Measuring Corruption in the Irkutsk Region: A Sociological Approach

  • Dmitry Fedotov
  • Svetlana Inkizhinova
  • Denis Shkurin
Keywords: corruption, regional economy, sociological survey, social institute, domestic corruption, business corruption, Irkutsk region


The article examines the problems of corruption in the Irkutsk region, an industrial area located in Siberia. The Irkutsk region was chosen as the object of the study. The objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing the level of cormption in the Irkutsk region. As a hypothesis of the study, the assumption is put forward that the institutionalization of corruption processes within Russian society is currently taking place. To measure the level of cormption in the Irkutsk region, a methodology of sociological research of the level and characteristics of cormption in the region has been developed and applied. The study employed a survey method on an online panel. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of domestic cormption in the Irkutsk region, measured at 13.0% in 2022, is slightly lower compared to other Russian regions. Most often, the population faces domestic cormption when receiving free medical care and due to the need for additional payments in secondary schools. During the study, risk groups were identified among respondents with a higher probability of getting into a cormpt situation. Also, a number of characteristics were identified that increase the propensity to engage in cormpt actions, including: being male, older (55-64 years) or of retirement age (65 years +), having a high financial status, and working as an individual entrepreneur, farmer or manager. It was found that the amount of business conuption in the Irkutsk region was 21.4% among the respondents representing business. The study reveals the purposes behind cormption actions committed by business representatives. It shows that cormption in the Irkutsk region is deeply entrenched in the form of a social institution, characterized by institutional components such as informal norms and mechanisms of coercion that compel adherence to cormpt practices. The obtained scientific results can be used to inform the implementation of the state anti-cormption policies.

Author Biographies

Dmitry Fedotov

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Main Researcher at the Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Transformations and Financial Policy of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Address: 49/2 Leningradsky Ave., 125167, Moscow, Russian Federation. Professor of the Department of International Relations and Customs Affairs of Baikal State University. Address: 11 Lenin str., 664007, Irkutsk, Russian Federation.

Svetlana Inkizhinova

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the Russian Society of Sociologists. Address: 236b/4 Baikal str., 664075, Irkutsk, Russian Federation.

Denis Shkurin

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Sociology of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the Ural Federal University. Address: 19 Mira str., 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.

How to Cite
FedotovD., InkizhinovaS., & ShkurinD. (2024). Measuring Corruption in the Irkutsk Region: A Sociological Approach. Journal of Economic Sociology, 25(3), 123-159. Retrieved from
Insight from the Regions