourse, rejecting the hypothesis that overwhelming technological changes result in destroying jobs. In reality, changes in labor productivity are slowing not speeding up. Coupling with the decline in economic growth, the creation of new jobs is also down. Namely, this fact, and not technological innovations, is responsible for squeezing the demand for labor. In this book, the author opposes the new wave of automation discourse, and suggests his version of history of the global economy and labor development in the last 50 years. The author further believes that the majority of employed people will stop being tolerant of the chronicle decline in demand for labor and resulting economic inequality, which will turn the world towards a more humanized future. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the first chapter “Discourse of Automation” in which the author systematizes arguments of the new automation discourse in order to provide his explanations for the declining demand for labor in the next chapters.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Structure in new Russia: Evidence from Bayesian Latent Class Analysis2022-10-17T12:55:43+03:00Vasiliy<p>The study presents the results of the multidimensional approach to the social stratification of contemporary Russian society. The proposed model employs the Weberian concept of life chances which has been operationalized on the map of 24 binary items measuring the positive and negative privileges of individuals and their households in four major domains of life, economic stability and security, industrial relations, human development, and economic consumption and leisure. Drawing from the Monitoring data conducted by the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2015 and 2019, we proposed the posterior model of vertically integrated five socioeconomic classes. These are as follows (2015 and 2018): disadvantaged (lower) non-economic class (23 and 21,8%, correspondingly), disadvantaged (lower) economic class (19,4% and 17,3%), two semi-privileged classes—lower middle class (29,4% и 34,1%) and true middle class (15,8% и 13,4%)—and advantaged (upper middle) class (12,4% and 13,4%). The obtained results reassess the popular view that there are no big classes in industrially advanced societies and highlight the importance of the noneconomic forces of multidimensional stratification of the Russian society in the posttransition era. The results also showed that the disadvantaged economic class demonstrates the highest degree of protest voting. The upper middle class turned out to be the most politically loyal, which saliently contradicts the prevailing stereotypes about the patterns of the political behavior of citizens in the new Russia.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) economy in the Arctic regions: traditions, market, state (on the example of the transformation of the economic activity of the Indigenous peoples in Russia, Finland, and the USA)2022-10-17T12:53:36+03:00Elena Gladune.f.gladun@utmn.ruSoili Nysten-Haaralasoili.nystenhaarala@ulapland.fiSvetlana Tulaevasvett07@mail.ruOlga<p>The article describes the interaction of the economy and culture, in the frameworks of Indigenous economic development. It implies strong embeddedness of the economic activities of Indigenous peoples in their social and cultural life. The Indigenous economy is based on traditional nature management and it is closely linked to their knowledge of nature, folklore, language, social norms and expectations. At the same time, the active inclusion of Indigenous communities into market relations leads to significant social and economic transformations of their lives. This implies the question of how to preserve the unique indigenous culture in the market context. The paper considers three different scenarios for the development of the Indigenous economy in the Arctic regions using the examples of Russia, Finland and the United States. In Russia, the state plays a significant role by providing paternalistic care to the Indigenous population and focusing on the preservation of traditional culture; Finland is dominated by a market scenario for the development of Indigenous traditional economies and governmental support for indigenous culture and welfare; and the United States represents an intermediate case in which market incentives and paternalism are combined. The article also examines how the chosen scenario affected the social and cultural aspects of the life of the Indigenous people. The latter are associated with a new attitude to nature, the development of new cultural patterns, and the emergence of new culturally colored types of economic activity. The study is based on qualitative methodology. The main research methods were semi-structured interviews, observations, and analysis of documents.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2022-10-17T12:52:56+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues,<br>The geopolitical positions of Russia and the general situation in the world keep on deteriorating. Predictions for the future are becoming increasingly gloomy. Let us hope that worst of these predictions will never come true.</p>2022-05-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Approaches to the Study of Spatial Inequality: the Case of Russian Education2022-04-25T00:03:34+03:00Ksenia<p>In Russia, the sheer size of the country and the diversity of its socio-demographic and economic contexts are factors that greatly shape educational outcomes and student opportunities. Current research on the spatial context of educational inequality is insufficient. There is a risk of underestimation of importance of spatial differences and the challenges they create for researchers and policymakers in the field of education. The purpose of this work is to analyze the existing conceptual approaches to the study of spatial inequality in Russian education. This paper present two conceptual approaches to understanding spatial inequality, and, respectively, two different answers to the question of whether socio-economic differences between territories is the main factor in educational inequality. Much of the existing research on educational inequality in Russia follows the spirit, if not the letter, of “geography of opportunity,” in which spatial inequality is the geographic dimension of social segregation. This approach implies that due to the historically uneven distribution of economic capital in space, geography is becoming a significant factor that limits students’ opportunities in terms of access to educational resources, choice of trajectory and educational achievement. However, this does not take into account the more complex social hierarchy of space, which is described in the works of Bourdieu and his followers. This second approach opens up prospects for studying the symbolic status of space, as well as the spatial capital of individuals, organizations, and the territories themselves. The approaches described in this article introduce new opportunities for educational researchers and pose a number of challenges for educational policy in Russia. This paper also shows the possibilities of operationalizing these concepts for transferring them to the field of education.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) with Samantha King2022-04-25T00:00:40+03:00Samantha<p>The interview with professor Samantha King, the author of the famous Pink Ribbons, Inc: Breast Cancer and the Politics of Philanthropy (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006), reveals her current studies within the field of cultural politics of health, sport and the body. Samantha introduces her research group in Queen’s University that critically looks at the healthification of market and political processes when social control, inequality and power asymmetry are pursued under the super value of health. She describes how her team uses the genealogical method by M. Foucault to reconstruct the dynamics of historical, ideological, economic, social agendas that shape local judgments about fruitful cultural frames for corporate charity, medicalized performance in professional sport, and painkiller use by people from different social classes. King’s Group studies criticize discourses about individual responsibility and good citizenship as those that may welcome getting pills into bodies instead of transforming the economic and social contexts out of which the disease arises. In the interview, Samantha traces the changes in anti-cancer philanthropy in recent years, comments on the political struggles behind the COVID-19 pandemic and points to the the hidden layers of the protein supplements market challenged by the post-humanistic ban on eating animals, emerging laboratory-meat supply, and ecological concern. The interview with Samantha King as well as her scientific articles will be useful for those who reflect on the incorporation of the human body and subjectivity into capitalistic production in different geopolitical realms.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Utopia: Labour in the Age of Artificial Intelligence2022-04-24T23:57:55+03:00Tatiana<p>In recent years, we have been hearing more about the growing capabilities of artificial intelligence technologies, which are invisibly but surely being introduced into our lives in all its manifestations. Will these technologies revolutionize work? Can the digital utopia be realized? British researcher Phil Jones tries to answer these and many other questions in his book Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism. Jones invites the reader to look at the reverse and very unsightly side of the digital utopia. The focus of the research is microwork, realized in the form of the so-called “human intelligence task” (HIT) or “artificial artificial intelligence” (AAI). The purpose of the book is to show that it is the poorly paid and mentally destructive tasks performed by humans that make our digital lives more convenient and understandable, and not the functioning of artificial intelligence algorithms. The author analyzes the work of the “Mechanical Turk” service employees and its negative consequences, for example, the lack of guaranteed work and its payment, alienation, and an increasing number of psychological problems. The review presents the key provisions of the book: it describes the specifics of the MTurk service and the reasons for the author’s interest in this platform. It reveals Jones’s understanding of the term “microwork”, its main characteristics, and features of work, considers the factors that make it difficult to protest in the age of platform capitalism, outlines new utopia, and contains some critical remarks. The conclusion is that Jones’s book can be recommended reading for anyone interested in labour issues in the contemporary world.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)“3D-model” of the Russian Economy2022-04-24T23:53:53+03:00Alexander<p>The review considers the results of a study implemented in 2020—early 2021, and reflected in the presented collective monograph. It is shown that the applied approach (macroeconomic analysis in combination with the mezzo-level analysis of each of the industries and at the level of individual firms) enabled showing an ambiguous reaction to the pandemic of different companies and the new risks and opportunities associated with it in six sectors of the Russian economy, and in the global context of the development of the relevant sectors in the world economy. In particular, the trends of the previous development, as well as the situation in the first period of the pandemic and after the initial recovery, as well as possible trajectories of further development in retail trade, IT, the tourism sector, pharmaceutical production, automotive industry and the chemical industry are considered. The resulting picture allows us to better understand both the opportunities and limitations of further development, as well as the challenges and possible junctions the Russian state policy is facing. In the book they are presented as follows: (1) the further increase in the already high internal and interregional divergence (regarding the technological development, productivity, profitability, etc.) in sectors with vertical coordination; (2) the further digitalization, which in sectors with developed horizontal ties will entail updating business models and formats; (3) the increased role of intangible assets of companies (knowledge, skills), growing competition both within and between industries for human capital; (4) health, safety, nutrition, and entertainment will become the core drivers of the economy.<br>In conclusion, critical remarks are formulated: underestimation of the specifics of the pandemic as an extraeconomic shock, in comparison with typical economic crises (and models for overcoming them); the need to analyze the general trends in the global and Russian economies in the context of the downward wave of the current long economic cycle; compositional difficulties of the monograph.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Thinking: Concept, Measurement and Factors2022-04-24T23:49:03+03:00Anastsia<p>The article provides an overview of the literature on conspiracy thinking. Although there is no consensus on the definition of this concept, as a rule, researchers pay attention to the following similar aspects: belief in secret and covert actions, a group of interested persons influencing world processes or hiding information about something, the false or implausible nature of conspiracy theories. There are two fundamentally different approaches to measuring conspiracy thinking: (1) in terms of agreement with several real conspiracy theories, (2) in general terms, without reference to specific conspiracy theories. Each of these approaches has serious limitations, both specific (for example, the arbitrariness of the choice of conspiracy theories for the first approach and the lack of one-dimensionality of the scales for the second), and general (the difficulty of using the scales in comparative international studies). The article provides examples of scales that correspond to each of the approaches. Factors influencing belief in conspiracy theories can be divided into psychological and social. Conspiracy beliefs are more common in people with high anxiety, low self-esteem and less developed analytical skills. In addition, conspiracy theories are more often believed by people with low social status and educational level, low level of generalized and political trust, belonging to the ends of the ideological spectrum, and consuming information from glossy magazines and social networks. The role of age and religiosity is less straightforward.</p> <p> </p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Dating: Market or Bazaar? The Marriage Partner Search Process on an Orthodox Dating Site2022-04-24T23:44:57+03:00Kristina Galitsinakvgalitsina@edu.hse.ruPolina Kalinovskayapakalinovskaya@socrel.ruOlga<p>According to a number of researchers, in view of the marketization of culture, the processes of searching for and choosing a romantic partner have taken on the characteristics of a market which becomes especially apparent in case of online dating platforms [Heino Ellison, Gibbs 2010; Schmitz 2017]. The logic of religious dating platforms, where the proclaimed goal is to find a spouse once and for good, may conflict with the market integration logic of a platform itself. In this study, based on the in-depth semi-structured interviews with 18-35-year-old Orthodox online dating platform users from Moscow and the Moscow region, the objective is to identify the form of integration that is suitable for describing the search for a couple on this site. Firstly, the search for a partner is studied through G. Akerlof's perspective as search on the market so that the website’s questionnaire and photos are treated as institutional mechanisms used to tackle the problem of imperfect information and the quality uncertainty. Secondly, the search process in hand is considered as a bazaar in line with C. Geertz’s argument where messaging is bargaining, and users, motivated by the desire to find a soulmate, aim at clientelization. Finally, the authors infer that the bazaar perspective is more relevant for describing the search process in the considered case. In conclusion, the market angle itself is problematized, and attention is also paid to the functioning of the platforms in general.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Demography Matters (excerpt)2022-04-24T23:34:31+03:00Danny<p>Demography is not destiny. As Giacomo Casanova explained over two centuries ago: ‘There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our own lives.’ Today we are shaping them and our societies more than ever before. Globally, we have never had fewer children per adult: our population is about to stabilize, though we do not know when or at what number, or what will happen after that. It will be the result of billions of very private decisions influenced in turn by multiple events and policies, some more unpredictable than others. More people are moving further around the world than ever before: we too often see that as frightening, rather than as indicating greater freedom. Similarly, we too often lament greater ageing, rather than recognizing it as a tremendous human achievement with numerous benefits to which we must adapt. The Journal of Economic Sociology publishes the chapter eight “Population and Politics,” where the authors discuss the political demography. Here they address eugenics, in both its historical and contemporary manifestations, and then look again at migration and past fertility patterns that may influence it.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Role of Social Media in the Adaptation of Russians Working in Precarious Labour Markets in Korea and China2022-04-24T23:15:09+03:00Natalya Ryzhovan.p.ryzhova@gmail.comTatiana<p>How do migrants use social media to adapt to new social conditions, including those in the labour market? Does it matter which social media and how many of them are available for migrants? Answering these questions, we focus on particular social groups—Russian citizens engaged in precarious work in China and South Korea. These labour market segments have hardly been described in the academic literature, mainly because such migrant flows are not observable in the receiving or sending country. As a rule, these people do not have legal migration status (they do not have work permits, long-term residence permits, insurance, and other necessary documents). We aim to compare two situations—the Korean one, where different social media (WhatsApp, VK, Viber, and others) are available to migrants, and the Chinese one, where WeChat dominates, and hence, in so doing to understand what happens in the context of one dominant media. In addition to analyzing work requests and job vacancies published in social media (WeChat, VK, Telegram, WhatsApp), we use in-depth interviews with precarious workers (23 interviews obtained in China and 31 in Korea).</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2022-04-24T20:56:56+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, Events that started on February 24, 2022 brought radical changes to Russia and the whole world. Both academic activity and daily life have become much more uncertain and complicated. Quite quickly, many members of the nternational Board cancelled their affiliations with our Journal. We really appreciate the attitude of those who did not cancel their cooperation with us on the basis of our nationality. Despite all expected difficulties, we have to fulfil our professional duties and present to you the next issue of our journal.</p>2022-03-31T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Guide for Market-Based Interventions and Public Problems2022-02-09T00:25:10+03:00Daria R.<p>Is it possible to apply economic mechanisms to solve public problems, especially sensitive and morally rooted ones? Can markets effectively and fairly regulate social issues in the public policy field? During the last several decades, with the spread of market mechanisms in the social order, theoreticians and practitioners have been searching for market-based interventions. While a significant body of literature criticizes neoliberalism for its limitations and contradictions, the collective of the sociologists Daniel Neyland, Véra Ehrenstein, and Sveta Milyaeva suggest in their book Can Markets Solve Problems? An Empirical Study of Neoliberalism in Action problematizing not only the role of the market in the implementation of government interventions but also the very definition of the market—its constituent relationships, practices, meanings, and calculative devices. Drawing on science and technology studies (STS), the authors propose looking behind the processes of market assembly work and investigating how in the course of market-based interventions social problems, entities, and relationships are shaped, transformed, and allow the achievement of certain results in public policy. Based on the empirical materials of an extensive ethnographic study (legal and historical documents and semi-structured interviews with experts, managers, and stakeholders), the authors use six empirical cases to illustrate how competition, investment and return, property, trade and exchange, incentives, and selling can, in practice, not only become instruments of market-based intervention but also shape and redefine the subject matter itself. The book will be of interest and beneficial to researchers in the field of sociology of markets as a source of rich descriptions of markets, which generally constitute a subject of active government regulation and which become a platform for the symbolic struggle of various market actors.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Challenges Stemming from Doing Studies in Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)2022-02-09T00:19:39+03:00Ilya V. Ermoliniermolin@hse.ruLinas J.<p>This article presents the authors’ self-reflections on the challenges they faced as researchers during their long-term study of the illegal wildlife trade of sturgeon meat and caviar and Caspian seals’ skins and oil that they carried out from 2012 to 2019. The authors focus on the following main topics: personal health and security issues resulting from the activities of the police and the Federal Security Service, the recruitment and training of local assistants and university students, intergenerational and gender gaps that exhibit a strong influence on the development of trust between researchers and respondents, the network density of market dynamics and speed of communication through the market, and the shift in environmental legal regulations as an influence on current studies. In addition, the authors stress the lack of appropriate infrastructure to conduct systemic data collection and local populations’ unawareness of research fieldwork on social and economic issues ever undertaken in the areas under study. The authors show that for the study of informal economy activities to prove successful, several points should be identified: first, the formation of identity to be considered acceptable in the local community so that the researcher is perceived as a member of the community; second, the influence of gender boundaries on research driven by the ever-increasing complexity of social interactions set in different social and cultural contexts; and, third, time and funding as two of the most important things that should be taken into account when planning field studies, depending on how strong the illegality is and whether assistants are ready to face “others” from their own community.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c), Secondary Jobholding, and Labor Income Inequality2022-02-09T00:07:33+03:00Anna L.<p>Using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey from 2000 to 2014, this study analyzes the evolution of various sources of labor income: salaried employment in a primary job, self-employment in a primary job, secondary employment, and irregular earnings. The composition of income sources reflects the strategies of adaptation to economic shocks, institutional changes, and technological innovations. The paper contributes to the debates about the precarization of employment and, more broadly, to the development of sociological views about social class structure. The importance of salaried employment in a single job markedly increased between 2000 and 2014, both as the share of the workforce and as the fraction of total labor incomes. Simultaneously, the prevalence of secondary job holding and irregular work activities declined, which indicates the stabilization of the social structure. The results show that additional labor incomes and total labor income are distributed less evenly than earnings from a primary job. The observed changes in the structure of employment are associated with a 7–8% reduction in labor income inequality, which exceeds the contribution of changes in the education structure or population aging. Multiple jobholding retains its role as a source of social differentiation, despite a significant reduction in its incidence.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Theory of Fields (Excerpt)2022-02-09T00:29:24+03:00Neil Fligsteinfligst@berkeley.eduDoug<p>The central goal of this book is to explicate an integrated theory that explains how stability and change are achieved by social actors in circumscribed social arenas. The theory rests on a view that sees strategic action fields, which can be defined as mesolevel social orders, as the basic structural building blocks of modern political/organizational life in the economy, civil society, and the state. In constructing a new perspective, the authors draw upon the rich body of integrative scholarship produced by economic sociologists, institutional theorists in both sociology and political science, and social movement scholars. The Journal of Economic Sociology is pleased to publish the first chapter, “The Gist of It.” In this chapter, the authors sketch the basic features of this perspective in some detail, differentiating the new elements from the old, including Bourdieu, Giddens, institutional theory, network analysis, and social movement theory.</p> <p> </p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Mobility of Russians in Terms of Life Chances and Risks2022-02-08T23:51:01+03:00Ekaterina D.<p>This paper focuses on the issues of social mobility and immobility of Russians in the neo-Weberian stratification hierarchy of Russian society, based on indicators of life chances. Social mobility is interpreted as a transition between three mass strata. Trajectories of mobility (rates and factors) are analyzed using the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) panel data of a six-year interval from 2013 to 2018 and the group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) method. It is shown that a quarter of Russians moved between strata. Mobility usually occurs over a short distance. Cases of significant life changes that would lead to transition between polar strata (low and high) are exceptions to the rule. The chances of getting into polar strata depend on the quality of human potential and, as a result, on individuals’ places in the system of industrial relations. Only highly qualified Russians with good health, who also originate from highly educated families, have high chances of getting into positively privileged (high) strata. For these Russians, composite rents work. Risks of moving down to low strata are present for Russians with low education, bad health and parents with low education, mainly due to employment in bad job positions that violate employees’ rights. The paper shows that social background continues to play a significant role in shaping chances of social wellbeing and mobility. It also draws attention to the fact that skills in use of information technology form a new basis for inequality between people.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Food Away and Food Rescue Practices in Russia (Microlevel Analysis)2022-02-08T23:43:28+03:00Marina A.<p>About one-third of all food produced in the world is thrown away. The higher the development level of the country, the more this practice is contributed to by microlevel actors, i.e., consumers (households). Food waste is a serious environmental, economic, social, and ethical issue, and a search for effective ways to alleviate this issue conforms to sustainable development goals. The problem is systemic, and its theoretical conceptualization follows this path. However, some aspects of this problem have not been examined equally: one of its least studied aspects is the relationship between (not) throwing food away, on the one hand, and actual food rescue practices implemented by consumers, on the other. Capturing this relationship is important for understanding both the nature of the food waste phenomenon and the comparative role of various recovery practices, including new ones (e.g. peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing), and the civil society potential in alleviating the waste issue. Based on a representative survey (N = 2,000 respondents, November 2020), the levels and factors of Russians’ engagement in groups with different attitudes toward throwing food away have been identified (“not throwing away food,” “throwing away edible food,” and “throwing away spoiled food”). We used regression analysis to estimate the relationship between the probability of being included in any of these groups and the involvement in various food rescue practices (feeding animals and food waste composting, extending the shelf life of products, and donating unneeded food to others, including P2P food sharing). It has been shown that consumers using social channels for food rescue (both practicing food sharing and not), ceteris paribus, are less likely to throw away edible food and more likely to throw away spoiled food (at least during the pandemic, although probably this is not so much due to the pandemic). Conclusions are made about the importance of combining social rescue practices with other types of food rescue and about the potential of civil society in mitigating the issue.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2022-02-08T23:36:51+03:00Vadim<p><strong>Dear colleagues,</strong><br>After the pleasant Christmas vacation, we are back to our routines. Universities have returned to conventional teaching of their classes, although nobody knows whether we will be able to keep these activities offline, given that a new strain of coronavirus, Omicron, is spreading around the world.</p>2022-02-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)’s Foreword2021-12-30T22:46:38+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues,<br>By the end of this year, we will be facing the next wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, but we do anticipate a<br>better future. The barriers are still in place, and many students have returned to online education once again.<br>However, this does not affect the publication of a new issue of our journal.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)’s Foreword2021-12-30T23:44:45+03:00Vadim<p>Dear colleagues, We hope that this new academic year will lead to easing restrictions and removing barriers. Let us present a new issue of our journal.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) and Conspicuousness in Car Consumption2021-12-30T23:42:09+03:00Andreyi Vernikovvernikov@inecon.ruAnna<p>We study how the availability of bank loans feeds excessive consump¬tion, including the acquisition of goods for the sake of appearances. The aim of the paper is to review the institutions of consumer behavior and borrowing behavior, which have taken root due to consumer lending, in the case of auto loans in the Rostov region, Russia. We rely on material and statistical data from 2002-2020 from a variety of sources, including the Central Bank of Russia, Rosstat, National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH JSC), traffic police, etc. We build and estimate metrics featuring household borrowing behavior with regard to auto loans. The empirical results suggest a habitualization of the precedence of consumption (a term borrowed from Jean Baudrillard), including debt-driven ostenta¬tious consumption. Borrowed money closes the gap between the cost of affordable cars and that of sought-after cars under the influence of socially induced criteria. Household spending on these items grew in ab¬solute and relative terms. Our theoretical contribution is that we integrate the elements of several theories, namely, the concept of the precedence of consumption from sociology, osten-tatious consumption from institutional theory, the social significance of banks as creditors, the socio-economic consequences of financialization, etc. Unlike some other authors, we extend the concept of ostentatious con¬sumption to practically all goods, depending on the motivation that drives an individual, instead of confining it to luxury goods purchases by high-net-worth individuals. The contribution to the empirical literature is that we operationalize theoretical constructs in order to quantify them using factual data on auto loans. We conclude that the concepts of the precedence of consumption and ostentatious consumption remain valuable instruments in enabling us to interpret a number of empirical effects of financialization at the household level.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep (an excerpt)2021-12-30T23:42:54+03:00Jonathan<p>24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep explores some of the ruinous consequences of the expansion of non-stop processes of twenty-first-century capitalism. The marketplace now operates around the clock, pushing us into constant activity and eroding forms of community and political expression, damaging the fabric of everyday life. In his book, Crary examines how this interminable non-time blurs any separation between an intensified, ubiquitous consumerism and emerging strategies of control and surveillance. He describes the ongoing management of individual attentiveness and the impairment of perception within the compulsory routines of our contemporary technological culture. At the same time, he shows that human sleep—a restorative withdrawal that is intrinsically incompatible with 24/7 capitalism—points to other more formidable and collective refusals of world-destroying patterns of growth and accumulation. The Journal of Economic Sociology will publish the first chapter of this book, which engages in a discussion of the reasons for sleep erosion and its connection to the dynamics of modern capitalism. Crary also alludes to the main threats of the 24/7 world and the possible human consequences.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Donor: Criteria for the Selection of Gamete Donors in the Russian Field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies2021-12-30T23:51:12+03:00Anastasia Grishaninagr.anastasiiya@yandex.ruAlexandra Narskayaalexandranar25@gmail.comPolina<p>The emergence of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has been one of the groundbreaking solutions to the problem of infertility, but these technologies involve interference with the natural process of giv¬ing birth to a child. In this study, we answer the question of whether we can talk about attempts by parents to influence the "quality" of their child in ART through the mechanism of choosing gamete donors. The theoretical analysis considers the concept of the "quality" of biomaterial in the context of the commodification of vital goods as well as the problem of kinship associated with the transformation of family relations as a result of the application of ARTs. Foreign studies have confirmed the attempt to influence the "quality" of the child through the choice of donors with certain characteristics. However, in the Russian context of social conservatism, previous studies have found interference in the ge¬netics of a child to be unacceptable. The aim of this work is to explore how the possibilities of controlling the "quality" of a child are distributed between doctors and infertile couples as well as the hidden social grounds behind the criteria used for choosing a donor. The focus of the study is on the representatives of reproductive centers and sperm and egg banks in Moscow. The strategies for selecting respondents were targeted selection and the snowball method, with the database consisting of fifteen semi-struc¬tured interviews.<br>The analysis revealed that potential parents are included in the ART process as actors whose actions are subordinate to those of medical centers . The image of a "high-quality" donor is formed through the prism of certain requirements put forward to donors by ART centers and then transmitted to parents. In addition, the study found a tendency in the desire of potential parents to influence the "quality" of their child—not in an absolute but a relative sense—to have a child of the same "quality" as themselves.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Problem of Defining the Essence of Money in Contemporary Economic Sociology: Between the State and Trust2021-12-30T23:52:22+03:00Egor Makaroveg.makaraz@mail.ruDmirtry<p>The article considers the problem of defining the essence of money, which is one of the main problems in the contemporary sociology of money. This problem cannot be explained using the neoclassical economic analysis of money, in particular, the evolutionary theory of money by Menger. The main idea of this approach is that the origins of money should be found in the reducing cost of exchange based on the rationality of economic agents. Consequently, the universality of money and its spatial spread have remained unexplained (including temporary uncertainty and the use of money in the future). The paper presents two approaches—by Ingham and Dodd—to defining the essence of money. Considerable attention is paid to classic works in the field written by Simmel and Keynes. From the analy¬sis, we see that the main features distinguishing monetary exchange from other forms of exchange (including barter) can be found in Simmel's The Philosophy of Money. Simmel also provided two solutions on how to de¬fine money: the state's production of credit money or trust in money from society. Ingham developed the first solution and singled out the state's pro¬duction of credit (and the creation of money as account). Meanwhile, Dodd insisted on the fiduciary component of the financial system as a crucial element. Both authors used the metaphor of money as an idea or process embedded in social relations, which contrasts the commodity metaphor in¬troduced by Menger. The main assertion of the article is that the metaphor of money as an idea corresponds to the proposition that the basic function of money is the measure of value (money of account), or store of value, while the neoclassical model suggests that the commodity metaphor of money and its unit of exchange function are crucial. In addition, contemporary theories of money introduce the distinction between money as account (which is more abstract) and particular forms of money (which can be named money stuff). Similarities and contradictions between the two solutions to the problem of uncertainty— by Ingham and Dodd—are also presented in the article.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)"Digital Rush": In Search of Balance between Professional and Market Logics in Web Journalism2021-12-30T23:52:53+03:00Liudmila<p>A book written by French-born American sociologist Angele Christin, Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms, is devoted to the specificities of the functioning of publications during the traffic-chase era. The book's main goal is to show how the implementation of algorithms affects the professional identity and working practices of journalists. The scholar uses a multi-stage theoretical framework as she turns to Bour- dieu's concept of field, the sociology of "Worlds" by Boltanski and Thevenot, the theory of institutional isomorphism proposed by DiMaggio and Powell, and other relevant approaches examined in The New Economic Sociology. The book is based on a comparative study of two web publications in the United States and France during the period 2011-2015. The author uses a mixed methodology whose core is comprised of observation and semi- structured interviews with the staff of media organizations. Referring to the broad empirical material, Christin wonders whether metrics are really able to eradicate dis-tinctions between national mass media in different countries. Although the two web publications face similar challenges in terms of modern journalism, they tackle them in different ways. This is due to the embeddedness of the professional activity of journalists in the institutional context, organizational structures, and profes-sional fields. The review raises the key issues of the book: a brief history of the formation of web journalism in the United States and France, the media organizations' perception of metrics and audience, and the role of independent professionals in news production.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Use Regulations: Legally Fluid Technology2021-12-30T23:43:35+03:00Nataliya<p>Urban law is changeable, and its changes may be associated with those in the material environment of the city as well as those in legal instruments. Conse¬quently, the law itself is unstable. Two types of changes are associated with two types of conflict in urban law: conflicts of norms and property rights. The coordination of the two types of conflict means that urban law is decidedly technical. Therefore, the established methods of analyzing urban law, which emphasize the distinction between formal and informal relations, do not work to explain the ways of city law. According to the hypothesis of the study, urban law does not act as a normative or political tool but as an "unstable technique" (a term used de Laet and Mol) that unites a bundle of normative styles. In exemplifying the unstable technique of law, the article considers a local docu¬ment of Russian urban regulation—Rules of Land Use and Development (PZZ). The research material was collected in the spring of 2021 in two Russian regional cities named in the text: Frontier City and Factory City. In the empirical part, two cases are analyzed. Changes in the PZZ that affect the material form of the city are described as moving objects that go through a series of negotiations and approvals. For legal changes in the context of the PZZ that affect the structure of the document and its normative styles, the study shows how such changes can be integrated into the existing structure of the PZZ. As a result, we see that the two cities work with material and legal changes in different ways, but both types of changes are irreducible to each other: the transformation of one into the other will lead to the destruction of the existing social order. This type of trans¬formation, which Lo calls non-homeomorphic, sets the structure of the variability of PZZ and urban law and determines their topological nature, built on the ongoing switching between different normative styles.</p>2021-12-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) the Sense of Community Arises in Marriage: The Logic of Mutuality in the Narratives of Women from Large Families2021-10-06T07:54:31+03:00Ivan<p>In the proposed article, based on in-depth interviews with women in large families, the author discusses the following hypothesis: in families where, as children are born, conjugality does not give way to household and parenthood, a sense of community in marriage is enhanced. This arises in families where a man, as children are born, becomes more involved in relations with his wife and children, and the relations are developed in the logic of mutuality. Using the results of 22 in-depth interviews with women in large families from Moscow, Arkhangelsk, and Vladimir, the author objectifies this logic by the category of the "mutual sacrifice of the spouse," which indicates the wife's confidence in unmitigated communion and support from her husband. In the social sciences, this category is similar to the concept of the reciprocal gift. Gift commitment theory emphasizes the fundamental distinction between the material and perceived spiritual sides of the exchange, which helps to explain why, despite the factual workload and vulnerability of the mother, which grows as the children are born, she perceives married life in terms of friendship with her husband and community in the family. In conclusion, the author proposes that the logic of mutuality in marriage can become a fruitful source for reflection on the division of labor between the sexes, as opposed to the logics of justice and independence.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Economy after Neoliberalism 2021-10-06T07:59:05+03:00Neil Fligsteinfligst@berkeley.eduSteven<p>The Journal of Economic Sociology has published an article, "Political Economy after Neoliberalism," by one of the most influential figures in the tradition of New Economic Sociology, Neil Fligstein, and economic historian and comparative political economy scientist Steven Vogel. The article, originally published in Boston Review, was re-posted on the web¬site of the professional online community Economic Sociology & Politi¬cal Economy (ES/PE) and became one of the most-read texts in 2020. The authors offer a broad review of the current literature in the realm of eco¬nomic sociology, economic history, and political economy, and articulate a theoretical and practical alternative to the mainstream economic view of the nature of markets and the role of the state regulation of the economy. The text explores the causes and consequences of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and highlights the relationship between the crisis management measures adopted in different countries, their institutional arrangements, and the current balance of power. Fligstein and Vogel define three theoretical principles of the new political economy and then dem-onstrate its heuristic potential by analyzing the responses to the pandemic by the authorities and the United States and German markets. Strong at¬tention is paid to the analysis of the practical consequences of the politi¬cal economy project proposed by the authors: according to Fligstein and Vogel, accumulated knowledge allows the social sciences to participate in determining the preferred development scenarios of modern capitalism.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c), Uncertainty and Business Strategies of Russian Companies in the Field of Medical Devices2021-10-06T08:01:48+03:00Evgeniya<p>High-tech innovation is often understood as creating new worlds and tra¬jectories of development and generating uncertainty. On the basis of 15 interviews with the heads of Russian medical technology companies, the paper presents the different types of uncertainties faced by med-tech entre¬preneurs. Is the lack of exact knowledge about the results of the develop¬ment and implementation of new technologies (a classic type of uncer¬tainty in the innovation sector) perceived by entrepreneurs as a difficulty? Or do they deal with uncertainties of another type, for example, related to the political and economic context in the country? What business models are emerging in the industry for regional companies? What is the role of expectations and the imagination in the work of the company director or R & D engineers? How is this related to the specifics of the health industry? As a theoretical basis, the concepts of uncertainty in the innovation sector, as well as uncertainty associated with the rules of the game set by political and economic institutions, are considered. The strategies of innova¬tive entrepreneurs in conditions of uncertainty are investigated using the concept of the imaginary in the ver¬sion of science and technology studies (STS). This research identifies four business models of hi-tech entre¬preneurs in Russia: Small deal supporters, Revolutionaries, Conformists, and Isolationists. In the development of medical equipment, it is important that the main customers of medical devices in Russia are state-owned hospitals. One of the most winning strategies for Russian entrepreneurs is the use of ambiguity, i.e., to second- guess the agenda set by government agencies and use official rhetoric in negotiations with officials. One might have expected that, especially in such a situation, imaginaries might be a vehicle for innovation. However, uncertainty about rules and ambiguity in political priorities results in an imaginary drama—imaginaries in med-tech companies do not exist, and neither does innovation.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Capitalism, High-Technology Financing and the State's Innovation Policy: A Sociological Analysis of the U.S. Experience (1940s-2010s)2021-10-06T08:07:38+03:00Dmitrii<p>This paper reviews the theoretical and research literature on venture capi¬talism. The major approaches to the study of venture financing and its institutional forms are considered against the background of the experi¬ence of the U.S., where this industry exists the longest. Economists ana¬lyze venture capital as an institutional response either to the failure of the market for knowledge or to the failure of the market for entrepreneurial finance. Economic sociologists complement this analysis by emphasiz¬ing venture capital firms' role in socializing technological entrepreneurs, indirect financing of innovation ecosystems, and risk management. In the more recent literature inspired by critical political economy and economic history, this functionalist, market-failure type of argument is increasingly called into question because of its insufficient attention to the role of the state in creating and maintaining the venture capital industry. Based on this literature, the paper illustrates the connection between the genesis of the venture capital industry in the U.S. and the evolution of the devel¬opmental state in post-war U.S. In conclusion, this paper discusses insti¬tutional alternatives to venture capital and the applicability of the U.S. experience to other contexts.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Box for the Consumer2021-10-06T08:59:22+03:00Elena<p>The review signifies the key ideas of the book by Shoshanna Zuboff, who indicates the rise of a new form of capitalism called surveillance capitalism. This economic order is dominated by commercial IT companies, with a power advantage anchored in the monopoly for the means of behavior modification. Algorithms track the personal experience of users, while the scientific processing of these data opens unprecedented opportunities for the prediction of human feelings, desires, and decisions that transform new digital certainty into an inexhaustible source of economic and political profit. Zuboffs research constructs a conceptual language for assessing the quality of a social order that is performatively produced by surveillance capitalism. The author criticizes the new economic system for breaking away from democratic principles. Control over human life, which can be achieved with modern information technology, is overarching. Recently, the massive expansion of consumer markets has fostered democratization and personalization. Surveillance capitalism involves objectifying a unique person to an anonymous Internet user and beginning to make money not out of consumer needs but by selling aggregated information about human behavior that can be used in consumer demand management. The fundamental message of the book is that European society is again risking its humanistic ideals for monetary gain. The book proves this message with the author's eight-year ethnography in the field of global technology corporations. Field results are assessed against the postulates of social behaviorism. The review reveals the experience of reading Sh. Zuboff's book in the context of the exploitation of man by man in modern European society. Researchers who compare different forms of capitalism with each other, think about the digitalization of the social order, or care about the challenges for human rights under different economic regimes will find the book thought-provoking and, therefore, useful.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Reassemble Capitalism: Economic Sociology and its "Political Unconscious" 2021-10-06T09:06:06+03:00Dmitrii Zhikharevichdzhikharevich@eu.spb.ruDavid<p>The article offers a commentary on the discussion of the article "Political Economy after Neoliberalism" by Fligstein and Vogel, published in the current issue of the Journal of Economic Sociology. The authors draw the attention of Russian-speaking readers to the fact that the work of American researchers not only problematizes the content of political debates in the United States, but also shapes the basic principles of economic and sociological analysis of various economic systems in their connection with regulation policies and public control. Arguments are given in favor of the fact that the article by Fligstein and Vogel is a kind of manifesto of new economic sociology, demonstrating its "political unconscious"—a number of axiomatic assumptions about the functioning of the capitalist political economy, arising from the research perspective of economic sociology and related disciplines. The structure of the argument proposed in the article includes an analysis of several theoretical and empirical directions: a discussion about the varieties of empirical models of capitalism and statements about the political nature of choice of the institutional architecture of economies, the ways of organizing relations between corporations and society, and the role of the state in the economy. The authors note that the so-called neoliberal turn in social and economic policy in recent years was partly based on the purely intellectual principle in mainstream economic theory that opposes states and markets. Studies in the field of economic sociology, history, and comparative political economy demonstrate the fallacy of this statement, offering a conceptual resource for rethinking modern capitalism.</p> <p> </p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Experiments and the Rubin Causal Model: Review of Approaches and Current Research2021-10-06T08:55:05+03:00Dmitrii Serebrennikovserebrennikov.dmtr@eu.spb.ruJulia<p>Experiments of various kinds are increasingly being used in the social sciences to derive causal inference. Among the varieties of this method, field experiments are especially noteworthy. Explosive growth in their numbers has been observed in recent years, primarily in economics and political science. Gradually, field experimentation is starting to spread to other disciplines. One of the most important reasons for this is the popularization of the so-called Donald Rubin model of causal inference, which allows researchers to link experimental methods with statistics and other mathematical methods. In the Russian-speaking academic field, one can observe a lack of texts describing how field experiments are related to this model in causal inference, while such a research design allows us to focus specifically on the search for the causality of various social phenomena. This article provides a critical-bibliographic review of both the conceptual model of causation and the existing research carried out in the design of field experiments in the Rubin model. The first part of the paper provides a brief overview of the main paradigms of causation and how, from one of them (the approach of potential outcomes and counterfactual inference), the Rubin model logically arises. The following describes the milestones in the history of field experiments before the Rubin model. This is followed by a description of the model and today's debate about the advantages, limitations, and design features of the field experiment. Finally, with a few examples, we analyze several well-known field experiments to illustrate the operation of the described method.</p>2021-10-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Algorithmic Management in the Platform Economy 2021-06-06T16:11:40+03:00David Starkdcs36@columbia.eduIvana<p>The platform model is the distinguishing organizational form of the early decades of the twenty-first century. Whereas actors in markets contract, hierarchies command, and networks collaborate, platforms co-opt assets, resources, and activities that are not part of the firm. As a distinctive organizational form, the platform model confronts a distinctive managerial challenge: how to manage value-creating activities that are undertaken on the platform but not in the firm? In a triangular geometry, platform owners co-opt the behavior of providers and users, enrolling them in the practices of algorithmic management without managerial authority having been delegated to them. Acting on their own behalf, the ratings and other activities of providers and consumers are algorithmically translated into rankings and other calculating devices that circulate through feedback loops that are twisted rather than circular. Algorithmic management involves a peculiar kind of cybernetic control because at each fold of the feedback loop accountability can be deflected and denied. Whereas Scientific Management in the early twentieth century offered a legitimating principle for the growth of a new managerial class, algorithmic management in the early twenty-first century is reshaping the managerial class. Its power asymmetries at the organizational level are related to coalitions at the regulatory level in which platform owner and investors are in alliance with platform consumers.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)'s Foreword2021-06-06T15:55:52+03:00Vadim<p><span id="page91R_mcid238" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: 60.2362px; top: 210.021px; font-size: 20px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.785772);">Dear colleagues,</span></span></p> <p><span id="page91R_mcid239" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: 60.2362px; top: 257.266px; font-size: 20px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.766398);">At present, we are still hoping to escape from the shock of the pandemic in the near future while also expecting </span></span><span id="page91R_mcid240" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: 60.2362px; top: 280.888px; font-size: 20px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.787744);">the possibility of a third wave. Meanwhile, let us turn to a new issue of our journal. </span></span></p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) of Modernization on Social Capital: Evidence from Dagestan 2021-06-06T15:59:55+03:00Daniil<p>The paper scrutinizes the differences between the traditional and modernistic social groups of Dagestan, Russia—a region in the south of Russia that is only now undergoing the process of modernization. As an important factor in economic development in developed countries, social capital and trust often have a negative impact on the level of well-being in traditional communities. The research, based on a sociological survey of residents of the Republic of Dagestan, shows that this pattern is due to the fact that in traditional society, the radius of trust (which is one of the most important components of social capital) extends only to the immediate environment. This is why social capital in such communities produces lower returns. Moreover, using variables associated with the process of breaking traditional norms (residence and birth in the city, modernist religious beliefs, importance of free time, and desire to educate children in self-expression values and foster values of obedience), this article argues that the modernization process leads to the destruction of closed social capital, expressed in the decline of trust in relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and representatives of the same nationality. At the same time, the transformation of traditional norms has a different effect on open social capital—having more modernistic values is positively linked to generalized trust, while being a part of modernistic social groups demonstrates a negative link. The results enable us to conclude that the high level of social capital recorded in other studies in the North Caucasus (and in Dagestan, in particular) is actually associated with a high level of trust in the surrounding environment and is not as productive as in other regions.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Subjective Perception of Employment Instability: Is It Bad to Be Unstable?2021-06-06T16:07:05+03:00Elena Gasiukovaegasyukova@hse.ruAnastasia<p>Nowadays in the literature, there are two perspectives on the spread of atypical labor contracts and unstable employment trajectories: some authors insist on the vulnerability of modern employees and the weakening of their bargaining position; others emphasize new opportunities for flexibility and independence from the employer. However, it remains unclear how employees react to these new employment conditions. Is instability a benefit or a sign of vulnerability for them? This discussion is most relevant for skilled young workers, as freedom and flexibility are of great value to them. The authors make an attempt to discover which position is closer to unstable workers in Russia. The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey—Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE) data for 2014–2018 were used for the analysis. The panel data was used to construct the variable of instability in the labor market, taking into account the previous working status of the respondents (the sample size was 1,507 respondents). The main method of analysis was linear regression. The dependent variables were the components of subjective well-being, and the explanatory variable was the status of employment instability. The results show that employment instability is not related to respondents’ subjective well-being, nor to job insecurity. No differences in the subjective assessments of stable and unstable employees with different skills and income levels were found. The findings allow us to state that employment instability is not perceived by Russian employees as a distinct situation in the labor market, or as referring to negative or positive type of work or social position of an individual.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Can We Explain Differences in Patterns of Alcohol Consumption? Review of Theoretical Approaches 2021-06-06T16:51:59+03:00Valeria Kondratenkovkondratenko@hse.ruYana<p>Alcohol is an important part of the culture of many people, and the patterns of its consumption differ according to the types of drinks people drink, in what circumstances they drink, what kind of meaning drinking offers them, etc. In this article, we decided to classify publications on differences in drinking patterns based on a dominant idea. We highlight the criteria for identifying such patterns: quantitative (depending on the volume and frequency of consumption) and qualitative (depending on the chosen drinks, circumstances, and motives for use). The quantitative criteria make it possible to identify frequently used patterns, such as episodic alcohol consumption in large quantities, binge drinking, sporadic drinking, and light and heavy drinking. Within the framework of the qualitative criteria, Northern, Southern, and Central European types are often distinguished. The emphasis on consumption motives reveals four patterns: reinforcement, coping, conformity, and community. However, researchers tend to understand what explains the differences in consumption patterns. Therefore, in the second part of the article, we turn to the systematization of such explanations based on cultural-anthropological, historical, and structural approaches. In the last part of our article, we show that the approaches we have identified allow us to explain the features of alcohol consumption patterns in Russia and their changes over the past several decades. It can be concluded that the most productive way of analyzing alcohol consumption is the complex application of the approaches we have considered—the identification of patterns based on various criteria and the explanation of their choice by different highlighted approaches.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) Flexible Commuting Patterns by Current Residents of Chelyabinsk 2021-07-02T16:31:16+03:00Nadezda<p class="text">Digitization is changing the organization of work. Work is becoming independent of time and place, which affects changes in mobility patterns. This article explores the commuting patterns of current residents of Soviet-designed industrial cities with strictly delineated contours of practice and commuting patterns. Using a case study of the city of Chelyabinsk, this study proposes a typology of residential mobility patterns that varies in relation to employment. For this purpose, Hägerstrand’s theory of the temporal and spatial constraints of mobility was used. By analyzing quantitative data collected in February 2020 through a standardized street survey, three types of commuting patterns were identified: “flexible,” “temporally flexible,” and “regular.” Each type of pattern is described by quantitative characteristics, such as employment sector, form of employment, and place of residence. This study extends the understanding of what commuting patterns in current Russian cities might look like. It demonstrates the dominance of the “temporally flexible” commuting patterns of residents of Chelyabinsk, designed as an industrial center with regular commuting patterns. While the stufy does not provide a certain depth of analysis, it can be taken as a starting point in understanding individual mobility patterns in Russian cities. The results of the study may be of interest to researchers on work and urban mobility, as well as to city planners and policy makers on social and transport issues.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) The End of Bureaucracy? New Organizational Forms, Social Media, and Millennials 2021-06-06T16:56:26+03:00Daria<p class="text">In recent years, Silicon Valley startups have become some of the most successful corporations in the world. They advance the abandonment of bureaucratic control of employees, for example, they do not keep track of what time employees come to work or what they are wearing, and instead delegate decision-making rights to employees and are attentive to their opinions. But what happens behind the closed doors of those companies promoting such openness and the overthrow of the hierarchy and bureaucratic rules? How and by whom are they controlled? The book by Catherine J. Turco (2016) shows how corporate communication, culture, and control actually work in a company run by millennials reared on social media. During her ethnographic research, Turco describes how a new organizational form she calls a “conversational firm” has arisen and succeeded in solving business problems due to cross-hierarchical communication. One of Turko’s main findings is that subverting the hierarchical control of communication does not mean the hierarchical structure of decision making must fall as well. Thus, employees may prefer some bureaucratic practices and insist on them.</p>2021-06-01T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c)